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B-17F Susfu #41-24584 (GN-Q)
(original crew assigned 427BS: 01 May 1942 - photo 12 Oct 1942)
(Back row)
1Lt Edward J. Broussard (P)(1)(2)(4)(5)(1st from left),
1Lt William G. Le Fevre (CP)(1)(3)(4)(5)(2nd from left),
2Lt Samuel H. Anderson (N)(4),
2Lt Lyle D. Sherwood (B)(1)(4)(5)
(Front Row)
S/Sgt Edmund L. Smock (E)(1)(3)(4)(5),
S/Sgt William A. Karanson (R)(1)(4)(5) (2nd from left)
Sgt Hudson Choice (BTG)(1)(3)(4)(5),
Sgt Thomas H. Morrison (WG)(1)(4)(5)(POW,
Sgt Wilbur F. Hummel (TG)(1)(4)(5)(EVD/POW),
S/Sgt Melvin M. Tanzer (Passenger)(4)
Not in Photo: Sgt Alvin A. Bridges (WG)(1)(5)
(Photo location of crewmen, not identified above, are unknown at this time)
- Assigned to 303rd BG(H) 12 June 42 Gowen Field, Boise. Idaho
- Member of the 1Lt Ralph S. Hayes Crew, 23 Aug 42, Biggs Field, El Paso TX
- Member of the 1Lt Eugene E. Rochester crew, 23 Aug 42, Biggs Field, El
Paso, TX
- Member of the Air Echelon Flight USA to Molesworth 359th BS, Lt
Broussard (P)
- Member of the initial Lt Broussard combat crew on 6 Dec 1942
Thirty-one dispatched (25 credited) combat missions flown by Captain Edward
J. Broussard, Jr.: 3 (22 Nov 42), 5, 6(AS), 8(FTO), 13(A), 14, 16, 17(A), 19(A), 20, 21, 22(A), 23, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31(FTO), 32(AS), 33, 35(FTO), 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 43A, 44, 45 (26 June 43)
(A) Non-credited aborted mission -- (AS) Abortive mission - no bombs dropped --
(FTO) Failed to take off. For mission dates and targets see the missions list.
Crew Notes - Original combat crew - 1st mission (#3) 22 Nov 42
- Capt Edward J. Broussard, Jr. (P) - Flew on all of his missions as 1st
Pilot. Promoted to Captain prior to mission 36 on 15 May 43. Last
mission (#45) 26 June 43.
- Capt William G. LeFevre - Flew 23 missions as the Lt Broussard CoPilot
(Mission 5 thru 45). Completed combat tour on 25 July 43. Upgraded from CoPilot to Pilot on 04 July 43. Flew two mission as 1st Pilot (49, 53) and one mission as a Lead Crew Tail/Gunner/Observer. Promoted to Captain after completing his combat tour.
- Lt Charles L. Herman (N) - Missions flown: With Broussard crew - 16
missions; With 7 other Pilots - 9 missions. Last mission (#42) 13 June 43
- Lt Lyle D. Sherwood (B) - Missions flown: With Broussard crew - 20
missions; With 5 other pilots - 7 missions. Last mission (#42) 13 June 43
- T/Sgt Edmund L. Smock (E) - Missions flown: With Broussard crew - 27
missions; With 2 other Pilots - 2 missions. Last mission (#45) 26 June 43
- T/Sgt William A. Karanson (R) - Missions flown: With Broussard crew - 26
missions; With 1 other Pilot - 1 mission. Last mission (#45) 26 June 43
- S/Sgt Hudson Choice (BTG) - Missions flown - With Broussard Crew - 24
missions: With 2 other Pilots - 2 missions. Last mission (#42) 13 June 43
- S/Sgt Thomas H. Morrison (WG) - Missions flown: With Broussard crew - 3
missions; With 3 other pilots - 3 missions. Became a POW on 23 Jan 43 on
mission to Lorient, France in 427th BS B-17F 41-24584 Susfu, Lt Harry A. Robey, Jr. (P)(2 KIA, 1 POW, 2 Evd & 5 Evd/POW). Eight different Waist
Gunners used on other Lt Broussard missions.
- Sgt Alvin A. Bridges (WG) - Missions flown: With Broussard crew - 14
missions; With 2 other pilots - 2 missions. Last mission 12 March 43.
Seven different Waist Gunners used on other Lt Broussard missions.
- Sgt Wilbur F. Hummel (TG) - Missions flown: With Broussard crew - 3
missions (3, 5, 8); With 4 other Pilots - 4 missions (1, 2, 7, 11). B-17 was
shot down on mission #11, 13 Jan 43 to Lorient, France in 427th BS B-17F 41-24584 Susfu, Lt
Harry A. Robey (P).
- Sgt Bernard Jurosek (TG & WG) was a replacement crewman. Missions flown:
With Lt Broussard crew - 22 missions (14*, 16, 17(A), 19(A)*, 20*, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 30,
32, 33, 36, 38, 40, 42*, 43*, 43A*, 44* & 45*). (*) As Waist Gunner - Others
as Tail Gunner); With 3 other pilots - 6 missions including 4 missions
with the Lt Ehle H. Reber crew (5, 6, 7, 10) . Last mission (#45) on 26 June 43.
[photo from the 303rdBGA Archives]
[Researched by Historian Harry D. Gobrecht]

(original crew assigned 427BS: 01 May 1942 - photo Spring 1943)
(Back L-R)
T/Sgt Edmund L. Smock (E),
2Lt Lyle D. Sherwood (B),
1Lt William G. Le Fevre (CP),
1Lt Edward J. Broussard (P),
T/Sgt William A. Karanson, Jr. (R)
(Front L-R)
Sgt Bernard Jurosek (TG),
S/Sgt Charles R. Storer (WG),
Sgt Hudson Choice (BT),
Sgt Alvin A. Bridges (WG)
[photo courtesy of Ronald Jurosek]