Rabassa, Robert P 
Rabun, Clifford G
Radebaugh, Bernard J 
Rader, William S 
Raese, Warren G
Rafferty, Henry E Jr 
Ragel, Dale E
Rahn, Lehman W 
Railing, Charles F Jr 
Raistrick, Albert G
Rajcula, George S 
Raker, Homer E
Raley, Stonewall J 
Ramaika, Joseph J
Randall, Jack H 
Rankin, Earl W
Rape, Sylvester H "Dutch" 
Rapp, John W
Rasch, Abraham J 
Rasmussen, Gerald G "Jerry"
Ratay, Joseph B
Ratford, Edward V 
Ratliff, Leonard E 
Rattay, August V
Rawlings, Bernard W
Rawlings, Loren F
Ready, William C 
Reale, Joseph C
Reaves, Vaughn 
Reber, Ehle H 
Reddig, Arthur E 
Redhage, Louis H
Redhead, George R 
Redmond, Robert L
Reed, John A
Reed, John F
Reed, John W (Bill) 
Reed, Paul E
Reedy, Jack A
Reese, Bobbie B 
Reece, Robert H
Reese, Vincent J 
Reeves, Howard Eugene
Reeves, Jim S 
Reichel, Fred E
Reid, Clair P 
Reid, Harold C 
Reider, Enrique M "Ricky"
Reimche, George K
Rein, William E
Reino, Thomas J 
Reiss, Raymond F 
Reith, Fred J 
Relford, Robert R
Remolde, Eugene J
Renaud, Robert K
Rencher, Jack P   
Renner, Warner E
Rennie, Robert P 
Repsher, Wilfred H
Resto, Clement J 
Rettinhouse, Robert A 
Retzlaff, Robert R
Reuss, Lester E 
Reynolds, Charles E 
Reynolds, James B
Reynolds, Ralph J 
Reynolds, Robert R 
Rheaume, Louis W 
Rhodes, Carney C Jr
Rhodes, Edward B 
Rhodes, Kenneth C
Rhodes, William H "Bill"
Rhyne, John C Jr
Rhyne, Samuel A Jr
Ribesky, John V
Rice, Bernard 
Rice, Charles G Jr 
Rice, Dale W
Rice, John E 
Richardson, Donald R
Richardson, Thomas L 
Richeson, Marvin G Jr
Richmond, James W
Richter, Eldon F
Riddick, McDonald L 
Rike, Thomas L Jr 
Riley, Lloyd S
Ringen, Walter E Jr 
Riordan, James C 
Ririe, George M Jr 
Roach, Harry E Jr
Roberts, Frank A
Roberts, Johnny E
Roberts, Raymond K 
Roberts, Sumner L
Robertson, William III 
Robey, Harry A Jr
Robichaud, Joseph E
Robinson, Arthur H Jr 
Robinson, George L
Robinson, Robert B
Robinson, Walter B 
Robrock, Paul A
Rocco, Patsy 
Roche, William J 'Bill" 
Rochester, Eugene E
Rocketto, Harold J
Rodgers, John E
Rodock, Nicholas 
Rodriguez, James E Jr
Rodriguez, Transito 
Roesner, Elmer W 
Rogers, Clem W Jr
Rogers, Ennis L 'Buck'
Rogers, James T MD
Rogers, Oron J 
Rogers, Wiley A
Rogers, Winford E 
Rohaly, Andrew Jr
Rohner, William L
Rohrer, Elbert R
Rohrlich, Robert E 
Rolfson, Jack G
Roller, Jack
Roman, Joseph T
Romig, Eugene A
Romstad, Alfred N
Roode, William A
Root, Carmen W 
Rosborough, Robert H
Rose, Elvern E
Rose, Jack W
Rose, Joseph E
Roseland, Ralph A 
Rosier, Robert L 
Ross, Ben A 
Ross, Harry C 
Ross, Joseph M Jr
Ross, Lawrence D 
Ross, Madison H 
Ross, Milt I 
Rosser, Samuel E 
Rossman, Carl H
Roswal, Frederick 
Roszell, Thomas M 
Roth, Andrew P
Roth, Charles L 
Roth, Ernest L 
Roth, Reinhart E
Roughley, Vachel 
Rowan, Frederick L  
Rowan, Richard E
Rowe, O.Z.
