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Oxygen and Equipment
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B-17 Crew Requirements and Standard Operating Procedures
Crew Composition Crewmen Duties Clothing Oxygen Navigators Bombardiers Gunners Observers
Intelligence Engines Take-off and Assembly Formation 41st CBW Assembly Landing Sorties

APO 557, U.S. ARMY
15 October 1944


    1. Anoxia is the lack of a sufficient supply of oxygen to meet the body needs. Anoxia overtakes one without warning and will result in anything from slight inefficiency to death. It is nearly always caused by carelessness on the part of the individual concerned. Remember, that an individual at 30,000 feet has useful consciousness for approximately 48 seconds if additional oxygen is not supplied.

    2. Oxygen will be use above 10,000 feet in daytime flying and from ground up on night flights.

    3. An "oxygen check" will be made every five minutes by the Bombardier as long as the crew is on oxygen.

    4. Do not allow oil or grease to come in contact with oxygen equipment or fittings. The results may be a serious fire.


    1. Eighteen G-1 Cylinders per aircraft at 400 PSI equals 8 ½ crew hours of oxygen if used properly.

    2. The oxygen systems are grouped as follows:

      1. Pilot, Navigator and Engineer
      2. Co-pilot, Bombardier and Engineer
      3. Left Waist Gunner, Radio Operator, Ball Turret Gunner, Tail Gunner and Bomb Bay.
      4. Right Waist Gunner, Tail Gunner and Radio Room (right side).


    1. Walk around cylinders are provided at each crew position

      1. D2 Cylinders (long yellow) and A2 high pressure cylinders (short green) have endurance of approximately 30 minutes.
      2. The ball turret gunner will always have an A2 Cylinder with A8B mask in the ball ready for immediate use.
      3. Do not fill walk arounds at altitude.

    2. MASK

      1. Test for fit and disconnect tension in equipment room.
      2. Modifications required: Rubber patch at inlet ports, safety clip for quick disconnect.
      3. No not allow ice to cake over inlets or outlets.
      4. A spare mask will be in the spare equipment bag.


      1. "ON" is the normal position for the Auto Mix. "OFF" is used only in testing or emergencies as at some altitudes oxygen will be used six times the normal rate and will cut down the endurance.

      2. Tighten the knurled collar on the regulator after changing position of the elbow.

By order of the Group Commander
Major, Air Corps
Operations Officer