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B-17 Thunderbird
Ground Support
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Mission Reports
Combat Crews
Individual Photos
Overseas Graves
[Compiled by Harry D. Gobrecht, Historian, 303rd BG(H) Association]
This record of individual awards is known to be incomplete. Please advise us if you have information of other award recipients.
(Conspicuous gallantry & intrepidity above and beyond
the call to duty in action against the enemy)
(Extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations
against an armed enemy of the United States)
- 2ndLt Charles W. Spencer Bombardier 358BS 26 Nov 43
- S/Sgt William J. Werner Tail Gunner 427BS 22 Feb 43
- 2ndLt Thomas J. Dello Buono Bombardier 360BS 13 Apr 44
- LtCol Lewis E. Lyle Pilot/Sq.CO. 360BS Sep 44(1)
(1) Outstanding heroism and leadership during period 17 Nov 42 to 15 June 43
Group and Squadron Commanding Officers
(For Courage, Skill and Leadership)
- Col James H. Wallace Group C.O. 303BG 26 Mar 43
- Col Charles E. Marion Group C.O. 303BG 26 Mar 43
- Major Eugene R. Romig Squadron C.O. 359BS 06 Mar 43
- Major Glenn E. Hagenbuch Squadron C.O. 427BS 13 May 43
- Major Clemens K. Wurzbach Squadron C.O. 358BS 05 Apr 43
- Major Kirk R. Mitchell Squadron C.O. 358BS 05 Apr 43
- Major Lewis E. Lyle Squadron C.O. 360BS 05 Apr 43
- Major William R. Calhoun Squadron C.O. 359BS 22 Jun 43
- Col Kermit D. Stevens Group C.O. 303BG 16 Aug 43
- LtCol Clemens K. Wurzbach Squadron C.O. 358BS 26 Sep 43 (OLC)
- Major Eugene A. Romig Squadron C.O. 359BS 26 Sep 43 (OLC)
- Major William R. Calhoun Squadron C.O. 359BS 26 Sep 43 (OLC)
- Major Glenn E. Hagenbuch Squadron C.O. 427BS 26 Sep 43 (OLC)
- Major Kirk R. Mitchell Squadron C.O. 358BS 26 Sep 43 (OLC)
Combat Crewmen
(Gallantry in action, courage, skill and
devotion to duty against the enemy)
- Capt Donald E. Stockton Pilot 427BS 17 May 43
- 1stLt Milton S. Fonorow Bombardier 360BS 22 Jun 43
- 1stLt James Ford Kelley Navigator 360BS 25 Jun 43
- T/Sgt James A. Watson Engineer/T-Turret 360BS 25 Jun 43
- S/Sgt Joseph S. Klasnick Left Waist Gunner 360BS 25 Jun 43
- S/Sgt Charles M Bacon Tail Gunner 360BS 17 Aug 43
- S/Sgt Dante G. Barron Waist Gunner 427BS 17 Aug 43
- Sgt George W. Buske Tail Gunner 358BS 19 Aug 43
- 2Lt Charles J. McClain Bombardier 359BS 26 Nov 43
- Capt Joseph M. Strickland Navigator 359BS Nov 1943
- S/Sgt Grover C. Mullins Engineer/T-Turret 358BS 26 Nov 43
- S/Sgt Joseph E. Robichaud Left Waist Gunner 359BS 26 Nov 43
- Capt Carl J. Fyler Pilot 360BS 29 Nov 1943 (Awarded 26 Nov 2002)
- S/Sgt William E. Rein Tail Gunner 360BS 29 Nov 43
- Capt Edward M. Woddrop Pilot 427BS 20 Dec 43
- 2ndLt Homer E. Raker CoPilot 359BS 29 Apr 44 (Posthumous)
- 1stLt Anthony J. Cecchini Pilot 360BS 11 May 44
- Capt John A. Long Pilot 360BS 11 May 44 (Posthumous)
- LtCol Lewis E. Lyle Deputy Group CO 303BG 29 May 44 (OLC)
- LtCol Lewis E. Lyle Deputy Group CO 303BG 21 Jun 44 (OLC #2)
- 2ndLt Frederic T. Kiesel Bombardier 358BS 09 Sep 44
- F/O Seymour Kaufman Navigator 358BS 11 Oct 44
- F/O Clarence L. Counsell Bombardier 359BS 05 Nov 44
- Capt Richard F. Healy Pilot 427BS 26 Nov 44
(Exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance
of outstanding services to the United States)
- M/Sgt Fabian S. Folmer Crew Chief 358BS 06 Dec 43
- M/Sgt Carino Colancecco Crew Chief 358BS 30 Dec 43
- M/Sgt Everett W. Emery Crew Chief 358BS 30 Dec 43
- M/Sgt William C. Woodman Crew Chief 358BS 30 Dec 43
- M/Sgt Burford G. Pafford Crew Chief 359BS
- S/Sgt Antoni Bednarchuk Aerial Gunner 427BS 03 Apr 43
- T/Sgt Kenneth Joseph Kurtenbach 360BS - for "meritorious conduct while providing
outstanding service" as a POW Camp leader - May 1946
- 2Lt Ewell R. McCright 427BS - As a POW he filled four ledgers with the
backgrounds and war injuries of 2,194 soldiers. Awarded posthumously to his sister in October 2004.
