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of Members of the 303rd Bomb Group (H) Who Gave Their Lives For Us All

303rd Bomb Group Honor Roll

By John Gillespie Magee, Jr.

Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds, and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of -- Wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.
Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue
I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or even eagle flew.
And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

World War II Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial in Margraten, Netherlands


Killed in Action    Korea    Vietnam    Killed in Service

Adams, Arthur I
Alderman, Melvin
Aldridge, Stanley G
Allen, Homer R
Arter, John R
Ashford, George H
Atkinson, Gerald V
Bachom, Thomas F
Bader, Alvin G
Baker, Albert W Jr
Baker, James S
Baker, Robert L
Bales, Ross C
Ball, Warren G
Barber, Ralph K
Barnhill, Wilbur R
Barrat, Robert J
Barrett, John J
Barry, John K
Barsam, Meran A Jr
Barth, Harry W Jr
Bartlett, Keith O
Bates, Theodore A
Bauer, Floyd E
Bazo-Fontaneil, Juan A
Becknell, Wallace E
Beder, Harrison K
Beeny, J C
Beere, D M
Bell, Julian P
Bell, Richard L
Bellitt, Irving
Benford, Jack H
Bennett, Kenneth A
Bennett, Paul K
Beres, Edward
Bergeron, Arthur A
Berntzen, Arthur O
Bertich, Louis A
Best, Shirl P
Beys, George J
Bieranoski, Walter J
Binder, Carroll Jr
Birnbaum, Warren G Jr
Bixler, Clarence C
Blankenship, Irwin D
Bohannon, Jackson R
Boner, Allen M
Bonner, Oscar F Jr
Booth, Fred H
Bottomley, Sidney L
Boulter, Raymond A
Bourlier, Donald W
Bouton, Paul Jr
Bovey, Charles D
Bowling, William A
Boyd, Geo Howard
Bradford, Edward A
Bradley, Merel D
Bradshaw, John W
Bragg, Ben W
Branum, Kenneth H
Bratcher, Francis E
Breed, William H
Bricker, Albert W
Brightbill, Donald H
Britter, Harry B
Britz, Robert T
Brooks, John W
Brookstra, William A
Brosius, Earl E
Brown, James J
Brown, Lee E
Brown, Richard A
Browning, Richard C
Bruce, Miles R
Bruce, Robert V
Brunnet, Arthur
Bruno, Sam S
Bryan, Fred W
Buckingham, Earl W
Burford, Joseph A
Burgeson, Lawrence L
Burkart, Ralph F
Burkitt, Benajah G
Burnette, R L
Burns, James R
Burns, James S
Byrd, Fred O
Byrom, Jarold J
Callihan, George A
Cambron, Richard H
Campbell, Thomas J
Canfield, Marion L
Cantrell, Alvin D
Carithers, James H Jr
Carll, Martin V
Carlson, Melvin C
Carlson, Robert C A
Carothers, John W
Carroccia, Albert R
Carroll, Marvin A
Cashman, Daniel J
Cashman, John H Jr
Casselman, Glen L
Cassidy, Edward J
Cassidy, Francis D
Castriciano, Peter C
Cataldi, Frederick J
Cecce, Joseph A Jr
Celichowski, Ervin M
Chaltraw, Richard J
Chambers, Sidney N
Charnick, Roman P
Chitwood, Russell O
Christ, Donald R
Christianson, Roy W
Chuhran, Erven A
Clapshaw, Keith L
Clark, Henry C
