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(crew assigned 358BS: 16 June 1943 - photo: 24 Oct 1943)
(Campbell was copilot to D.A. Shebeck, upgraded to pilot 06 Oct 1943)
2Lt William J. Millner (B-KIA)(back, far right)

B-17F #42-29524 Meat Hound 358BS (VK-K)
(crew assigned 358BS: 16 June 1943 - photo: 15 Nov 1943)
(Campbell was copilot to D.A. Shebeck, upgraded to pilot 06 Oct 1943)
1Lt Paul W. Campbell (P-POW, back center),
2Lt John C. Doty, Jr. (CP-POW),
1Lt John P.D. Nothstein (N-POW, back far right),
2Lt William J. Millner (B-KIA)
T/Sgt Stanley J. Backiel (E-POW, front #4),
S/Sgt Robert J. McGuire (RWG, front far right),
S/Sgt John W. Brooks (BT-KIA, front center),
S/Sgt Jim F. Hoy (LWG-KIA, front left),
S/Sgt Edward J. Cassidy (TG-KIA),
Sgt Dante Di Martino (R-KIA)
Crewmen in photo are not in order. Crewmen are those who were on the last
mission of the Lt Paul W. Campbell Crew. Not in photo: S/Sgt Alexander Wisniewski
1Lt Paul W. Campbell (P) - Was the original CoPilot on the 2Lt Daniel A. Shebeck Crew assigned to the 358th BS on 012 August 1943. Was upgraded from CoPilot to Pilot on orders dated 6 October 1943. Flew seven missions as CoPilot: With 2Lt Daniel A. Shebeck (59); With five other Pilots (64, 65, 66, 67, 70, 72). Flew nine missions as First Pilot with three different CoPilots (75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 86, 95, 98) and two missions as a Lead Crew CoPilot with Major Kirk R. Mitchell (P) (91, 97).
Dispatched on two missions that were non-credit aborted missions (83, 96). Completed 18 credited combat missions on 11 January 1944 (Mission 98).
KIA-POW Mission:
Mission #98, 11 January 1944 to Oschersleben, Germany in B-17F #42-30865
358th BS (VK-G) - 6 KIA & 4 POW [MACR 1977]. Shot down by German fighters on return
trip after the P-47 escort had returned to England. B-17 crashed near Nordhausen,
Germany. 2Lt Millner, Sgt Di Martino, S/Sgt Hoy and S/Sgt Cassidy are buried in the Ardennes American Cemetery, Liege, Belgium.
Crew Notes - Members of Lt Campbell Crew:
- 2Lt John C. Doty, Jr, (CP-POW) - Flew on 3 credited missions: With 1Lt
Paul W. Campbell - 2 missions (86 & 98); With Lt Jack Watson - mission (97); With 1Lt Martin L. Clark - No missions.
- 1Lt John P.D. Nothstein (N-POW Repatriated) Flew on 15 credited missions:
With 1Lt Arni L. Sumarlidason - 2 missions (73 & 74); With Lt Calder L. Wise - 6 missions (75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80); With Capt John R. Johnston - 2 missions (81, 86); with Lead Crew Maj's Mitchell & Shumake (mission 87); With 1Lt Paul W. Campbell - 4 missions (94, 95, 97, 98); 1Lt William C. Fort, Jr - No missions
- 2Lt William J. Millner (B-KIA) - Flew on 7 credited missions: With 1Lt
Donald F. DeCamp - 1 mission (86); With Capt John R. Johnston - 4 Lead crew missions
(83, 88, 89, 91); With 1Lt Paul W. Campbell - 2 missions (95, 98)
- T/Sgt Stanley J. Backiel (E-POW) - Flew on 21 credited missions: With 1Lt
Arni L. Sumarlidason - 11 Missions (51, 52, 53, 57, 59, 60, 61, 69, 73, 74); With Maj Kirk R. Mitchell - 1 mission (84); With 1Lt Paul W. Campbell - 10 missions
(75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 86, 91, 95, 97, 98)
- S/Sgt Robert J. McGuire (R) - Flew on 28 credited missions - Completed
combat tour on 22 December 1944: With 1Lt Frank H. Thompson - 16 missions (31, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 43A, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 55, 56): With 1Lt Arni L. Sumarlidason - 3 missions (69, 73, 74);
With 1Lt Donald Gamble - 1 mission (90); With 1Lt Paul W. Campbell - 8
missions (75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 86, 91)
- Sgt Dante Di Martino (R-KIA) - Flew on 4 credited missions: With Lt Donald Gamble - 1 mission (71); With Lt Calder L. Wise - 1 mission (81);With 1Lt Paul W. Campbell - 2 missions (95, 98)
- S/Sgt John W. Brooks (BTG-KIA) - Flew on 18 credited missions; With Lt Jack C. Timken - 3 missions (51,52,69); With 1Lt Arni L. Sumarlidason - 2 missions
(73, 74); With Maj Kirk R. Mitchell Lead Crew - 2 missions (mission 53, mission 84);
With 1Lt Paul W. Campbell - 11 missions (75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 86, 91, 95, 97, 98)
- S/Sgt Alexander Wisniewski (WG-KIA) - Flew on 17 credited missions:
With Lt Jack C. Timken - 1 mission (55); With 1Lt Arni L. Sumarlidason - 4 missions (57, 69, 73, 74); With Maj Kirk R. Mitchell - 1 Lead Crew mission (84); With 1Lt Paul W. Campbell - 11 missions (75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 91, 95, 97, 98). Not in crew photo.
- S/Sgt Jim F. Hoy (WG-KIA) - Flew on 17 credited missions: With 1Lt Arni L. Sumarlidason - 3 missions (69,73,74); With Maj Kirk R. Mitchell - 1 Lead Crew mission (84); With 2Lt Walter W. Troppman - 2 missions (89, 90); With 1Lt Paul W. Campbell - 11 missions (75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 86, 91, 95, 97, 98)
- S/Sgt Edward J. Cassidy (TG-KIA) - Flew on 20 credited missions: With 1Lt
Arni L. Sumarlidason - 8 missions (51, 52, 53, 57, 59, 60, 73, 74); With 1Lt Louis M. Benepe - 1 mission (61) Wounded; With 2Lt Martin L. Clark - 1 mission (91); With 2Lt Walter A. Kyse - 1 mission (97); with 1Lt Paul W. Campbell - 9 missions (75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80,
86, 95, 98)
[photo from the 303rdBGA Archives]
[Researched by Historian Harry D. Gobrecht]