Adams, Karen
(Boise, ID)
1Lt Jack P. Rencher (358th BS)
Anderson, James
(Homestead, FL)
Sgt Eston R. Anderson (359th BS)
Aylmer, Thomas Huckins
(Yarmouth Port, MA)
2Lt Earl R Huckins (360 BS) (KIA 28 September 1944)
Babbitt, Jonathan
(BC, Canada)
Sgt Bruce E. Babbitt (360th BS)
Ballagh, Adair
(Burwell, NE)
2Lt Gordon A. Ballagh (360th BS - POW)
Balzano, Christopher
(Winter Springs, FL)
In honor of my Dad, Christopher Balzano Sr. (358th BS), who will always remain in my heart and soul, and
all those who served in the 303rd.
Bannister Family
(Turnersville, NJ)
S/Sgt Walter E. Hein (359th BS)
Barlow, Chris & Family
(Nottinghamshire, UK)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
To all at the 303rd: Your good work then and now will always be remembered.
Barnts, Tom
(Sedro Woolley, WA)
T/Sgt Warren E. Barnts (359th BS)
Bartholomy, Richard
(Myrtle Beach, SC)
2Lt Frank Bartholomy (358th BS)
Bartron, Allan
(Camp Hill, PA)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Bauman, Andrew
(Landenberg, PA)
S/Sgt Gerhard W. Loessin (358th BS)
Baxter, Larry
(Burlington, VT)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Beard, CMSgt Edward D.
(Aurora, OH)
2Lt Henry J. Eich (359th BS)(POW)
Bergeron, LtCol Willard H.
(San Antonio, TX)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Birken, Dr. Gary
(Hollywood, FL)
T/Sgt Irving Birken (360th BS)
Blauwkamp, Smanatha
(Albuquerque, NM)
S/Sgt Van R. White (358th BS)
Blondeau, Alexander
(Baton Rouge, LA)
Sgt Alexander L. Blondeau, Togglier, 358th BS
Bohlscheid, Kay L.
(Island Park, ID)
2Lt Fred Gano, Sr. (427th BS Pilot)
Bond, Randy
Sgt Acel E. Livingston (358th BS - Killed in Action) |
Bowman, Reed
(Berkeley, CA)
1Lt Louis F. Mikulich (358th BS Navigator)
Brabant, Michele (Roberts)
(Avon Park, FL)
2Lt Patrick Harold Brabant (359th BS Pilot)
Col Harry F. Jenkins, (359th Pilot)
Brady, Patricia
(Charlottesville, VA)
1Lt William J. Roche, Navigator and former President of 303rd BGA, national and Florida
Bregman, Howard
(Middleton, WI)
Capt Joseph Bregman (303rd Station Hospital)
Brian, Carol
(Allentown, PA)
T/Sgt Carville J Brian (E) (360th BS)
Brooks, Cathy
(Moultrie, GA)
Sgt William M. Magruder (358th BS)
Brown, James M.
(Charlotte, NC)
T/Sgt James L. Brown Jr. (358th BS)
Brown, Melvin
(Billings, MT)
To the 5 men of my 358th crew who did not survive our mission on 07/19/44
Buddingh, David
(Naperville, IL)
S/Sgt Fred Buddingh (358thBS)
Burden, Jan
(Westhampton Beach, NY)
1Lt Jack P. Rencher (358th BS)
Bush, Ray and Claire
(Pine Island, NY)
1Lt Louis T. Gennaro (359th BS)
Byers, Nancy Schultz
(Harrison Township, MI)
Lt. Milo Robert Schultz completed his final mission on June 25, 2017. He was the last surviving crew member of “Iza Vailable Too”. He served as the crew’s navigator and was seriously wounded during Group mission No. 177; which was also his 24th mission, on June 10, 1944 to Nantes, France.
Cambron, Richard
(Spring Lake, NJ )
1Lt Richard H. Cambron - (359BS) (KIA 1/21/45)
Campbell, Barbara
(Alexandria, VA)
T/Sgt Dick W. Jones, 360th BS Radio Operator. He is not alone, never forgotten.
