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B-17 Thunderbird
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(crew assigned 359BS: 11 Dec 1944 - photo: 29 Dec 1944)
(Back L-R)
1Lt Thomas M. O'Donnell (P),
2Lt Traynum D. Goulding (CP/P),
2Lt Zaven Jardarian (N),
2Lt Raymond C. Crawford (B/N)
(Front L-R)
Sgt George F. Hoffman (TG),
Sgt Billy A. Gaumer (BT),
Sgt Louis H. Redhage (WG-TOG),
T/Sgt Sol Portney (RO),
Sgt Norbert G. Fischer (E)
Thirty-five credited combat missions flown by 1Lt Thomas M. O'Donnell:
297 (5 Jan 45), 298A, 298B, 301, 302, 304, 308, 311 (3 Feb 45), 312, 313, 314, 317, 318, 319, 320, 323, 325, 326, 328 (2 Mar 45), 329, 333, 335, 336, 337, 339, 340, 341, 344, 345, 348, 349, 350 (3 Apr 45), 351, 352, 353 (6 Apr 45).
For mission dates and targets see Combat Missions.
Eleven B-17Gs flown by 1Lt Thomas M. O'Donnell on his 35 credited combat missions:
- 42-38050 (P) Thunderbird (359BS) BN-U - 8 missions - 297, 298A, 298B, 301, 302, 308, 311, 312
- 43-38767 (No name) (359BS) BN-L - Mission 304
- 43-38289 (P) Sweet LaRhonda (359BS) BN-J - 2 missions - 313, 314
- 43-38608 (P) Lucille (359BS) BN-E) 3 missions - 317, 318, 335
- 43-38875 Redwing (359BS) BN-E - 4 missions - 319, 325, 329, 333
- 43-38609 (No name) (359BS) BN-F - 11 missions - 320, 326, 336, 337, 339, 344, 345, 348, 350, 351, 352
- 43-38891 Blues in the Night (359BS) BN-H - 2 missions - 323, 353
- 42-97944 Daddy's Delight (P) (359BS) BN-I - Mission 328
- 42-97281 (P) Queenie aka Queen of Jeanie (427BS) GN-Q - Mission 340
- 42-97949 (No name) (358BS) VK-O - Mission 341
- 43-38878 (No name) (359BS) BN-D - Mission 349
(P) See Nose Art photos
Crew Notes:
- 1Lt Thomas M. O'Donnell (P) - First mission flown as CoPilot with Combat Orientation Pilot
2Lt Harold L. Fravel. Mission 351 flown as CoPilot with upgraded CoPilot, 2Lt Goulding, flying
as First Pilot. All other missions flown as First Pilot.
Completed 35 mission combat tour on 6 April 1945 (Mission 353).
- 2Lt Traynum D. Goulding (CP/P) - Missions flown: Thirty-three ith 1Lt O'Donnell (All O'Donnell
mission except two - 297, 344); With another Pilot - Missions 344 (As Lead Crew Tail Gunner/
Observer). Upgraded from CoPilot to Pilot on orders dated 2 April 1945. Flew on two missions as
First Pilot - 351, 354. Completed 35 mission Combat tour on 7 April 1945 (Mission 354).
- 2Lt Zaven Jardarian (N) - Missions flown: Thirty with 1Lt O'Donnell (All O'Donnell missions
except five - 317, 350, 351, 352, 353); With other Pilots - Five missions (316, 321, 324, 327, 343).
Completed 35 mission combat tour on 31 March 1945 (Mission 349).
- 2Lt Raymond C. Crawford (B/N) - Missions flown: Eight with 1Lt O'Donnell - As Bombardier -
six missions (297, 298A, 298B, 301, 302, 304). As Navigator - two missions (352, 353); Two
with other Pilots as Navigator (354, 355).
Completed 10 combat missions on 8 April 1945 (Mission 355).
- Sgt Norbert C. Fischer (E) - Missions flown: Thirty-four with 1Lt O'Donnell (All O'Donnell
missions except one (353); With another Pilot - Mission 343.
Completed 35 mission combat tour on 5 April 1945 (Mission 352).
- T/Sgt Sol Portney (R) - Missions flown: Thirty-five with 1Lt O'Donnell (All O'Donnell missions);
No missions with other Pilots. Completed 35 mission combat tour on 6 April 1945 (Mission 353).
- Sgt Billy A. Gaumer (BTG) - Missions flown: Thirty-two with 1Lt O'Donnell (All O'Donnell
missions except three - 326, 352, 353); Three with other Pilots (290, 330, 345).
Completed 35 mission combat tour on 4 April 1945 (Mission 351).
- Sgt Louis H. Redhage (WG/Tog) - Missions flown: Thirty-one with 1Lt O'Donnell - As Waist
Gunner - 16 missions (297, 298A, 298B, 301, 302, 304, 308, 311, 312, 313, 314, 317, 318, 319, 320, 323). As Togglier - 15 missions (325, 326, 328, 329, 333, 335, 336, 337, 341, 344, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352). Four with other Pilots - As Waist Gunner (290, 343, 345), As Togglier (340). The 1Lt O'Donnell crew flew
without a Waist Gunner on 14 missions (325, 336, 339, 340, 341, 344, 345, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353).
Completed 35 mission combat tour on 5 April 1945 (Mission 352).
- Sgt George F. Hoffman (TG) - Missions flown: Thirty-three with 1Lt O'Donnell (All O'Donnell
missions except two - 352, 353). Two with other Pilots (290, 343).
Completed 35 mission combat tour on 4 April 1945 (Mission 351).
- Special Radio Counter Measure Crewmen on fourteen 1Lt O'Donnell missions: Spot Jammer (317), YR Operator (325), Voice Interpreter (340), Radio Counter Measurer Operator (317, 320, 335,
336, 337, 339, 344, 345, 348, 350, 352).
[photo courtesy of Billy "Red" Gaumer]
[Researched by Harry D. Gobrecht, 303rdBGA Historian Emeritus]