Clark, James B
Cleavelin, Jesse C
Clemensen, Richard L
Clemons, James H
Clevenger, Walter N
Clifford, Bernard J
Clingler, John R
Clowe, Eugene C
Clumpner, Alfred B
Cockrum, Alfred E
Coe, Thomas E Jr
Cogswell, Robert W
Colby, Bevan W
Cole, Lorne R
Cole, Lloyd R
Collins, Marvin B
Coltrane, Robert A
Colvin, Vance R
Conaway, Therman F
Conkling, John R
Conn, Arthur A Jr
Cook, Harry C
Cook, Leonard C
Cooper, John T Jr
Cooper, Robert M
Cooter, William M
Corns, Lester O
Cote, Addell A
Cotham, Willie C
Couch, William M
Coughlin, Charles R
Cowley, Louis M
Cozza, Victor J
Craig, Percy D
Cramsie, William J
Crandell, Victor P
Craven, Gerald H
Cureton, Peter F Jr
Dabrowski, Andrew
Daniels, Mack E
Dare, Melvin M
Da Shiell, William C
Davidson, Robert P
Davies, Ralph J
Davis, Billie K
Davis, Charles E
Davis, Robert W
De Filippis, Rocco
Deal, Fred O
Dearborn, Gayle W
Dennerle, Almo W
Derschan, John A
Dew, Robert L
Di Cosmo, Salvador J
Di Martino, Dante
Di Mascola, Michael G
Di Salvo, Dominick
Di Stasi, Robert A
Dick, Andrew Jr
Dinneen, Thomas E
Dobbins, Jerry W
Doering, Creighton G
Doherty, Floyd C Jr
Dooley, Walter E
Doscher, Frederick C
Dove, Charles J
Downard, Jesse R
Doyle, Joseph J
Draves, John J
Drees, Edward A
Drew, William F
DuBois, Benjamin F
Duffey, Elmer E
Duffield, Richard B
Duncan, Donald K
Dunham, Harold J
Dunn, James R
Dunnica, Lawrence G
Durant, Edward W
Dyar, Wilmer E
Dyke, Andrew A
Eastburn, H R
Egge, Nellins P S
Eisele, Roy
Eisenhart, Oliver T
Eklund, Robert L
Elliott, John C
Emick, Richard M
Ercegovich, John Jr
Erickson, Roger W
Eschinger, Edward G
Evans, Lawrence B
Eyster, Ercil F
Fahlbusch, Joseph F
Faner, Leon N
Farrell, Peter J
Fee, George H
Feinman, Milton
Feldman, Norbert B
Felton, Carl H Jr
Ferguson, Paul D
Ficken, Lewis P
Fidares, Anthony
Fields, Harley W
Finn, Russell C
Fisher, Dale M
Fisher, Raymond E
Fisher, William A
Fitzgerald, Lyle W
Fitzsimmons, Kent M
Flannery, Edward W
Foe, Kenneth D
Foote, Herbert A Jr
Ford, Ray D
Forsythe, William K
Foster, Lane
Fragasso, Glenn
Francis, Angelito
Franklin, John V
Franzen, George W
Friedman, Szymon A
Fries, Lawrence L Jr
Frolick, Edwin J
Frost, Charles E
Fugazzi, Gildo
Fussner, William H
Gaines, Edmund W
Gale, Charles L
Garbarino, Louis V Jr
Garneau, Charles D
Gaskin, Carthel O
Gatewood, P H
Gee, Wilbur V
Geisman, Gaylord W
Gentry, Raymond L
Gibney, Hugh F Jr
Gilbert, Henry L
Gill, Edward J
Gillespie, Glenn H
Gillespie, Henry F
Girard, Louis F Jr
Gladstone, Melvin
Godzinski, Joseph J
Goetz, John W
Goetz, William A
Goff, Homer W
Goldman, Myron M
Gomes, Theadore
Gorgon, Frank
Grace, Henry J
Gramiak, Victor J
Greason, William R
Grenier, David A
Gribble, Robert T
Grieb, Alexander S
Gross, Luther N
Gullage, Edmund
Gunsauls, Paul
Guthmann, Richard F
Haas, Joseph E
Hafen, Keith L
Hagan, Lloyd D