Campbell, Vickie Moncur
(La Quinta, CA)
1Lt Vern L. Moncur (359th BS)
Case, Dorothea
(Rochester, MN)
Capt Spencer F. Case (359th BS)
Crossett, Drew
(Fair Oaks Ranch, TX)
2Lt Edwin E. Mims, Jr. (360th BS) (KIA 2 October 1943)
Christoff, Christ
(Merrillville, IN)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Claster, Andrew
(Arlington, VA)
1Lt Stanley M. Claster (359th BS)
Clifton, David
(Decatur, GA)
LtCol David S. Clifton (360th BS)
Cochran, Michael
(Rileyville, VA)
F/O Gomer W. "Bill" Cochran (360th BS Navigator)
Cohen, Terri
(Newport Beach, CA)
T/Sgt Eugene F. Edwards (358th BS)
Conver, Jean
(Kettering, OH)
Capt Milton K. Conver (427th BS)
Conver, Tim
(Kettering, OH)
The USAAF/303rd BG Pioneers of 1942
Cook, Debbie
(Cohasset, MA)
2Lt Jackson Palmer, Jr (358BS)(KIA)
Coon, Rod
(Marlton, NJ)
Cpl. Edward L. Gallagher (863rd Chemical Company)
Copie, Thierry
(Carlisle, MA)
Captain Arnold S. Litman (358BS), and in cherished memory of my grand parents Fernand and Victorine Copie, and my dad Fernand Copie junior, whose lives became intertwined in the French town of Reims, the last 2 weeks of August 1944.
Coppom, Gary Dail
(Boulder, CO)
1Lt John F. Coppom (358th BS Pilot)
Corbin, John
(Reno, NV)
2Lt Frederick A. Corbin (359th BS Bombardier/Navigator)
Cornwell, Harold D.
(Phoenix, AZ)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Cossey, Ray
(Norwich, Norfolk, UK)
All the many friends I have in the 303rd BG Association
Crawford, Kathy (McCutcheon)
(Sierra Vista, AZ)
1Lt George E. McCutcheon (358th BS)
Dahmen, Wally and Jeanne
(Pullman, WA)
1Lt Walter J. Mayer (358th BS Pilot)
Dahnke, William
(Poway, CA)
2Lt Leonard Dahnke (360th BS, Bombardier, POW Stalag Luft I)
De Bartolo, Robert
(McHenry, IL)
Albert L. De Bartolo, Chicago IL (360th BS)
Deerfield, Eddie
(Palm Harbor, FL)
Capt Robert W. Cogswell (360th BS)
All who were Killed in Action or Prisoners of War
To honor the memory of each 303rd BG veteran who has passed on.
DeShon, Margaret
(Collegeville, PA)
Samuel Marvicsin (Pilot, 8th AF) and Steven Marvicsin (Crew Chief, AVG in China)
Dombrosky, Fran and Craig
(Berlin, NJ)
S/Sgt Walter E. Hein (359th BS)
Donnelly, Mark
(New York, NY)
S/Sgt James F. Donnelly (427th BS)
Douglas, Clyde
(Madison, AL)
Those who did not return
Douglass, Earl B. Jr.
(Cashiers, NC)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Dubishar, W. Craig
(Herndon, VA)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Durica, David
(Warrenton, VA)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Dussliere, Al and Lorene
(East Moline, IL)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Eberly, Bonny
(Binghamton, NY)
S/Sgt Charles Park Eberly, 427th BS, Eugene Flick Crew)
Eckert, Terry
(Las Vegas, NV)
Sgt Merle W. Eckert (359th BS)
Edleman, Harry
(Miami Beach, FL)
Sgt Robert W. Edleman, 358th BS, Harry E. Nester Crew
Edmisten, Lance
(Modesto, CA)
T/Sgt Gordon R. Miller, 360th BS Radio Operator
Eisenhart, Col William E.
(St. Petersburg, FL)
2Lt Mary Shore Eisenhart (303rd Sta. Hosp.)