(Heroism or extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight)
Awarded for completion of a combat tour of 25 missions prior to D-Day and
thereafter upon recommendation and approval for those displaying great courage,
skill and devotion to duty on specific or series of combat missions.
(Heroism that involves the voluntary risk of life, other
than those of conflict with an armed enemy)
- M/Sgt Harold V. Keahey Ground personnel 358BS 01 May 43
- S/Sgt Kenneth Shanaham Transport Driver 359BS 06 Sep 43
- Sgt Clyde V. Engholm Ground personnel 359BS 06 Sep 43
- S/Sgt Anthony Kray Radio maintenance 358BS
- S/Sgt Roger P. Carocari Radio repairman 359BS
- Cpl Russell P. Shuppe Aircraft mechanic 427BS 17 Jun 44
- Cpl Richard Lund Aircraft mechanic 427BS 17 Jun 44
- Sgt William R. Kaufman Waist Gunner 358BS 14 Dec 44
- T/Sgt Lewis A. Maresh Aircraft mechanic 444SD
- Sgt Orvel O. Burnett Aircraft mechanic 444SD
- S/Sgt J.A. Blinebury Waist Gunner 358BS 15 Feb 45
- 1Lt Heber D. Hansen Navigator 358BS 15 Feb 45
(Heroic or meritorious achievement or service, not involving aerial
flights, in connection with operations against an armed enemy.)
303BG Headquarters
- 1Lt Carlton M. Smith
- M/Sgt Gerson I. Nadell
- Major Quentin W. Hargrove
- Captain Merritt O. Slawson (Protestant Chaplain)
- Captain Edmund J. Skoner (Catholic Chaplain)
358th BS
- M/Sgt G.W. Hamm [C]
- T/Sgt T.K. Harrelson [C]
- T/Sgt H.V. Keahey [C]
- M/Sgt J.H. Simpson [C]
- T/Sgt F.I. Fink
- M/Sgt D.W. Hartmann
- T/Sgt D.J. Schwarzenbach
- S/Sgt L.E. Schultz
- M/Sgt W.R. Weaver [C]
- S/Sgt C.B. Wilson
- Major C.E. Johnson
- Capt J.B. Robinson
- 1Lt B.D. Hight, Jr
- S/Sgt T.A. Henn
359th BS
- T/Sgt Joseph B. Strange [C]
- M/Sgt T. Westmorland [C]
- 1st Sgt Gerson I. Nadell
- 2Lt Thomas E. Mulligan *
- Capt William E. Eisenhart **
360th BS
- M/Sgt M. Abraham [C]
- M/Sgt N. Bossie [C]
- M/Sgt A.J. Bourque [C]
- M/Sgt Robert B. Heiliger [C]
- M/Sgt W.C. Melton [C]
- M/Sgt Willis G. Meyer [C]
- LtCol Lewis E. Lyle
427th BS
- M/Sgt L.W. Drew [C]
- T/Sgt G.E. Hoeft [C]
- M/Sgt J.L. Kalivoda [C]
- M/Sgt M.L. Lloyd [C]
- T/Sgt R.A. Ludeman [C]
- M/Sgt W.N. Moore, Jr. [C]
- M/Sgt J.B. Warnecke [C]
- M/Sgt S.E. Larsen [C]
- S/Sgt D.S. Niens
444th SD
- Major Melvin T. McCoy
- Major W.I. Nieman
[C] Crew Chiefs
* 2Lt Mulligan earned his Bronze Star for his leadership and escape planning efforts while a POW at Stalag Luft III
** Capt Eisenhart earned his Bronze Star while leading a
Christmas 1972 B-52 raid over Hanoi.