Hagenbuch, Glenn E
Hahn, James T
Haines, Rolland M
Hall, George F Jr
Hallden, Robert H
Halligan, Robert W
Halpin, Michael J
Hamilton, Claude A
Hamilton, Duke L Jr
Hammarlund, Carl O
Hand, Victor G

Hanna, William M
Harker, Wayne E
Harper, William B
Harris, David W
Harris, Edgar P Jr
Harrison, Donald B
Hart, Dennis C
Hartzog, Foy G
Harvey, D S
Harvey, Dean
Hasper, Donald T
Hatfield, Earl G Jr
Hauer, Joseph J
Hayward, Fred H
Healy, Edward P Jr
Heape, Rudolph H
Heffran, James J
Heleen, Carl M
Heller, Emerson E
Heller, W O
Helton, Ed Jr
Hendrickson, Milton C
Henry, Donivan D
Henry, James S
Hensel, Philip W
Henson, Mace
Herbert, Joseph M
Hermann, Kurt J II
Herrick, Maurice R
Hicks, Douglas E
High, Howard A
Hiibner, Okey L
Hillary, Jack R
Hindman, Samuel M
Hinnershots, Bruce H
Hladun, Harry
Hlebasko, Albert
Hobgood, John F
Hodge, Herman L
Hoff, Henry
Hoffman, Charles E
Hoffman, David H
Holcombe, Fred Jr
Holder, Alvin D
Holder, Samuel A
Holland, Bertis W
Homan, John R
Hornbacher, Norman E
Horning, Allen E
Horwitz, Charles
Hostetter, William L Jr
Houser, Donald R
Howald, Hans
Hoy, Jim F
Huckins, Earl R
Hudson, James E
Hughes, Roy D
Hull, John W
Humphreys, Fred C
Humphries, Olwin L
Hurlbutt, Carl R
Hurlburt, Donald W
Imbrogno, Americo S
Irish, William N
Jackman, Lon E Jr
Jackson, Miller O
Jackson, Theodore M
Jahn, Charles O
Janisch, Ferd J
Jaques, Chester D
Jasinski, Joseph T
Jeffrey, Robert A
Jensen, Dale E
Jensen, Henry J
Jess, Ray W
Johns, Carlos H Jr
Johnson, Byron W
Johnson, Charles H
Johnson, Edwin D
Johnson, Frank B
Johnson, George N
Johnson, James C
Johnson, Lloyd S
Johnston, Walter J
Jokerst, Leonard E
Jones, Charles E
Jones, Dick W
Jones, Donald E
Jones, Drackart L
Jones, James L
Joy, Ripley W
Joyce, Herring Jr
Joyce, Jess
Kacus, Alexander T
Kahler, Thomas F
Kahnert, Olaf F Jr
Kalk, Kenneth T M
Kane, Freddie E
Kannapel, Eugene H
Kapczynski, Paul B
Karp, William T
Katz, Edwin Harold
Kauffman, Harold F
Kaufmann, Bernard S
Kayrallah, Emil
Keefer, Oliver L
Kelley, Francis H
Kelly, William T
Kemp, Robert A
Kerman, Sheppard
Kesky, Leonard A
Keyes, Stanton W
Kilgore, Raymond H
Kimber, William V
King, John M
King, Robert G
Kinsey, Harold A
Kirk, Leonard W
Kirkpatrick, Ward M
Kissling, John P
Kling, John E
Knotts, Emery L
Koepke, Marvin A
Kohan, Frederick
Kossis, Norman
Krajacic, Frank G
Krawiecki, Alexander J
Kriss, Nick
Krohn, Francis D
Kruse, Erwin A
Kuffel, Mathias A
Kuhn, Harold J
Kurzawski, John W
Kyne, Joseph B
Lacker, Howard C
Ladurini, Raymond R
Land, Jonathan S
Lane, Elwin A
Lange, George L Jr
Larson, Roy A
Lasker, Robert M
Lauffer, Gerald L
Lay, William P
Lazarowicz, Matthew
LeBlanc, Alex
Ledley, Albert J
Ledogar, Ralph E
Leibovitz, Meyer
Lentz, James H
Lepa, Stanislaw
Leve, Franklin
Levine, Raymond
Lewis, Harold G
Ley, Roman M
Libbee, Dick L