Emmons, Deborah
(Boise, ID)
1Lt Jack P. Rencher (358th BS)
Fahey, Marilyn App
(Fort Wayne, IN)
1Lt Robert G. "Bob" App (360th BS)
Farrah, Louis
(Lawrence, MA)
Capt Albert L. Farrah (427th BS)(POW)
Feyne, Stephanie
(New York, NY)
Buddy Feyne (Lyricist and Composer)
Fiddyment, Andrew
(Anna, TX)
Capt Donald Lawrence Grant (358th BS Navigator) (KIA: June 9, 1944)
Fitzsimmons, Evan
(Palo Cedro, CA)
Kent M. Fitzsimmons (360th BS) (My brother - KIA)
Fliege, Charlayne Rowsell
(Los Angeles, CA)
Maj Charles D. Rowsell (303rd HQ)
F/O Louis C. Grandwilliams (359th BS Pilot and dear friend)
Fojt, LTC Alan “A.J.”, USA Ret
(Manassas, VA)
T/Sgt Oldrich Fojt (38th Recon Sqdn/427th Bomb Sqdn)
Fowler, Mike
(Daniel Island, SC)
1Lt Robert R. Fowler (360th BS Pilot)
Franz, John
(Richmond, CA)
H. J. Franz (21st Weather Squadron)
Franzem, Kevin
(St. Clair Shores, MI)
George W. Franzen and the rest of Capt. Fisher's Crew KIA on MAX 4-29-44
Freeman, Ronald C., DDS
(Downers Grove, IL)
2Lt Clyde E. Freeman (358th BS)
Galbraith, Rob
(Pittsburgh, PA)
2Lt Robert E. Galbraith (358th BS)
Glaesemann, Kathy (Mayer) Johnson
(Cheney, WA)
1Lt Harry D. Gobrecht (358th BS)
1Lt Jack P. Rencher (358th BS)
"The Molesworth Pilot" Newsletter
Great men and dear friends Mel Schulstad, Bill Heller and Ed Miller
My dear Dad, Walter Mayer
Godwin, Elizabeth
(Santa Clarita, CA)
Every brave soul who served in the 303rd BG
Goetz, John
(South Charleston, WV)
1st Lt. William H. Goetz (427th BS)
Gould, Steven
(Brookhaven, NY)
2Lt Charles L. Gould (360th BS)(POW)
Grant, Lloyd J.H.
(Lakeland, FL)
2Lt Lawrence H. Grant and the Capt Donald Stockton Crew (427th BS)
Gray, Peter
T/Sgt Alexander W. Gray (359th BS)
Hangartner, Mary Jo
(Decorah, IA)
Sgt James M. Pierce (358th BS)
Hansen, Rob & Babette & family
(Centennial, CO)
1Lt H. Dean Hansen (358th BS)(POW), father, grandfather, soldier, hero
Harbarger, David
(Lakewood, OH)
M/Sgt Martin M. Harbarger (358th BS)(POW)
Harbarger, Floyd R. Family & Sons
(Akron, OH)
M/Sgt Martin M. Harbarger (358th BS)(POW)
Hardy, James S.
(Williamsburg, VA)
F/O James H. Hardy (427th BS)
Harp, Ken
(Saint Augustine, FL)
WWII B-17 Bomber Crews. If not for your brave actions, we would all be speaking German today.
Hassler, Jason
(Salina, KS)
T/Sgt Kenneth C. Hassler (360th BS) |
Hastie, Keith
(Amherst, MA)
1Lt Harry S. Cook and the Crew of Tiny Angel |
Heller, William C.
(Las Vegas, NV)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Henry, Jeanne Hand
(New Market, AL)
Sgt Victor G. Hand (358th BS)(KIA)
Hemminger, Mary
(Nashville, TN)
Capt Robert L. Johnson (303rd Tower)
1Lt Walter J. Mayer (358th BS Pilot)
Hendry, Michael
(Orange Park, FL)
Capt. John W. Hendry Jr. (358th BS) Ex-POW, Hells Angel's pilot, and great father. RIP Dad.
Hlavac, Andrew
(Hopatcong, NJ)
S/Sgt George C. Hlavac (360th BS)(POW)
Hoelscher, Elizabeth
(Lino Lakes, MN)
S/Sgt Mathias J. Kremeravac (358th BS)(POW)
Holtorf, Gary
(Longmont, CO)
1Lt Ernest H. Holtorf
Hoyt, William
1Lt Otis A. Hoyt
Huckins, Joan
(Yarmouthport, MA)
2Lt Earl R. Huckins (360th BS) (KIA 28 September 1944)
Hutton, Joann C.