Rowland, Samuel L 
Rowlett, Samuel A Jr
Rowsell, Charles D 
Roy, Arnold K
Royar, Frederic J 
Ruark, Blaine R
Ruder, George A 
Rudolph, Gabriel
Ruiz, Arthur F 
Rukes, Merlyn D 
Rundus, Joseph F 
Runge, Walter E 
Runnels, Billy L
Rush, Cleve C 
Rusk, Donald M
Russell, Edwin C 
Russell, Francis H 
Russo, William D 
Rutiser, Jacob
Rutt, Donald H 
Ryan, Clayton W
Ryan, Francis J
Rybaltowski, Vincent
Rydquist, Roy K
Saam, Donal W
Sabine, George E
Sable, Roy A
Sacco, Anthony J
Sachau, William
Sadler, James K
Sager, Richard A
Sahli, Othmar P 
Saiz, Reinaldo J
Salazar, Jose C 
Salk, Harvey M
Sampson, Norman A
Sanchez, Crispin E
Santella, Albert C
Sample, Harry T Jr 
Sanders, Coleman 
Sanders, Roy C
Sanders, Wilbur R 
Sanderson, Clarence V
Sanderson, Ellis J
Sandhagen, Paul R 
Sandler, David L
Sanelli, Floyd S 
Sanfacon, Donald E
Sanford, Isaac N Jr 
Sangster, Robert H 
Sansum, Harry R 
Santerre, Homer N 
Santiwan, Nicholas
Sapak, Aloysius I
Sapienza, Samuel R
Satre, Leland H 
Saucier, William E
Sauer, George N
Saum, Lisle G 
Saumsiegle, Robert W
Saunders, Frank A Jr 
Savela, Wilho A
Sawicki, Joseph R 
Sawyer, Robert B Jr
Sayre, Dorwin D
Sbrolla, Emilio M 
Scalco, Robert 
Schaafsma, Peter
Schacht, Richard O
Schaefer, Edward W "Ned"
Scharch, Richard G 
Scheer, Harold
Scheibman, Herman L
Schenker, Murray 
Scheuermann, Edwin P
Schieber, Fred E
Schieferstein, Ernest G "Dutch"
Schieving, Sebastianius
Schilling, Dale E 
Schlemmer, Darrel S
Schlottmann, Jerome D
Schmeltzer, Charles S
Schmidt, Elmer J
Schmidt, Nicholas J 
Schmitt, Lawrence G 
Schmoldt, Harold D
Schnabel, Ralph D
Schneider, Dale E
Schneider, Joseoph R
Schneiderman, Henry G Sr 
Schobert, William A Jr 
Schoch, Philip M 
Scholz, Charles F
Schools, Clarence M
Schoonmaker, Elwood 
Schor, John 
Schow, Clifton P 
Schrader, Harold L
Schroll, David A
Schueler, Jon
Schuler, Frank H
Schulstad, Lewis "Mel" 
Schultz, J William
Schultz, John W 
Schultz, Melvin E
Schultz, Milo Robert
Schulz, Arthur W
Schulz, Harry H
Schumacher, Bernard
Schwartz, George E
Schwartz, Vernon E 'Gene' 
Schwarzenbach, Don J 
Schweinebraten, Leslie H  
Scott, Charles F Jr
Scott, Harold L
Scott, Harold P 
Scott, Howard E
Sears, Glenn W 
Seaton, Russell D
Seddon, John R
See, Cecil J
Seelock, Joseph J
Seidel, Harry S 
Seidler, Howard A
Seitz, Carl W
Selberg, Maurice K
Self, Cameron L 
Selich, Nicholas
Semonick, Martin A
Senechal, Albert J
Senior, George T 
Sexton, Charles E
Sexton, Edward J
Seymour, Samuel
Shamban, Marcus F
Shanafelt, Arthur S C 
Shanahan, Kenneth
Shane, Leon H
Shanker, Herbert M
Shanks, John D 
Shankweiler, Stanley R
Sharp, Bryant M
Sharwood, Richard G
Shaughnessy, William J
Shaw, Burnham E Jr
Shaw, Floyd J
Shayler, Walter K
Shebeck, Daniel A 
Sheehan, Arthur E Jr 
Sheets, Earl W
Sheets, Robert W 
Sheldon, Robert M 
Shell, Elbert P
Shellman, Carl E
Shelly, James F
Shemwell, John T
Shepherd, Leo H
Sherg, Anthony
Sheridan, Charles C 
Sherman, Homer R
Sherman, John H 
Sherrill, Elliotte W 
Sherwin, Claude W 
Shields, Edward F Jr 
Shimanek, William D "Bill"
Shipp, Gene K 
Shirley, Lloyd A
Shokal, William V 
Shook, Victor N 
Shope, George W Jr. 
