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B-17F Fast Worker II #42-5177 (BN-U)
(crew assigned 359BS: 04 May 1943 - photo 17 July 1943)
(Back L-R)
1Lt John H. Shafer (B),
1Lt David A. Rich (N),
1Lt Robert L. Mattison (P),
1Lt Spencer F. Case (CP)
(Front L-R)
T/Sgt Frederick J. Green (FE),
S/Sgt James E. Schneider (BT),
S/Sgt David C. McEachern (TG),
T/Sgt Lloyd E. Nordyke (R),
S/Sgt Robert A. Rettinhouse (LWG),
S/Sgt George W. Vogel (RWG)

(photo: April 1943 - taken in front of the 359th BS Operations Office)
(Back L-R)
S/Sgt George W. Vogel (RWG),
T/Sgt Lloyd E. Nordyke (R),
S/Sgt James E. Schneider (BT),
T/Sgt Frederick J. Green (FE),
S/Sgt Robert A. Rettinhouse (LWG),
S/Sgt David C. McEachern (TG)
(Front L-R)
1Lt David A. Rich (N),
1Lt Robert L. Mattison (P),
1Lt John H. Shafer (B),
1Lt Spencer F. Case (CP)
Twenty-six dispatched (25 credited) missions flown by 1Lt Robert L. Mattison:
34 (13 May 43), 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 43A, 44 (A), 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 64, 56, 58, 60, 61, 64, 65, 68, 72 (27 Sept 1943).
(A) Non-credited aborted mission - #4 engine and supercharger out
For Mission dates, targets and Mission Reports, see Combat Missions.
Eight B-17Fs flown by 1Lt Robert L. Mattison on his 26 dispatched combat missions
- 42-5482 (P) Cat-O-Nine Tails (359BS) BN-W - Mission 34
- 42-5177 (P) Fast Worker Mk II (359BS) BN-U - Missions 35, 36, 40, 44 (A), 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 54, 56, 60
- 42-8002 (P) The Old Squaw (359BS) BN-Z - Mission 37
- 42-29640 Old Ironsides (359BS) BN-X - Mission 38
- 42-3029 (P) Wallaroo (359BS) BN-N - Mission 43A
- 41-24605 (P) Knockout Dropper (359BS) BN-R - Missions 58, 61, 64, 65
- 41-24635 (P) The '8' Ball Mk II (359BS) BN-O - Mission 68
- 42-29664 (P) Jersey Bounce, Jr. (358BS) VK-C - Mission 72
Crew Notes:
- 1Lt Robert L. Mattison (P) - First mission flown (34) with combat mission Orientation Crew
Pilot 1Lt Guy L. McClung. Other missions flown as First Pilot. Last two missions (68, 72)
flown as a Lead Crew Pilot. Completed 25 mission tour on 27 Sept 1943 (Mission 72).
- 1Lt Spencer F. Case (CP) - 25 credited mission flown: With 1Lt Mattison - 23 missions (All
Mattison missions except 34, 68 and 72); With other Pilots - (2 missions 67, 71). Last mission
(72) flown as a Tail Gunner/Observer. Combat tour completed on 27 Sept 1943 (Mission 72).
- 1Lt David A. Rich (N), 25 credited missions flown: With 1Lt Mattison (All Mattison missions
except 34); With another Pilot (70). Completed combat tour on 27 Sept 1943 (Mission 72).
- 1Lt John H. Shafer (B) - 25 credited mission flown: With 1Lt Mattison (All Mattison missions
except 34); With another Pilot (71). Completed combat tour on 27 Sept 1943 (Mission 72).
- T/Sgt Frederick J. Green (E) - 25 credited combat missions flown: With 1Lt Mattison (All
Mattison missions except 34); With another Pilot (67). Completed combat tour on 27 Sept 1943
(Mission 72). Credited with probable downing of a FW 190 on mission 60.
- T/Sgt Lloyd E. Nordyke (R) - Completed 26 credited combat missions. With 1Lt Mattison (All
Mattison missions except 34 and 57); With other Pilots (67, 74, 76). Completed combat tour
on 9 Oct 1943 (Mission 76).
- S/Sgt James E. Schneider (BTG) - 25 credited missions flown: With 1Lt Mattison (All Mattison
missions except 34). Lead crew missions with B/G Robert Travis and Maj Lewis E. Lyle (67).
Completed combat tour on 27 Sept 1943 (Mission 72).
- S/Sgt Robert A. Rettinhouse (LWG) - 28 credited combat missions flown: 14 With 1Lt Mattison
(All Mattison missions except 34, 56, 58, 60, 61, 64, 65, 68, 72); 17 dispatched (14 credited)
missions with other Pilots - 12 with 1Lt Edwin H. P. Assenheimer (As Waist Gunner 136 (A),139,
140, 141, 142 (A), 144, 153, 154, As Tail Gunner (155, 157 (A),167, 169), 5 with other Pilots - As
Tail Gunner (103, 111), Waist Gunner (104, 118, 132). Completed combat tour on 3 June 1943
(Mission 169).
- S/Sgt George W. Vogel (RWG) - 25 Credited missions flown: 22 with 1Lt Mattison (All Mattison
missions except 34, 68 and 72). 2 with other Pilots (31, 32). Completed combat tour on 31 Aug
1943 (Mission 65). FW 190 German fighter claimed on mission 31.
- S/Sgt David C. McEachern (TG) - 25 credited missions flown: 23 with 1Lt Mattison (All
Mattison missions except 34); With other Pilots (67, 71). Completed combat tour on 27
Sept 1943 (Mission 72).
Substitute Left Waist Gunner:
- S/Sgt Shuble A. Boling (LWG) - 7 missions with 1Lt Mattison (56, 60, 61, 64, 65, 68, 72).
Unknown number of missions with other Pilots. Completed combat tour on 14 April 1945.
[top photo courtesy of Robert A. Rettinhouse, 2nd photo courtesy of Mary Mattison]
[Researched by Harry D. Gobrecht, 303rdBGA Historian Emeritus]