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(crew assigned 358BS: 28 Oct 1944 - photo: US Training)
(Back L-R)
1Lt Chet H. Jameson, Jr. (P)(POW),
2Lt Robert N. Blazey (CP)(POW),
2Lt William N. Sundeen (N),
2Lt Wilson Ford (B)
(Front L-R)
S/Sgt Glenn W. Hall (E)(POW),
S/Sgt Howard D. Hole (R)(POW),
Sgt Fred P. Edwards (WG),
T/Sgt Ferdinand P. Haevers (Tog)(POW),
Sgt Rollin J. Bender (BTG)(POW),
S/Sgt William L. Hoots (TG)(POW)
[photo courtesy of Steve Polaski, Grandson of Glenn Hall]

(photo: Sep 1944)
(Back L-R)
2Lt Robert N. Blazey (CP(POW),,
Capt James M. "Tailwheel" Kaiser (N),
1Lt Wilson Ford (B),
1Lt Chet H. Jameson, Jr. (P)(POW),
Capt Rex ? (Unknown guest)
(Front L-R)
S/Sgt William L. Hoots (TG)(POW),
T/Sgt Ferdinand P. Haevers (WG/Tog)(POW),
S/Sgt Howard D. Hole (R)(POW),
T/Sgt Glenn W. Hall (E)(POW),
Sgt Rollin J. Bender (BTG)(POW)
[photo courtesy of Chet H. Jameson, Jr.]
A new Combat Crew with unusual training and experience.
Seven credited combat missions flown by 1Lt Chet H. Jameson, Jr.:
269 - 06 Nov 1944 to Bottrop/Hamm, Ger.
270 - 09 Nov 1944 to Metz, Ger.
271 - 10 Nov 1944 to Cologne, Ger.
272 - 11 Nov 1944 to Gelsenkirchen, Ger
273 - 16 Nov 1944 to Weisweiler, Ger.
275 - 21 Nov 1944 to Merseburg, Ger.
277 - 26 Nov 1944 to Altenbecken, Ger.
All seven missions flown in B-17G 42-97972 (No name) (358BS) VK-N
Crew Notes:
- 1Lt Chet H. Jameson, Jr. (P)(POW) - Was a B-17 Instructor Pilot in the USA before his crew was
formed. All seven mission flown as 1st Pilot.. Mission #269 flown with a combat orientation
CoPilot, 2Lt Harry S. Seidel.
- 2Lt Robert N. Blazey (CP)(POW) - Stood down on mission 269. Flew on six missions with 1Lt
Jameson (270, 271, 272, 273, 275, 277).
- Capt James M. "Tailwheel" Kaiser (N) - Replaced original USA crew Navigator, 2Lt William E.
Sundeen after crew was assigned to the 358th BS at Molesworth. Was awarded the Silver Star
Medal for action against the enemy at Tobuck Harbor on 6 November 1942 on a B-24 bomber
while an Aviation Cadet Navigator with the 513thBS/376th BG(H).
Assigned as the 1Lt Jameson Crew Navigator at Molesworth and flew on the Jameson Crew's
first three missions (269, 270, 271). Was reassigned as a Lead Crew Navigator and flew on 18
credited missions in this position (272, 273, 277, 279, 280, 285, 290, 296, 301, 314, 319, 327, 335, 340, 344, 351, 352, 360). Completed 21 credited missions on 15 April 1945 (Mission 360).
The 1Lt Jameson crew used substitute Navigators used on four missions: 1Lt Wilson Ford (272);
F/O Seymour Kaufman (273); 2Lt Anthony J. Boland (275), 2Lt Maurie S. McDade (POW)(277).
- 1Lt Wilson Ford (B) - Flew on three missions with the 1Lt Jameson crew: As Bombardier (269,
271); As a substitute Navigator (272). Was reassigned as a Lead Crew Bombardier and flew
on 16 credited missions in this position (277, 279, 285, 290, 291, 301, 314, 319, 327, 335, 340, 344, 351, 352, 360). All of his Lead Crew missions where flown where Capt James M. Kaiser was the Lead
Crew Navigator on the same Lead Crew. Completed 19 credited missions on 15 April 1945
(Mission 360).
The 1Lt Jameson Crew used substitute Toggliers on five missions: T/Sgt Robert L. Garzia (270),
S/Sgt John L. Stevenson (272, 273, 275); Crew WG - T/Sgt Ferdinand P. Haevers (POW)(277).
- T/Sgt Glenn W. Hall (E)(POW), S/Sgt Howard D. Hole (R)(POW), Sgt Rollin J. Bender (BTG)(POW), T/Sgt Ferdinand P. Heavers (WG)(TOG), S/Sgt William L. Hoots (TG)(POW). Flew on the seven 1Lt Jameson missions with the following exceptions:
Sgt Bender (BTG) - Stood down on mission 275 - Substitute BTG - Sgt Glenn J. Denning
S/Sgt Hoots (TG) - Stood down on mission 272 - Substitute TG - S/Sgt Gasper Pizzolato, Jr.
T/Sgt Heavers (WG) - Flew as crew Togglier on mission 277 - Substitute WG - S/Sgt Gasper Pizzolato, Jr. (POW).
Last 1Lt Chet H. Jameson, Jr. Crew mission (9 POWs) (MACR 11200)
Mission 277, 26 Nov 1944 to Altenbecken, Germany in B-17G 42-97972 (No name) (358BS) VK-N
The B-17 had experienced serious damage to the right wing just beyond the #4 engine on its previous mission (275) on 21 Nov 1944. While transferring fuel the #4 engine became ablaze. 1Lt Jameson ordered his crew to bailout and the B-17 blew up shortly and crashed near Bielefeld, Germany after the crewmen had parachuted from the aircraft. Sgts Hole, Haevers and Bender pulled delayed parachute jumps. S/Sgt Hoots was falling when the B-17 blew up and fell much further before pulling his ripcord. He could see 1Lt Jameson above him, but nobody below, Sgts Hall, Heavers and Hoots were picked up soon after hitting the ground and were taken to the City Jail where they found their CoPilot and Navigator., 1Lt Jameson was the only crewman that was not picked up close to the others. All became POWs and were returned to the USA after the war ended. Captain Kaiser (N) and Lt Ford (BN) were not with their crew on this mission. Substitute POW crewmen were Lt Maurie S. McDade, Jr. (N) and S/Sgt Gasper Pizzolato, Jr.(WG)
[Researched by 303rdBGA Historian Harry D. Gobrecht]