Shotsinger, Raymond A
Shotton, Arthur D.
Shoup, John R Jr
Shoup, Noel E 
Shrader, James F
Shuhart, Norman L
Shumake, Glynn F 
Shumar, Carl K 
Sidders, Wallace V 
Siegel, Edwin
Sigurdson, Elden A 
Sikora, Charles A Jr.
Sileo, Joseph J 
Silva, Carlos J
Silver, Jack

by Sylvan Kamens and Jack Riemer
At the rising of the sun
and at its going down,
We remember them.
At the blowing of the wind
and in the chill of winter,
We remember them.
At the opening of the buds
and in the rebirth of spring,
We remember them.
At the shining of the sun
and in the warmth of summer,
We remember them.
At the rustling of the leaves
and in the beauty of autumn,
We remember them.
As long as we live,
they too will live;
for they are now a part of us,
As we remember them.
Simmons, Thomas L
Simno, William R
Simon, Gustaf J 
Simon, William Walter Jr 
Simons, Harry D
Simonte, Phillip
Simpkins, William H
Simpson, Elmer E
Simpson, John H
Sims, Allen R
Sims, Henry L
Sink, Robert K 
Sinopoli, Louis B 
Sipe, Ray R
Sipes, William C Jr.
Sirany, George R 
Skarsten, Albert S
Skinner, Donald E 
Skoner, Edmund J
Skotsky, Louis A. Jr
Skubal, Joseph J
Slagle, Jack A
Slate, Ralph W 
Slauson, Leon H
Slawson, Merritt O "Chappie" 
Slight, Joseph L 
Slingsby, Harold G
Sloan, Walter E
Slusser, Walter
Smirnes, E 'Nick' Jr
Smith, Abbott M
Smith, Alfred I
Smith, Benjamin H
Smith, Carlton M
Smith, Charles W
Smith, Donald R 
Smith, Donald S "Smitty"
Smith, Frank D
Smith, Gene K 
Smith, Grafton N
Smith, Harold S 
Smith, Herbert M
Smith, Jack C
Smith, James W
Smith, Jimmie R
Smith, Marshall L 
Smith, Nathan E
Smith, Oaks H 
Smith, Orphus Jr
Smith, Richard L "Spider"
Smith, Robert W 
Smith, Roland M Jr
Smith, Samuel W "Sam" 
Smith, Teddy A 
Smith, Theodore R 
Smith, Walter E
Smith, William A
Smith, William H
Smith, Woodrow W 
Smoleroff, Theodore 
Smyth, Samuel W
Snell, Edward A
Snell, Jack D 
Snider, Harley D
Snoddy, Archie E
Snyder, Edgar E 
Snyder, Richard N
Sofianek, Joseph C
Sofield, Lester A 
Sole, John A
Solverson, Robert K
Soria, Peter 
Sorenson, Robert
Sorese, Leonard V 
Souder, Lee F Jr 
Soule, Evan R 
Southworth, Billy B Jr. 
Spanos, James Michael 
Sparks, William C 
Sparks, Willie T
Spears, Ben R Jr
Speer, Louis E 
Spell, Jewett
Spence, Thomas R
Spencer, Charles W 
Spencer, James P 
Sperindeo, Pat G
Spindler, Ben L
Spitzfaden, Robert E 
Spoerri, Felix M
Spooner, Ramon L 
Sprague, Floyd A
Sprague, Wendell
Spring, Benjamin F
Sprinkles, LeBurn D
Spruner, Donald L
St. Julien, John D
Stafford, Frank W 
Stafford, Warren Jr 
Stallings, George V Jr
Staner, Billie L
Stangohr, Bruce C 
Stansbury, Edward P 
Stark, Joseph
Starr, Benjamin
Stata, Charles M 
Statton, Roy F “Steve”
Staub, Emory
Stauffer, Robert N 
Stauter, Herman L 
Stavast, James A 
Steele, Albert C Jr 
Steele, Earl A 
Steele, William C
Steely, Hobart H
Steen, Joseph L
Steffey, Warner J 
Stein, William G
Steinberg, Clifford
Steineman, James T
Steinheiser, Marion C
Steinmetz, Harry G 
Stenger, John J Jr
Stephan, Kenneth R
Stephan, Paul C 
Stephen, Willard W
Stephens, Chad W
Stephens, Walton M
Stephens, William H
Stephenson, Carl E
Sterling, Jay R
Sternberg, Moses A.
