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(crew assigned 359BS: 21 Aug 1944 - photo: 10 Sep 1944)

(crew assigned 359BS: 21 Aug 1944)
(Back L-R)
T/Sgt William J. Zielinski (WG),
2Lt Laurie H. Campbell (CP),
S/Sgt Luther McCullough (TG),
T/Sgt Donald W. Trainor (R),
2Lt Andrew T. Goettman (N),
1Lt Richard B. Barlow (B),
1Lt Eugene C. Frazier (P)
(Front L-R)
S/Sgt Raymond H. Charron (BT),
S/Sgt Eston R. Anderson (WG),
T/Sgt Gilbert C. Borges (E)
Thirty-five credited missions flown by 1Lt Eugene C. Frazier:
235 (3 Sept 1944), 236, 237, 239, 241, 243, 245, 247, 248, 249, 254, 255, 258, 259, 260, 261, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 278, 279, 280, 282, 283, 284, 289 (13 Dec 1944).
For Mission dates, targets and Mission Reports, see Combat Missions. The 1Lt Frazier crew had no non-credited aborted missions.
Eleven B-17Gs flown by 1Lt Frazier crew on his thirty-five credited combat missions:
- 42-107206 Old Black Magic (359BS) BN-R - 17 missions (236, 237, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 271,
273, 274, 275, 278, 279, 280, 282, 284, 289)
- 42-38050 (P) Thunderbird (359BS) BN-U - 2 missions (245, 247)
- 42-317839 (P) Pugnacious Peter (358BS) VK-P - 1 Mission (235)
- 44-6309 (P) Duchess' Granddaughter (359BS) BN-T - 1 missions (239)
- 44-6076 (P) Liberty Run (359BS) BN-Y - 1 mission (241)
- 42-39885 (P) Sweet Rose O'Grady (427BS) GN-R - 1 mission (272)
- 43-38608 (No name) (359BS) BN-F - 5 missions (254, 255, 258, 260, 283)
- 44-38609 (No name) (359BS) BN-F - 4 missions (249, 262, 263, 264)
- 44-8326 (No name) (359BS) BN-S - 1 mission (243)
- 42-97972 (No name) (359BS) BN-N - 1 mission (248)
- 43-38764 (No name) (359BS) BN-C - 1 mission (273)
(P) See Nose Art photos
Crew Notes:
1Lt Eugene C. Frazier (P) All Missions except one flown as First Pilot. Mission 259 flown as
combat orientation CoPilot with the 1Lt John H. Lutz crew on their first combat mission.
Other crewmen - All missions flown with 1Lt Frazier except as noted below. Additional missions
flown with other Pilots as indicated below. All completed their 35 mission combat tours.
| Mission not flown with 1Lt Frazier | Missions flown with Other Pilots | Last Mission |
2Lt Laurie H. Campbell (CP) | 259,283,289 | 246,283,290 | 24 Dec 44 |
2Lt Andrew T. Goettman (N) | 259, 260 | 259, 290 | 24 Dec 44 |
1Lt Richard B. Barlow (B) | 254, 259, 265, 269, 271, 272, 273 | 250, 265, 269, 271, 272, 273, 288, 291 | 27 Dec 44 |
T/Sgt Gilbert C. Borges (E) | 259 | 285 | 23 Dec 44 |
T/Sgt Donald W. Trainor (R) | 259 | 250 | 23 Dec 44 |
S/Sgt Raymond H. Charron (BTG) | 259, 289 | 285, 296 | 03 Jan 45 |
S/Sgt Eston R. Anderson (WG) | 259, 289 | 246, 291 | 27 Dec 44 |
S/Sgt Luther McCullough (TG) | 259, 284 | 246, 250 | 23 Dec 44 |
T/Sgt William J. Zielinski (WG) - Was deleted from the 1Lt Frazier crew when the 2nd Waist
Gunner was eliminated from the crew. Flew on no combat missions with his original 1Lt Frazier
crew. Became a 359BS Utility crewman and flew on 30 missions with 18 different Pilots. Ten
missions were on Lead Crews. Flew on the following missions: As Tail Gunner - 2 missions
(243, 265); As Waist Gunner - 3 missions (274 (LC), 283 LC), 299 LC); As Togglier - 9 missions
(266, 272, 273, 298, 317, 324, 327, 329, 331); As Ball Turret Gunner - 16 missions (248 (LC), 252 (LC),
253 (LC), 255 (LC), 263, 264, 267, 268 (LC), 269, 277, 280, 282, 286 (LC), 289, 292 (LC), 297).
Completed his 30 mission combat tour, with tour credits for lead crew missions, on 7 March 1944
(Mission 331).
[photo from the 303rdBGA Archives]
[Researched by Harry D. Gobrecht, 303rdBGA Historian Emeritus]