(To all persons wounded in combat actions. To next-of-kin of all
persons killed in action or who died of wounds received in action)
(Authorized on 8 November 1945 for any person who, while serving in any
capacity with the U.S. Armed Forces, was taken prisoner and held captive after 5
April 1917. The POW medal is issued only to those U.S. military personnel and
other personnel granted credible U.S. Military service who were taken prisoner
and held captive: (1) While engaged in action against and enemy of the United States.
(2) While engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing
foreign force. (3) While serving with friendly forces engaged in an armed conflict against
an opposing force in which the United States is not a belligerent party.)
To obtain the POW medal those who were POW, or their next of kin, should
make a request for the POW medal using a personal letter or DD form 2510
(prisoner of War Medal Application/information). Applications should be submitted to
the Commander, ARPERCEN, Attn: DARP-VSA-A, 9700 Page Boulevard, St. Louis, MO
(Exceptionally meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight
or Sustained distinction in the performance of duties involved in regular
or frequent participation in aerial flight.) Generally awarded to all combat crewmen after
five credited combat missions.
An Oak Leaf cluster awarded after each subsequent
five combat missions. Prior to D-Day, the Air Medal plus 3 Oak Leaf Clusters were awarded for the first 20 missions. The Distinguished Flying Cross was awarded at the completion of the required 25 or 30 missions.
- Col James H. Wallace (303BG CO) 26 Mar 1943
- Col Kermit D. Stevens (303BG CO) 17 Aug 1943
- LtCol Lewis E. Lyle (303BG CO) 6 May 1945
- Col Charles E. Marion (303BG CO) 26 Mar 1943
- Capt George V. Stallings (360BS Pilot) 25 Jun 1943
- Capt George J. Oxrider (358BS Pilot) 23 Jan 1943
(Awards made by the French Government for "Exceptional military acts rendered
in the course of operations in the liberation of France")
- Col Kermit D. Stevens (303BG CO) 13 Mar 1946
- Col Lewis E. Lyle (303BG CO / 379BG CO) April 1945
- Major William C. Heller (360BS)
- Major Robert W. Sheets (427BS)
- LtCol Edgar E. Snyder (303BG)
- LtCol Frank J. Doherty (303BG)
- LtCol Walter K. Shayler (360BS)
- 1stLt William D. Cargill (359BS)
- Col Eugene A. Romig (359BS/303BG/42CBW/351BG)
- Col William S. Raper (306BG/303BG)
- LtCol William C. Sipes (379BG/41CBW/303BG)
- LtCol George T. Mackin (358BS)
- LtCol William R. Calhoun, Jr. (359BS/41CBW)
- LtCol Richard H. Cole (359BS/303BG)
- Major James E. McCormick (427BS/Hdqs)
(Combatant's Cross)
(Awards made by the French Government for "Exceptional military acts rendered
in the course of operations in the liberation of France")
- T/Sgt Conrad J. Kersch (427BS)
Became a member of the French Resistance (F.F.I.) after being shot down on 26
March 1944
(Resistance Volunteer Combatant's Cross)
Created on 15 April 1954 for any person recognized as a voluntary combatant
in the French resistance.
- T/Sgt Conrad J. Kersch (427BS)
(French Commemorative Medal of the War)
(1939 -1945)
Standard French Medal for military service during the Second World War
- T/Sgt Conrad J. Kersch (427BS)