Stettler, Donald G 
Stevens, Joseph E
Stevens, Kermit D
Stevens, Wayne O 
Stevenson, Clarence E
Stevenson, Robert L 
Stevenson, Robert L 
Stewart, Frederick A
Stewart, Jack W
Stewart, James Delos 
Stewart, James L
Stewart, John R 
Stewart, Paul C 
Stiegel, Robert G
Stiver, Merrill M
Stockman, Kenneth H
Stockton, Donald E 
Stoffregen, William E 
Stone, Elbert E "Tee" 
Stone, Vernon W
Stoner, Charles H 
Storer, Charles R 
Stoulil, Donald W
Stouse, Harold L 
Stout, Burl G 
Stout, Otis T
Stover, Edward J
Stover, Herman C 
Stoy, Arthur M
Strahan, Everette E
Strange, Jospeh B
Strash, George V
Street, Benjamin B
Streicher, Ralph E 
Stricker, Walter
Strickland, Alexander C 
Stroud, George E. Jr.
Strough, Kenneth C
Strouse, Jacob J 
Strouse, Willis R 
Struck, Thomas H
Struppa, Reed L
Stuart, Norman L 
Stubb, Harry G
Studt, Allo L 
Stuermer, John W
Stumpff, George W 
Stuphar, Stephen 
Sturgis, Gerald S 
Subkowsky, Harry 
Sudborough, Wayne D
Sudderth, Ralph M Jr
Sulcofski, Francis
Sullens, Tom C
Sulley, Oda
Sumarlidason, Arni L
Summers, Thomas E
Sunderlin, Joseph R 
Supornick, Meyer 
Surrell, John M 
Susskind, Harold A. "Hal" 
Sutherland, John R
Sutherland, Thomas A 
Svare, Neal J
Swaffer, Calvin A
Swain, Norman F
Swank, Verden Devoe 
Swanson, Harry F
Swanson, J W
Swanson, Richard A
Swanson, Theodore G 
Swanson, Walter C "Bud" 
Sweed, Nathan
Sweeney, Charles R
Swenson, Glen R 
Swierczynski, Edward
Swindle, Robert J 
Sysel, William A 
Syler, Allen B
Tableman, Glen A
Tamaika, Joseph J
Tambe, Angelo J 
Tanner, Merlin A
Tapley, Thomas W 
Tapp, Leonard Z
Tarr, Carl P
Tartaglia, Raymond
Tarvid, Arthur J
Tasker, Richard F
Tate, Royce C 
Taub, Francis R
Tavvab, Lee J 
Taxon, Rubin 
Taylor, Claude F 
Taylor, James B "Jim"
Taylor, Joseph B
Taylor, Robert G
Taylor, Robert L 
Telford, Donald R
Tellinghuisen, Oscar A 
Tempesta, David
Tepper, Morris
Tercek, Joseph J 
Terrell, Russel F 
Terrill, Jack W
Terry, Charles R "Chuck" 
Testone, Taldino
Testoni, William A
Teter, Winston C 
Tharp, Shelby O.
Theisen, Robert J
Thomas, Cosby D
Thomas, Earl N
Thomas, Edward H Jr
Thomas, George S 
Thomas, Hal B, Jr 
Thomas, Lawrence W 
Thomas, Woodrow B 
Thompson, Bernard
Thompson, Frank H 
Thompson, Frederick A
Thompson, Jack Jr
Thompson, James P 
Thompson, John A
Thorburn, Donald M
Thornton, Edmund R
Thornton, Leonard E 
Thorson, Ellwood J
Thrasher, John P 
Thurlow, Othniel B 
Thurmon, John A 
Tichenor, Lawrence W 
Tielman, William A 
Tiley, Kenneth E.
