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The Floose #42-97298 (358BS) VK-H
(crew assigned 358BS: 28 Apr 1944 - photo: April 1944)
(Back L-R)
2Lt Edward Graham (CP),
1Lt Robert M. Garrett (N),
1Lt Raleigh L. Alderson (B/N),
1Lt William C. Davis (P)
(Front L-R)
T/Sgt Ralph A. Roseland (WG/E/Tog),
T/Sgt David L. Sandler (R),
S/Sgt Joseph S. Rogers (WG),
T/Sgt Walter K. Johnson (E),
S/Sgt Kenneth Clarke (BT),
S/Sgt Robert L. Hiland (TG)
(Ranks and Grades at time of last combat mission.)

42-3398 (B-17F) Mrs Satan - The Queen of Hell (358BS) VK-Q
(crew assigned 358BS: 28 Apr 1944 - photo: 07 May 1944)
Thirty-four dispatched ( 31 credited) combat missions of 1Lt William C. Davis:
151 (11 May 1944), 153, 154, 160, 161, 164, 165, 167, 169(S), 170, 171, 172, 174, 175, 176, 177,
178(A), 179, 183, 184, 186(A), 187, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 195, 197, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204
(16 July 44)
(A) Non-credited aborted mission -- (S) Non-credited spare aircraft not required returned
to Molesworth. For Mission dates, targets and Mission Reports, see Combat Missions.
Crew Notes:
- 1Lt William C. Davis (P) - Flew on 31 credited combat missions. Last mission flown on
16 July 1944 (Mission 204)
- 2Lt Edward Graham (CP) - Flew on 32 credited missions: With 1Lt Davis (27 missions -
All 1Lt Davis missions except 151, 153, 154, 160; With other Pilots (3 missions - 185, 205,
209). Upgraded from CoPilot to Pilot. Two missions as First Pilot (218, 233). Last
mission flown on 27 August 1944 (Mission 233).
- 1Lt Robert M. Garrett (N) - Dispatched on 28 credited missions: With 1Lt Davis
(5 missions - 151, 153, 154, 160, 161); Made a Lead Crew Navigator (23 credited
missions - 218, 221, 225, 228, 233, 235, 236, 241, 244, 246, 254, 258, 259, 260, 263, 265, 266, 279,
288, 293, 300, 312, 332). Last mission flown on 8 March 1945 (mission 332).
- 1Lt Raleigh L. Alderson (B/N) - Flew on 31 credited missions: With 1Lt Davis
29 missions - All 1Lt Davis missions except 184 & 187); With other Pilots (3 credited
missions - 184,185, 205). Flew 8 missions as Navigator (189, 190, 193, 194, 195, 197,
200, 204). Last mission flown on 17 July 1944 (Mission 205).
- T/Sgt Walter K. Johnson (E). Flew on 32 credited missions: With 1Lt Davis (26
credited missions - All 1Lt Davis missions except 187, 189, 194, 195, 197); With other
Pilots ( 6 missions - 185, 198, 205, 211, 217, 218). Last mission flown on 4 August 1944
(Mission 218).
- S/Sgt Kenneth Clarke (BT) - Flew on 31 Credited missions - All with 1Lt Davis.
Last mission flown on 16 July 1944 (Mission 204)
- T/Sgt Ralph A Roseland (WG/E/TOG) - Flew on 32 credited missions: With 1Lt Davis
(25 missions - All 1Lt Davis missions except six - 184, 191, 193, 201, 202, 203) - Two
credited missions as Engineer (187, 189) and six credited missions as Togglier
(190, 194, 195, 197, 200, 204); With other Pilots (7 missions as Togglier - 205, 208, 216,
217, 218, 224, 227). Second Waist Gunner position eliminated with crew after mission
183. Last mission flown on 13 August 1944 (Mission 227).
- S/Sgt Joseph S. Rogers (WG) - Flew on 32 credited missions: With 1Lt Davis (31
credited missions - All of 1Lt Davis mission); With another Pilot (One mission - 185).
Last mission flown on 16 July 1944 (Mission 204).
- S/Sgt Robert L. Hiland (TG) - 33 credited missions flown: With 1Lt Davis (30 credited
missions - All of 1Lt Davis missions except 177; with other Pilots (3 missions - 185, 205, 211). Last mission flown on 24 July 1944 (Mission 211).
[photo courtesy of George T. Mackin]
[Researched by Harry D. Gobrecht, 303rdBGA Historian Emeritus]