Libonati, Michael L Jr
Lillig, Thomas J
Linhart, Louis N
Link, Herbert D
Lisabeth, Hilaire A
Litherland, James
Litton, Rufus C
Litzelfelner, Odus C
Livingston, Acel E
Livingston, Robert F
Lizotte, Robert A
Loeffel, Vincent C
Logan, Frank C
Lojewski, Telesphor
Loken, Roy C
Long, John A
Long, Ralph L
Longoria, Efrain
Lord, Truman R
Lusk, Don W Jr
Lux, Andrew L
Lynam, Stanley A
Mabie, Hilton C
Mack, Austin J
Madak, Edward P
Madrid, Robert L
Maher, William P
Mann, Ferrell A
Manze, Dario J
Markiewicz, Joseph L
Martin, Anthony B
Martin, Raymond W
Martin, Walter E Jr
Massimiliano, Joseph
Matheson, John A
Mathis, Henry C Jr
Mathis, Jack W   MOH
Mathis, Rhude Mark
May, Cecil M
Mayo, Donald A
McCamy, James A
McCarl, Howard D
McClellan, George S Jr
McClure, Richard H
McColl, Daniel A
McConathy, Jethern J Jr
McCord, Lawrence E
McCormack, Arthur R
McCormick, Lewis J
McCoy, Robert E
McCrory, Eugene F Jr
McCullough, Henry W
McCune, Robert N
McDonnell, John J
McGarry, John J Jr
McGinnis, Martin S
McGlinn, John H
McKeever, Bernard E
McKeon, Preston W
McKinney, Clifford M
McLarty, Jack L
McMahon, Joseph
McMurtry, Francis M Jr
McWilliams, Elmer D
Meadows, Clyde
Mellon, James B Jr
Merz, Dick W
Meyer, Gregory C
Micek, John M
Michaelis, Arthur D
Midkiff, Frank L
Mieslich, Morris
Mikkelsen, Delbert
Milam, Marvin L
Milford, Roger W
Millard, Ralph
Miller, Cecil M
Miller, Charles G
Miller, Charles F
Miller, David
Miller, James T
Millett, Bernard W
Millner, William J
Mims, Edwin E
Mire, Burnie N
Mitchell, Allan D
Mitchell, Kirk R
Moening, Herman G
Moerman, Arie
Moller, Robert C
Montgomery, James H Jr
Mooney, Marion M
Mooneyham, Clarence Jr
Moore, Jesse M
Morehead, Richard D
Morgan, Richard V
Morneau, Francis J
Morrison, Warren G
Morse, Samuel B
Morton, Eugene L
Moser, Roy R
Moss, Henry G
Moss, Shirley L
Mowatt, Frank G
Moyer, Leroy H
Mulhearn, Paul J
Murphy, Dennis J
Murray, Edward F
Murray, Robert I
Musashe, Michael
Mussett, Marvin H
Myers, Cato H
Nemer, Alfred K
Nemitz, Lewellyn H
Newman, Clyde D
Newsom, Walter W
Newton, John A
Nicosia, Eugene A B
Nix, James S
Nolen, Devon B
Nye, K W
O'Connell, Raymond B
O'Connor, Robert S
O'Dell, Enos H
O'Neil, James B
O'Reilly, Francis W
Oliver, Sam

On, Chan K
Owen, Burl M
Owen, Robert J
Oxrider, George J
Pacheco, Antone
Page, Frank N
Paiva, Joseph B
Palecek, Francis J
Palmer, Jackson Jr
Palmer, Joseph F
Paolino, Vincent C
Parrilla, Rufe H
Parker, Duane C
Parker, Robert A
Paul, George E
Payton, Howard S
Peavy, Robert T
Pennington, James L
Pesta, Clarence A
Peterson, Andrew C
Peterson, Richard W
Pfahler, Ervin J
Phillips, Clifton N
Phillips, Leonard H
Phipps, Charles F
Pickell, Kenneth R
Pischke, Robert L
Plemmons, Thomas S
Plummer, John W
Politylo, Roman S
Pope, Lester L
Posada, Frank G
Pratt, James N
Prescott, Paul H
