Taken from City Hall, Moosburg, Germany
and signed by over 100 POWs
(courtesy of the Mighty Eighth AF Museum)

POW Dogtags
Issued to S/Sgt Elwyn Jones Darden
while a POW / patient at Lazarett 9C
(courtesy of son Bob Darden)

Dulag Luft Kriegsgefangenenkartel
belonging to Sgt Norman M. Clark
(courtesy of Norman M. Clark)

POW Wings and Stalag Luft I ID Card
belonging to 2Lt Donald B. Beers of the
359th Lewis M. Walker Crew.
(courtesy of Kurt Stauffer)

POW Dulag Luft Postcard
sent to family of 1Lt Carl V. Nielsen
359th Lewis M. Walker Crew.
(courtesy of Kurt Stauffer)

Supplementary Rations for POWs
from the American Red Cross
(courtesy of Gordon Alton)

Stalag Luft IV-C Cartoons
drawn by Alex Palmer

Carrying potato soup at Stalag VII-A
from the Wartime Log of Roy Butler
(courtesy of Gordon Alton)

Personalkarte (Personnel Card)
of 2Lt James D. Walsh, Stalag Luft III
View 1
View 2
View 3
View 4
(courtesy of Jay Primavera)

Personalkarte (Personnel Card)
of 2Lt Thomas E. Mulligan, Stalag Luft III
(courtesy of Thomas E. Mulligan, III)

POW Postcard
from 1Lt John H. Embach
(courtesy of the R. Koskas Collection)

Postcard Artwork
sent by 2Lt James D. Walsh
from Stalag Luft III
Front View
(courtesy of Jay Primavera)