(Philadelphia, PA)
Sgt Joseph T. Ogurchak (359th BS)
Idaho Sub-Contractors Bid Service, Inc.
(Boise, ID)
1Lt Jack P. Rencher (358th BS)
Jacobsen, Norman and Shirley
(Lacey, WA)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Janstrom, Tom and Corinne
(Boise, ID)
1Lt Jack P. Rencher (358th BS)
Remembering Jack P. Rencher on Veterans Day
In memory of Jack Rencher and all of the brave men of the 303rd.
Jenkins, John I.
(Alamogordo, NM)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Jenkins, Sharon L.
(Montgomery, AL)
S/Sgt William Henry Jenkins (358th BS)
Jungclas, Raymond A.
(Cherry Hill, NJ)
S/Sgt Walter E. Hein (359th BS)
Kentsbeer, William
(Monroe Twp, NJ)
All who serve or have served
Kerr, Thomas P.
(Sacramento, CA)
2Lt James R. Burns (358th BS)(KIA)
Ketner-Fink, Karen
(Lititz, PA)
2Lt Wilbert L. Ketner, Pilot 359 BS,
and 427 BS on Mission 364
Kilmer, Ron
(Boise, ID)
1Lt Jack P. Rencher (358th BS)
Klick, Kathryn
(Benton, LA)
T/Sgt Harold V. Keahey (358th BS)
Klingensmith, Mark
(Camp Hill, PA)
1Lt Russell S. Klingensmith (359th BS)
Klingensmith, Russell S.
(Camp Hill, PA)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Kuttkuhn, Kathi Torley
(Pontiac, MI)
1Lt Donald W. Torley (359th BS)
Kyler, Dorothy
(Mechanicsburg, PA)
2Lt Wilbert L. Ketner, B-17 Pilot,
303rd Bomb Group
Ladurini, Raymond A.
(Naples, FL)
Sgt Raymond R. Ladurini (360th BS)
Lamme, Edwin G.
(Santa Rosa, CA)
Capt Donald E. Stockton (427th BS)(KIA)
Larson, Eric
(Oak Ridge, TN)
The 384th Bomb Group
Lary, Josh
(Genoa City, WI)
S/Sgt Raymond W. Lary
Lazzara, Joseph
(Chandler, AZ)
All who serve the Flag
Lee, Derek
(Payson, UT)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Lopes, Elaine
(Cheney, WA)
1Lt Walter J. Mayer (358th BS Pilot)
Lehman, Thomas
(Bolingbrook, IL)
Cpl Eldon W. Lehman (358th BS)
Lewis, Kim Klingensmith
(Tazewell, VA)
1Lt Russell S. Klingensmith (359th BS)
Little, Trish (O'Leary)
(Laurel, MT)
Capt James W. O'Leary, Sr., pilot - 427th BS
Loessin, Robert
(Wilmington, DE)
S/Sgt Gerhard W. Loessin (358th BS)
Lungren, Bruce
(Boise, ID)
1Lt Jack P. Rencher (358th BS)
Madding, Janice
(Pleasanton, CA)
Sgt Ralph C. Brehl, Jr. (427th BS)
Magid, Kevin
(Tucker, GA)
2Lt Malcolm J. Magid (358th BS Copilot)
Magrady, Jane Conklin
(Ponce Inlet, FL)
1Lt James Milo Conklin, Jr. (360th BS Navigator)
Martin, Charles
(Hensley, AR)
Cpt Ewell R. McCright (POW on Beat's Me Crew)
S/Sgt Charles L. Roth (POW on Beat's Me Crew)
Martin, Katharine (Gano)
(Bosie, ID)
1Lt Frederick Gano (427th BS Pilot)
Mastronardi, Kathy
Sgt. Robert A. DiStasi (LWG)(KIA), John Morrin Crew
Matern, JoAnn (Moncur)
(Farmington, UT)
1Lt Vern L. Moncur (359th BS Pilot)
Mayer, Walter J.
