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(crew assigned 358BS: 28 Feb 1944 - photo: 02 Mar 1944)
(Upgraded from CoPilot, Arnold S. Litmman crew, to Pilot: 20 February 1944)
(Back L-R)
T/Sgt Seymour Berman (R)(Int)(5),
2Lt Elmer P. Israelson (B)(Int)(4),
1Lt Quentin J. Gorman (P)(1),
2Lt Raymond Hofmann (CP)(Int)(2),
2Lt Carroll Binder, Jr.(KIA)(N)(3)
(Front L-R)
Sgt John B. Galloway (WG)(7),
Sgt Ollie G. Crenshaw (BT)(Int)(5),
Sgt Bob Jensen (TG)(7),
Sgt James O. Williams (WG)(KIA)(6),
T/Sgt William R. Blakeney, Jr. (E)(Int)(5)
Thirty Credited combat missions flown by 1Lt Quentin L. Gorman:
- As CoPilot: With Capt John R. Johnston (P) - Four missions (83 - 26 Nov 1944, 86, 88 and 89 - 16 Dec 1943): With 1Lt Arnold S. Litman (P) - Eleven missions (91 - 22 Dec 1943), 94, 95, 97, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 198 - 11 Feb 1944).
- As First Pilot - Fifteen missions
(109 - 20 Feb 1944, 110, 113, 114, 115, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 129, 130, 132, 133 -
10 Apr 1944).
Crew Notes:
- 1Lt Quentin J. Gorman (P) - Flew as CoPilot on the Lt John R. Johnston
Crew missions #83 & 85, CoPilot with the 1Lt Arnold S. Litman Crew Missions #88 (22 Dec 43) through #108 (11 Feb 44). Was upgraded to Pilot mission
#109 (20 Feb 44) and completed his combat tour on mission #133 (10 April 1944)
- 1Lt Raymond Hofmann (CP) - Flew as CoPilot with Lt Gorman mission #109 (20 Feb 44), #110,113, 114 & 115. Upgraded to Pilot mission #121 (16
March 1944). His crew was interned in Switzerland mission #140 (24 April
- Lt Carroll Binder, Jr (N) - Flew seven missions with Lt Gorman (P) -
Mission 109 (20 Feb 1944), #110,113,114,115,122,132,133. Flew additional
missions with other Pilots. Killed in Action mission #159 24 May 1944 to
Berlin, Germany with the 1Lt J.E. Worthley Crew. B-17 #42-97787 (No name)
ditched in the North Sea (9 KIA & 1 POW).
- Lt Elmer P. Israelson (B) - Flew seven missions with Lt Gorman (P) and
others with Lt Hofmann (P) including mission #140 (24 April 1944) when
the Hofmann Crew was interned in Switzerland. Escaped from internment in Switzerland. Was dispatched on 25 combat missions.
- T/Sgt William R. Blakeney, Jr. (E), T/Sgt Seymour Berman (R). Sgt Ollie
G. Crenshaw (BTG) - Flew six missions with Lt. Gorman (#109,110,113,114, 115 & 122) Became member of the Lt Hofmann Crew on mission #121 (16 March 1944 and flew 15 mission with Lt Hofmann. Interned in Switzerland on mission #140 (21 April 1944).
- Sgt James O. Williams (RWG) - Flew two missions with Lt Gorman (#115 &
122) and five missions with Lt Hofmann. Was Killed in action on
mission #126 (23 March 1944) to Hamm, Germany flying as Tail Gunner, Lt Hofmann
(Pilot), in B-17 #42-32037 Betty Jane. A flak hit knocked out the entire Tail
Gunner compartment. His body was recovered in Hamm, Germany on the next
- Sgt James B. Galloway (LWG) and Sgt Bob Jensen (TG) - Flew four
missions with Lt Gorman (P) (#109, 113,114,115 ) and four with Lt
Hofmann (P) (#121, 122, 123 & 124 - Jensen only) and five missions
with other Pilots - Total of 13 credited missions.
Lt Gorman flew with substitute crewmen on many of his missions after his
CoPilot Lt Hofmann was upgraded to Pilot. Lt Gorman was the only member of
his crew to complete their combat tours of 30 missions.
Related Web Pages:
from the journal of 2Lt Carroll 'Ted' Binder
KIA 24 May 1944, his 28th Mission,
Quentin J. Gorman Crew
(copyright ©1990, Hell's Angels Newsletter)
There was a loud knock on our door, and it was opened noisily. A moment later the lights were
napped on and four sleepy combat men were blinking at a harassed looking corporal in the doorway.
We knew what his mission was -- I, at least, had been lying awake for over an hour, worrying
about the day ahead as I used to do before an exam at Harvard . . . continued . . .
[photo from the 303rdBGA Archives - identification from 303rd BG(H) Microfilm records Roll AO585 Frame 1948]
[Researched by 303rdBGA Historian Harry D. Gobrecht]