Tilsen, Cyril "Cy"
Timkey, William R
Timm, Harold R "Red" 
Timmins, Jack L 
Tingley, Loy E 
Tinklenberg, John M 
Tippet, Paul S 
Tipton, Bill B
Tisdale, Elmo O
Tognetti, Paul A 
Toler, William M
Tomlinson, Alfred
Toney, James R Jr
Toon, William D
Torley, Donald W
Torre, Leo A
Torretto, Louis F
Toth, Ernest 
Touhey, Ernest H 
Townsend, Charles D
Tractman, Bernard L
Trant, Wayne L
Traver, Leslie F
Travis, Gilbert P 
Travis, Robert F 
Travis, William L 
Traylor, Lloyd S 
Treece, Charles E 
Tremelling, Claude C 
Tressler, Norman J
Tripp, Jesse E 
Tripp, John J
Trojan, Joseph E "Jay" 
Troppman, Walter W
Troy, Edward J 
Trubela, John
Trudo, Rupert A "Pete"
Tucker, Harry W
Tudor, Mark
Tuescher, Ernest
Tulloss, John
Tupper, Theron S
Turkel, George
Turkington, Calvin G 
Turinsky, George
Turner, Frank R Jr
Turner, Duane O
Turner, James W 
Turner, John R
Turner, Kenzie H 
Turner, Leonard A 
Turnipseed, Felix M Jr 
Twomey, John M
Tyler, Clair A 
Tyler, Samuel L
Tyler, Seymour K
Uhl, Willard
Uhls, William Joseph 
Ulbricht, Walter E 
Ulrich, Carl L 
Umberger, Robert C
Umphress, F E "Frank" 
Underdown, Sidney L 
Underwood, Clifford B 
Underwood, George E 
Union, Alfred M 
Urban, John E 
Vail, Robert F 
Van Antwerp, Robert G
Van Derhei, Vivian 
Van Drunen, Cornelius
Van Duzer, Sheldon
Van Dyke, Alfred B 
Van Etten, James R 
Van Fleet, Robert W 
Van George, James
Van Geyten, John J
Van Hazebroeck, Louis C
Van Horn, Everett E
VanLandingham, Armond O
VanLandingham, John C
Van Ornum, Charles S 
Van Ravenstein, Edward A 
Van Wie, John A 
Van Zandt, Roland
Varner, Clarles C 
Vasel, Warren T 
Vasquez, Manuel 
Vastine, Robert E
Vateckas, Coster R
Vaughan, Thomas S
Vell, O Lawrence 
Vesy, Gilbert P 
Vieira, Joseph 
Villasenor, Oscar 
Villemin, Richard S
Vinal, Richard P
Vincent, Richard M
Vincent, Ronald J
Virag, Andy R 
Viszneki, John Gaspar 
Vitale, Hector F
Voepel, Alois R
Vogel, Cletus H
Vogel, George W 
Vogel, Joe B 
Vogel, Sebastian L
Volk, Anthony D "Tony" 
Volpini, Peter M
Volmer, Lawrence O
Volz, Raymond J 
Volz, Robert J
Von Behren, Gilbert
Von Holdt, Richard E
Voorhees, Burton K
Vosler, Forrest L MOH 
Voth, Lester J
Vowels, Donovan E
Wade, Murray W Jr
Wade, Robert E
Waffle, Ormal J "Jack"
Waggoner, Richard C
Wagle, Albert D
Wagner, Clyde E
Wagner, Donald G 
Wagner, Donald L 
Wagner, Lloyd E 
Wagner, William H
Wakefield, Richard E 
Walder, Ralph
Waldron, Leo F 
Walenta, Clarence V 
Walker, Harold J
Walker, John H 
Walker, Lewis M 
Walker, Raymon G 
Walker, William J
Wall, Claudia W
Wall, J Albert
Wall, Thomas P
Wallen, George A 
Walley, Glen B
Walling, Glenn R 
Walsh, Charles E 
Walsh, Myles J
Walsh, Vincent X
Walter, George M 
Walter, Ira J 
Walters, John E
Walters, Joseph H 
Walters, Kermit L
Waltmire, Harrel A
Warburton, Arlis F
Warchol, Edmund B
Ward, Grady B
Ward, James H
Ward, Lamont C
Ward, Robert C
Ward, Sidney D
Wardowski, Stanley 
Warmuth, Werner G
Warne, Ralph N 
Warner, Jesse B
Warner, Robert J
Warner, Vester W
Warren, James B
Warren, James D
Warren, Russell M
Washburn, Robert H 
Watson, Byron W
Watson, Jack W
Watson, James R
Watson, James A
Watson, Judson "Fred"
Way, Henry G 
Weaver, Jack W
Weaver, Robert J
Weaver, Thomas E 
Weaver, William R 
Webbink, Elvin F 
Webster, Richard E
Weddington, William E
Weems, Thomas L
Weepie, Robert F
Weil, Frank P 
Weinandt, Bernard M
Weinberg, Howard G 
Weinheimer, Joseph J
Weise, Gerald W
Weise, William A Jr
Weiss, Armin 
Weiss, Leonard E 
Welch, James R 
Welsh, Harry A
Welshon, Frank E Jr
Wentland, Howard H
Wentworth, Richard H
Wentz, Robert D 
Wentz, Rollin L 
Werner, William L
Wertz, Robert M
Werzbach, Clemens
Westfall, Albert R Jr
Westfall, Max
Westmoreland, Thomas J
Whalon, William R 
Wheeler, Roland E
Wheless, Hewitt T
Whippo, Lawrence
Whitaker, James W
Whitaker, Joseph C
White, Frank M 
White, Franklin F
White, Gerald A 
White, James I 'Jim'
White, John B
White, John H Jr
White, Otis M
White, Raymond E
White, Van R 
Whitesell, Russell O 
Whitley, Homer L.