(Cheney, WA)
1Lt Jack P. Rencher (358th BS),,
"The Molesworth Pilot" Newsletter
McCoy Robert C.
(Aloha, OR)
1Lt Jack P. Rencher (358th BS)
McCutchan, Eugene R.
(Phoenix, AZ)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
McGee, Joseph
(Dedham, MA)
T/Sgt Arnold S. Doran (359th BS)
McGilvray, John
(Warner, NH)
1Lt Richard L. "Pop" McGilvray (358th BS)
McKenzie, M David
(Mooresville, NC)
S/Sgt Malcome "Mac" McKenzie (427th BS)
McNamara, Holly
(Las Vegas, NV)
Nicholas A. Pepe (love you, Pups!)
McTaggart, Bobby Sue (Edwards) and Rev. James D.
(Branson, MO)
The service and life of Marvin R. Edwards of Branson, MO. A great partiot, father in law, friend, Christian, and gentleman.
Mente, Robert
(Carnegie, PA)
1Lt Robert A. Finley (360th BS)
Middelhuis, HGM
(Almere, Netherlands)
All Freedom Fighters
Miller, Dave and Robert
(Chino, CA)
LtCol Edgar C. "Ed" Miller (360th BS Pilot)
Miller, David, Rob and Owen
(Chino, CA)
LtCol Edgar C. "Ed" Miller (360th BS Pilot) - from his son David, his grandson Rob and his great grandson Owen Edgar, who he never got to meet.
Gary L. Moncur, for his great work keeping this history alive.
Minardi, Nick
(Windsor, Ontario, Canada)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Moncur, Gary and Susan
(St George, UT)
1Lt Vern L. Moncur (359th BS Pilot)
8,960 303rd BG American Heroes
Moncur, Michael and Laura
(St George, UT)
1Lt Vern L. Moncur (359th BS Pilot)
Morgan, Vicki Timmins
(Omaha, NE)
1Lt Jack L. Timmins (360th BS)(POW)
Morrin, James R.
(Chicago, IL)
2Lt John R. Morrin (360th BS)
360th BS 2Lt John R. Morrin Crew
Mosbarger, Kenneth
(La Junta, CO)
USA Armed Forces
Neuner, Frank and Mary
(Pensacola, FL)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Newell, Leslie Jean
(Hendersonville, NC)
1Lt Richard M. Newell (360th BS)
Newman, Bonnie and Barry
(Southport, NC)
S/Sgt Gerhard W. Loessin (358th BS)
Nowlin, Clint
(Boise, ID)
1Lt Jack P. Rencher (358th BS)
Nored, Ed
(Magalia, CA)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Norman, Jeremy
(Norfolk, United Kingdom)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
O'Cain, Mike
(Montgomery, AL)
1Lt James H. O'Cain (359th BS)
Olander Family Foundation
(San Jose, CA)
S/Sgt Philip A. Olander (359th BS)(POW)
Olander, Ronald
(San Jose, CA)
S/Sgt Philip A. Olander (359th BS)(POW)
O'Leary, James W. Jr.
(Castle Rock, CO)
Capt James W. O'Leary Sr. (427th BS) 303rd Bomb Group Veterans
O'Leary, James W. Sr.
(Denver, CO)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
O'Reilly, Barbara.
(Thousand Oaks, CA)
S/Sgt Charles J. Fulanovich (358th BG), and all those that flew the skies
Page, Melanie and Rocky
(Derwood, MD)
2Lt Ralph E. Page (427th BS)(POW)
Palmer, Bill
(Chicago, IL)
2Lt. Robert H. Palmer (301st BG)(POW)
Park, Betty
(Chewelah, WA)
1Lt Walter J. Mayer (358th BS Pilot)
Park, Peter G.
(RAF Molesworth)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
2Lt George A. Kyle, Jr. (360th BS)
Payne, Harry
(Knoxville, MD)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Peacock, John L.
(Gulf Breeze, FL)
1Lt Lawrence A. Peacock (427th BS) and 303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Pearce, Susan
(Santa Rosa, CA)
2Lt Norman C. Gadbois (359th BS) – A hero always!
