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(crew assigned 358BS: 14 Nov 1944)
(Back L-R)
1Lt Clarence J. Goodberlet (P),
1Lt Charles A. Mott (B),
F/O Peter Mylonas (N),
2Lt Malcolm J. Magid (CP)
(Front L-R)
T/Sgt William J. Cotter (E),
T/Sgt Stephen M. Baloga, Jr. (R),
S/Sgt James M. Walling (BTG),
S/Sgt Frederick W. Schultz (TG),
Sgt Matthew J. Karash (WG, Armorer)
[photo courtesy of Jim Walling]

B-17G #42-97557 Mercy's Madhouse (358th BS) VK-X
(photo: 1 Dec 1944)
(Back L-R)
1Lt Clarence J. Goodberlet (P),
1Lt Charles A. Mott (B),
F/O Peter Mylonas (N),
2Lt Malcolm J. Magid (CP)
(Front L-R)
S/Sgt Frederick W. Schultz (TG),
S/Sgt James M. Walling (BTG),
Sgt Matthew J. Karash (WG, Armorer),
T/Sgt William J. Cotter (E),
T/Sgt Stephen M. Baloga, Jr. (R)
Thirty-Seven dispatched (35 credited) missions flown by 1Lt Clarence J. Goodberlet:
277 (26 Nov 1944), 279, 280, 283, 284(A), 287, 288, 289, 290, 292, 293, 294, 298A, 299, 300, 301,
303, 305(A), 306, 309, 310, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 326, 328, 330, 332, 334, 336, 339, 340,
341 (20 March 1945). For Mission dates, targets and Mission Reports, see Combat Missions. (A) Non-credited aborted missions - mechanical problems.
Twelve B-17Gs flown by 1Lt Clarence J. Goodberlet:
- 43-37590 Neva - The Silver Lady (358BS) VK-Q - Mission 284(A)
- 43-38554 Bouncing Betty III (358BS) VK-B - Missions 287, 292, 294, 300, 301, 316,
319, 320, 321, 322, 326, 330, 334, 336, 340, 341
- 43-38999 Emma (358BS) VK-F - Missions 288, 309, 332
- 42-102945 Sweet Pea (358BS) VK-M - Mission 293
- 43-38065 Princess Pat 2 (358BS) VK-J - Missions 303, 306
- 42-97546 Idaliza (360BS) PU-E - Missions 305, 339
- 41-8427 Henn's Revenge (358BS) VK-E - Mission 310
- 42-97949 (No name) (358BS) VK-D - Missions 277, 283, 298A
- 43-38530 (No name) (358BS) VK-G - Missions 279, 280, 299
- 43-38238 (No name) (358BS) VK-L - Missions 289, 317, 318
- 44-6316 (No name) (358BS) VK-C - Mission 290
- 43-38672 (No name) (360BS) PU-I - Mission 328
Crew Notes:
- 1Lt Clarence J. Goodberlet (P) - All missions flown as First Pilot. Mission 277
flown with combat Orientation CoPilot 2Lt John A. Thompson. Completed 35 mission combat tour on 20 March 1945 (mission 341).
- 2Lt Malcolm M. Magid (CP) - Thirty credited missions flown with 1Lt Goodberlet
(All missions except 277, 301, 309, 328, 341). Flew on five credited missions with other
Pilots (277(Aborted), 302, 335, 347, 350, 301. Completed 35 mission combat tour on
3 April 1945 (Mission 350).
- F/O / 2Lt Peter Mylonas (N) - Flew on 29 credited missions with 1Lt Goodberlet (all
missions except 288, 305, 306, 310, 326, 330). Flew on six credited missions with other
Pilots (298B, 304, 310, 311, 328, 330). Completed 35 mission combat tour on 20
March 1945 (Mission 341).
