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Overseas Graves
(Lt Hicks assigned 360BS: 27 October 1943)
(Upgraded from John C. Lawlor Crew CoPilot to Pilot: 30 January 1944))
2Lt David F. Hicks (P)(1),
2Lt Joseph E. Stevens (CP)(2),
2Lt Samuel P. Fleming (N)(2),
2Lt Robert A. Finley (B)(2)
T/Sgt John L. Brewster (E)(2),
T/Sgt Gaylord W. Geisman (R)(3),
S/Sgt John P. Deffinger (BTG)(4),
S/Sgt Marion F. Fitko (RWG)(2),
S/Sgt Edgar W. Cole (LWG)(2),
Sgt Marvin R. Edwards (TG)(2)
Eight missions flown by 2Lt David F. Hicks as Pilot:
118 (6 March 1944), 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 128 (26 March 1944)
Flight Incident:
12 March 1944 - Local transition flight. 2Lt David F. Hicks (P) in CoPilot
right seat and 2Lt Joseph E. Stevens (CP) in Pilots left seat. A very rough
tail first landing was made by Lt Stevens at Molesworth. As the turn was being
made from the runway to the perimeter track Lt Hicks accidently put the
landing gear switch in the up position thinking that he was using the flap switch.
The landing gear collapsed and B-17G #42-31756 (no name) (360BS) PU-M fell to
the pavement causing considerable damage to this new B-17G that had only
flown on four combat missions. The B-17 was sent to the "boneyard" and salvaged.
Crew notes:
- 2Lt David F. Hicks (P) - CoPilot on the Captain John C. Lawlor Crew on fifteen missions (83, 84, 85, 86(AS), 88, 91(AS), 93, 95, 98(A), 99, 100, 101,
103, 104, 105, 111). Flew as Lead Crew Tail Gunner/Observer (mission
110) and as CoPilot with other Pilots (missions 113 & 117[A]).
Upgraded from CoPilot to Pilot on 30 January 1944. Final eight missions
as Pilot.Twenty-five mission combat tour completed on 26 March 1944.
- 1Lt Joseph E. "Jack" Stevens (CP). 1Lt Samuel P. Fleming (N), 1Lt
Robert A. Finley (B), T/Sgt John L. Brewster (E), S/Sgt Edgar W. Cole (RWG), S/Sgt Marion F. Fitko (LWG), Sgt Marvin R. Edwards (TG) -
Original crewmen on the 1Lt John F. Coppom Crew - 1st mission 19
January 1944. Became members of the 1Lt David F. Hicks crew on 6 March 1944
when 1Lt Coppom completed his combat tour. Became members of the Lt Joseph
F. Stevens crew on 22 March 1943 when Lt Stevens (original Coppom Crew
CoPilot) was upgraded from CoPilot to Pilot. Dispatched on 29 missions - all
with 1Lt's Coppom, Hicks and Stevens as Pilots with last combat mission on
27 April 1944 with the following exceptions:
- 1Lt Finley (N) - Dispatched on 31 missions - Five with other Pilots.
Last mission on 20 May 1944
- S/Sgt Fitko (LWG) - Dispatched on 31 missions - Last three with other
Pilots . Last mission on 4 May 1944.
T/Sgt Gaylord W. Geisman (R) - Original member of the 1Lt John F. Coppman crew. Dispatched on 12 missions - 8 with Lt Coppom and
4 with Lt Hicks. Final mission on 16 March 1944 when he was seriously
wounded and removed from combat status.

T/Sgt Gaylord W. Geisman is carried to a waiting ambulance
at Molesworth after the mission to Augsburg on 16 March 1944.
(photo courtesy of Hell's Angels Newsletter, February 1999)
- S/Sgt John P. Deffinger (BTG) - Dispatched on 28 missions. 1st Mission on
10 July 1943. First 18 missions with 10 different Pilots. Became
original member of the 1Lt Coppom Crew and flew 8 missions with this crew.
Last two missions with Lt Hicks. Final mission on 18 March 1944.
Important Note:
Refer to the 1Lt John F. Coppom crew page for additional crew and mission information
[Researched by Historian Harry D. Gobrecht]