Peed, John
(Suwanee, GA)
1LT Philip A. Peed (358th BS - POW)
Perez, Rose
(Boise, ID)
1Lt Jack P. Rencher (358th BS)
Pokladowski, Andrea
(Boston, MA)
S/Sgt Joseph L. Markiewicz (359th BS)(KIA)
Polk, Marjorie F., Linda Polk Klos, Randel J. Polk
(Oklahoma City, OK)
2Ltl Beverly R. Polk, Jr. (360th BS)(POW)
Race to Robie Creek
Rocky Canyon Sail Toads
(Boise, ID)
1Lt Jack P. Rencher (358th BS)
Rencher, Brian and Monica
(Boise, ID)
1Lt Leroy P. Christenson (359th BS Navigator)
Rhodes, Peter
(Colchester, VT)
1Lt Walter J. Mayer (358th BS Pilot)
Roach, Harry
(Stroudsburg, PA)
2Lt Harry E. Roach Jr., (427th Sterling Crew)(KIS)
Rocketto, Harold
(Westerly, RI)
The Crews of "Thru Helen Highwater", "Stardust" and "Meat Hound."
Rodriguez, Cynthia
(Santa Teresa, NM)
S/Sgt Transito Rodriguez (444th SD)
Rodriguez, Ronald
(Santa Teresa, NM)
S/Sgt Transito Rodriguez (444th SD)
Rogers, Kelly
(Boise, ID)
1Lt Jack P. Rencher (358th BS)
Rogers, James
(Bradenton, FL)
LtColJames T. Rogers, Executive Officer 303rd Station Hospital
Rogers, Timothy M.
(Lexington, SC)
LtCol James T. Rogers, MD (303rd Hosp)
Rossman, Carl
(Lake Elsinore, CA)
T/Sgt Carl H. Rossman (358th BS)
Runnels, Billy L.
(Burnsville, MN)
2Lt Howard C. Lacker Crew (360th BS)
Sage, Carol Kyle
(Talking Rock, GA)
2Lt George A. Kyle, Jr. (360th BS)
Sale, Ron
(Bedfordshire, UK)
S/Sgt Leo Lanier, Jr. (360th BS) of Summerville, GA for being a resolute veteran of the 303rd BG and (I'm happy to say) a fine friend of mine. From a grateful Brit.
Sandberg, Eric
(Carmarthen, UK)
All 303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Sadler, David
(Grayslake, IL)
All 303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Sapienza, Guy
(Herndon, VA)
Capt Samuel R. Sapienza (359th BS)
Schaefer, Sherry W.
(Dayton, OH)
S/Sgt Herman G. Moening (359th BS)(KIA)
Schlegel, Guk K.
(Sea-Tac, WA)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Schmidt, Eileen
(St. John, WA)
1Lt Walter J. Mayer (358th BS Pilot)
Schmoldt, Steven
(Antioch, TN)
S/Sgt Edward E. (Buck) McGill (427th BS)(KIS) and S/Sgt John Paul Kissling (358th BS)(KIA), alumni of East Nashville High School.
Schortemeyer, John
(Haymarket, VA)
All Veterans of the Air Corps
Schulstad, Jon M.
(Fairfax, VA)
Col L. Mel Schulstad (360th BS)
Schulstad, Col L. Mel
(Everett, WA)
Maj Melvin T. McCoy (444th Sub Depot)
"The Molesworth Pilot" Newsletter
Shamban, Karen
(Santa Clara, CA)
In honor of our father, Capt Marcus F. Shamban (358th BS), and all others who served and serve to protect our freedom.
Shanafelt, Shari
(Fort Worth, TX)
2Lt Arthur S. C. Shanafelt (360th BS), my hero, my Dad for missions defending freedom & for love of God and Family
Sharp, Vicki
(Olympia, WA)
1Lt Warren C. Kotz, Navigator, 427th Bomb Squadron
Shaughnessy William J. Jr.
(Rochester, MN)
2Lt William J. Shaughnessy, Sr. (427th BS)
2Lt George Turinsky (427th BS)
Sivils, John R.