- Lt Charles A. Mott (B) - Flew on 17 credited missions with 1Lt Goodberlet (277, 279,
280, 283, 284(A), 287, 289, 292, 293, 294, 298A, 299, 300, 319, 320, 326, 328, 330) and 18
credited missions with other Pilots: 1Lt Harry D. Gobrecht (288, 301, 318, 322); 2Lt Jerome Milman (331, 335, 342, 363); Other Pilots (289, 303, 304, 310, 311, 315, 323, 344, 348, 350). 1Lt Mott and seven other crewmen parachuted from B-17G 43-38065 Princess Pat 2 (358BS) VK-J, 1Lt Lawrence E. Poole (P) on mission 315, 15 February 1945. Lt Poole and T/Sgt Rayford Pullen (E) made a wheels-up landing at RAF Lakenheath,
Suffolk, UK. Completed 35 mission combat tour on 20 April 1945 (Mission 363).
- T/Sgt William J. Cotter (E) and S/Sgt James M. Walling (BTG) - Flew on all of the
1Lt Goodberlet thirty-five credited combat missions. Completed 35 mission combat
tours on 20 March 1945 (Mission 341).
- T/Sgt Stephen M. Baloga, Jr (R) - Flew on twenty-six 1Lt Goodberlet credited missions
(All missions except 302, 317, 319, 321, 326). Flew with other Pilots on nine missions
(338, 342, 350, 351, 352, 354, 355, 356, 357). Completed 35 mission combat tour on
10 April 1945 (Mission 357).
- S/Sgt Frederick W. Schultz (TG) - Flew on all of the 1Lt Goodberlet missions except for
mission 301, where a substitute Tail Gunner was used and with another Pilot on
mission 311. Completed 35 mission combat tour on 20 March 1945 (Mission 341).
- Sgt Matthew J. Karash (WG) - Flew on 14 credited missions with 1Lt Goodberlet
(277, 279, 280, 283, 284(A), 287, 288, 289, 290, 292, 293, 298A, 299, 300, 301) and with another
Pilot on one mission (282). Completed sixteen credited missions. Substitute Waist
Gunners used on 10 credited missions (294, 303, 305(A), 306, 309, 310, 316, 317, 318, 319,
320). Use of the Waist Gunner was discontinued after mission 320 on 23 February 1945.
Significant Missions and Events:
- Officer Roommates - The Goodberlet Crew shared a quonset hut named "Sad Shak"
with officers of the Harry D. Gobrecht crew. It was located next to the quonset hut headquarters of the 358th BS Operations Unit.
- 12 January 1945 - Retribution Day - A snowstorm blanketed England on 11 and 12
January 1945 and 8th AF Bombers and fighters stood down due to the bad weather.
Looking for something constructive to do on 12 January the officers of the Goodberlet and
Gobrecht crews decided to get even with the occupants of the 358th BS Operations Unit
hut for all of the early morning mission wake up calls. They built two large snowmen that
blocked the front and rear entrances to the Operations Unit hut. They were soon joined
by many other Squadron volunteers who wanted to get their share of the retribution. The
completed snowmen did their jobs magnificently. It was only after a great deal of door
pounding, yelling and threats that one of the snowmen was removed. It was a very
satisfying and constructive day for the 358th BS flying crews.
- Last mission of the 1Lt Goodberlet Crew - 20 March 1945 - Target was the submarine
pens at Hamburg, Germany. Flak was very intense. As the target was left the Squadron
was attacked by German ME-262 jet fighters. The stabilizer of the B-17 flying next to the
Goodberlet B-17 was shot off. Two 303rd BG(H) B-17s were shot down. S/Sgt James
M. Walling (BTG) put in a claim for downing one of the Jet fighters but the claim was not
approved since many other gunners were firing at the fighter. Major Glynn F. Shumake,
Commanding Officer 358th BS, flew as CoPilot on mission 341.
- 22 February 1945 - S/Sgt James M. Walling (BTG) had a surprise visit from his Cousin
S/Sgt Glenn R. Walling, Engineer on the 359th BS 1Lt Warren F. Mauger Crew and both had a great visit not previously knowing that either was part of the 303rd BG(H). Not long after the visit S/Sgt James A. Walling completed his combat tour and returned home to the
USA. He later learned that his cousin S/Sgt Glenn R. Walling was killed on the 303rd BG's
last mission (#364) on 25 April 1945.
[photo courtesy of George T. Mackin]
[Researched by Harry D. Gobrecht, 303rdBGA Historian Emeritus]