Whitney, Julius W
Whitman, William A
Whitson, Claud B
Whittall, Ernest A
Whitten, Cleveland W 
Wichmann, Ernst A
Wiegand, Donald A
Wiegand, Lynwood D 
Wiezbenski, Anthony J
Wiggins, Warren S 
Wilhelm, Frederick H
Wilhelm, Raymond G
Wike, Leonard L 
Wilder, Leroy W 
Willet, Clarence B
Williams, Eugene F
Williams, Gaylon C 
Williams, Horace D Jr
Williams, Ira Jack 
Williams, James O
Williams, John T
Willis, Arnold A
Willison, Warren
Willman, Robert D
Willson, Louis H 
Wilson, Alfred D
Wilson, Benjamin H
Wilson, Clarence G 
Wilson, Claud Jr 
Wilson, David L 
Wilson, Donald M
Wilson, Donald R
Wilson, Fred F
Wilson, Johnnie R
Wilson, Lawrence E
Wilson, Thomas E
Winfield, Robert P Jr
Wingle, Paul R
Winiger, Bernard A 
Winkleman, Paul J 
Winkler, Gordon A
Winters, Craig W
Winter, Raymond K Jr 
Wirth, Gordon L
Wise, Calder L 
Wismer, Donald E
Wisniewski, Alexander
Witchey, Francis M
Withers, Frederick J 
Witkas, Clarence L
Witt, Orville S 
Witters, Roland C 
Witterstetter, Gene A 
Woddrop, Edward M 
Wodinsky, Abraham
Wokersien, James T
Wolf, Frederick G
Wolf, Robert J "Red"
Wolf, Lawrence M 
Wolff, Leonard H
Wolff, William E
Wolford, Roy Vincent
Wollsieffer, Adolph J
Wolverton, Marvin B
Wood, James
Wood, Stuart K
Wood, Vere A
Wood, Warren C
Woodley, Robert F 
Woodman, George C
Woodruff, Dwight A
Woods, Arthur H 
Woods, Lyle C 
Woodside, William E 
Woodson, William H
Woodward, Thomas J
Woodworth, Kenneth R
Woolpert, John C
Worthington, Arthur J
Worthington, Joseph G
Worthley, Joe R
Wright, Charles E 
Wright, Donald M
Wright, George E
Wroblewski, Zygmunt
Wyatt, William A
Wylde, James E
Wyly, Glen R
Wyner, Maxwell I 
Wysocki, Walter 
Yager, Lamoine D 
Yandon, Keith E
Yaniga, Martin
Yannie, Emilio J Jr
Yarnall, Winfield L 
Yattaw, Robert H
Yeatman, Trezevant P
Yepes, William J
Yerke, Frederick W
Yocum, Doal L
Yonkman, Robert J
York, Franklin F
York, Raymond E
Young, Warren I
Zachar, William P. “Bill” 
Zaitz, Louis
Zarelli, Michael L
Zaorski, Roman R 
Zaphiriou, James G
Zasadil, Frank E
Zawacki, Eugene L
Zdzieblo, Joseph J.
Zeitner, Howard H 
Zetlmaier, Kenneth Thomas
Zenick, Thomas E
Zerr, John C
Zewert, Arthur J
Ziegler, Roland R
Zieminski, Edward A 
Zientar, Matthew S
Zierk, George W
Ziesche, Charles W
Zimba, Peter P
Zimmer, Erwin C 
Znidersich, Louis E 
Zsampar, Joseph G "Zip" 
Zuzock, Martin J
Zwayer, James P 
Zweck, William 