(Kettering, UK)
2Lt Ralph E. Page (427th BS)(POW)
Skeen, Ron
(Commerce City, CO)
F/O Costa "Mark" Markos (358th BS)
Gone but never forgotten. To the men who made our great country "great", we thank you.
Skeen, Ron & Markos, Jean
F/O Costa "Mark" Markos (358th BS).
Thank you for your service. Our freedom was never free.
Smit, Leendert
(Houten, Netherlands)
360th BS 1Lt Charles D. Crook Crew
Smith, Janann La Croix
(Austin, TX)
M/Sgt Joyce H. La Croix (444th SD)
Smith, Jim
(Miami, FL)
M/Sgt James W. Smith (358th BS)
Smith, Saumul W.
(Kerrville, TX)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Snodgrass, Gary
(Jensen Beach, FL)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Spring, Jim
(Georgetown, Ontario, Canada)
All of the brave individuals that fought so hard and sacrificed so much for our freedom.
Stamper, Clifford
(Lansing, NC)
M/Sgt William B. Stamper (360th BS)
Stansbury, Charles D.
(Charleston, WV)
S/Sgt Edward P. Stansbury (427th BS)(POW)
Steineman, Timothy
(DISA Europe)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Stout, Jay
(San Diego, CA)
| website and the 303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Studley, Marlene Bordelon
(Mandeville, LA)
Capt Berton A. Bordelon (360th BS)
Sudweeks, Dennis
(Boise, ID)
1Lt Jack P. Rencher (358th BS)
Sutherland, James M
(Cincinnati, OH)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
2Lt Jack L. Lester (360th BS) and the deceased members of the Lester Crew.
Swanson, Walter C
(Austin, TX)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans -- all my buddies in the 303rd.
Syler, Allen
(Bryant, AR)
Sgt Allen B. Syler (359th BS)
Tanner, Lynda
(Vernon, AZ)
Sgt William B. Clements (15th AF)
Tashian, Ken
(Novato, CA)
S/Sgt Warren V. Tashian (360th BS)
Tooley, Dave
(Libertyville, IL)
2Lt Robert C.A. Carlson (427th BS)(KIA)
Torley, Gerry
(Pontiac, MI)
1Lt Donald W. Torley (359th BS)
Tosi, Charles
(Westerville, OH)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans and kin folk.
Turner, Rosemary
(Arlington, TX)
S/Sgt Robert K. Sink (427th BS) 1Lt Abbott M. Smith, Jr. (427th BS)
Umberger, Brian
(Ann Arbor, MI)
S/Sgt Robert C. Umberger Sr. (359th BS)
Vangeyten, David
(Dexter, NY)
F/O (USAAC) Capt. (USAF) (Retired) LT. Commander (Navel Honorary Civilian) (Retired) John J. Van Geyten 360th BS, 1 JAN 1924-22 OCT 2010 pilot Vans Crew
Veldhuizen, Moe
(Ontario, Canada)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Wagner, Daniel and Renee
(Medical Lake, WA)
1Lt Walter J. Mayer (358th BS Pilot)
Watkins, Lowry Jr
(Louisville, KY)
1Lt Stanley L. Fisher (360th BS Copilot)
Watson, William
(Henderson, NV)
Capt Jack W. Watson and all the other brave members of the 303rd BG
Weaver, Jack
(Tigard, OR)
1Lt Jack W. Weaver (360th BS Pilot)
Wertz, John
(The Woodlands, TX)
In loving memory of Capt. Robert M. Wertz (Pilot), 427th Sqd, POW (Moosburg) / DFC
Whitten, Carole Jean
(Stanton, TX)
S/Sgt Cleveland W. Whitten (360th BS)
Wiemeyer, Jane
(Cincinnati, OH)
303rd Bomb Group Veterans
Wilkes, Paul and Family
(Koleen, IN)
SGT James Thomas Miller (427th BS) (KIA 28 Sep 1944)
Wood, Carol
(Milwaukee, WI)
1Lt Warren Mauger (359th BS Pilot)
Wright, Joel
(Freeland, WA)
1Lt Joseph E. Haas (358th Pilot) and those he flew with.