Pressentin, Robert H
Price, John B
Prieto, Roaul R
Proctor, Robert D
Purcell, William A
Pursel, Stanley E
Putala, Stanley
Quillen, Lauren H
Quinlan, Alexander Joseph
Quint, Ralph E
Radebaugh, Bernard J
Raese, Warren G
Rafferty, Henry E Jr
Railing, Charles F Jr
Rajcula, George S
Raker, Homer E
Raley, Stonewall J
Randall, Jack H
Rasch, Abraham J
Reaves, Vaughn
Reber, Ehle H
Reddig, Arthur E
Reed, John A
Reese, Vincent J
Reino, Thomas J
Reiss, Raymond F
Reith, Fred J
Renner, Warner E
Rennie, Robert P
Reuss, Lester E
Reynolds, Charles E
Reynolds, Robert R
Rhodes, Carney C
Rhodes, Edward B
Rhyne, John C Jr
Rice, Bernard
Rice, John E
Richardson, Thomas L
Richter, Eldon F
Rike, Thomas L Jr
Riley, Lloyd S
Roberts, Raymond K
Roberts, Sumner L
Robertson, William III
Robey, Harry A Jr
Robinson, Arthur H Jr
Robinson, Walter B
Rocco, Patsy
Rochester, Eugene E
Rocketto, Harold J
Rodock, Nicholas
Rogers, Wiley A
Rohrlich, Robert E
Ross, Harry C
Ross, Lawrence D
Ross, Madison H
Ross, Milt I
Roswal, Frederick
Roth, Ernest L
Rowland, Samuel L
Roy, Arnold K
Royar, Frederic J
Ruiz, Arthur F
Rukes, Merlyn D
Runge, Walter E
Rush, Cleve C
Russell, Francis H
Rutt, Donald H
Ryan, Clayton W
Sample, Harry T Jr
Sanders, Wilbur R
Sandhagen, Paul R
Sanford, Isaac N Jr
Sangster, Robert H
Sansum, Harry R
Santerre, Homer N
Sawicki, Joseph R
Sayre, Dorwin D
Sbrolla, Emilio M
Scalco, Robert
Schenker, Murray
Schmitt, Lawrence G
Schobert, William A Jr
Schoch, Philip M
Schoonmaker, Elwood
Schor, John
Schweinebraten, Leslie H
Scott, Harold P
Seitz, Carl W
Senior, George T
Shane, Leon H
Shanks, John D
Shankweiler, Stanley R
Shaw, Floyd J
Shebeck, Daniel A
Sheehan, Arthur E Jr
Sheldon, Robert M
Shellman, Carl E
Shelly, James F
Sheridan, Charles C
Sherman, Homer R
Sherman, John H
Shields, Edward F Jr
Shipp, Gene K
Shokal, William V
Shoup, Noel E
Sidders, Wallace V
Simno, William R
Simon, Gustaf J
Simonte, Phillip
Skubal, Joseph J
Slagle, Jack A
Slate, Ralph W
Slight, Joseph L
Smirnes, E 'Nick' Jr
Smith, Gene K
Smith, Harold S
Smith, Jimmie R
Smith, Marshall L
Smith, Oaks H
Smith, Ralph L
Smith, Robert W
Smith, Teddy A
Smith, Theodore R
Smith, Woodrow W
Snell, Jack D
Snoddy, Archie E
Solverson, Robert K
Soria, Peter
Southworth, Billy B Jr.
Sparks, William C
Spooner, Ramon L
Stafford, Frank W
Stafford, Warren Jr
Staner, Billie L
Stangohr, Bruce C
Stark, Joseph
Stata, Charles M
Stauter, Herman L
Steele, William C
Stephan, Paul C
Stephens, William H
Sterling, Jay R
Stevens, Wayne O
Stevenson, Robert L
Stevenson, Robert L
Stewart, Paul C
Stockman, Kenneth H
Stockton, Donald E
Stoffregen, William E
Street, Benjamin B
Streicher, Ralph E
Stuart, Norman L
Stube, Harry G
Stuermer, John W
Stuphar, Stephen
Sturgis, Gerald S
Sutherland, Thomas A
Swanson, J W
Swanson, Theodore G
Swindle, Robert J
Sysel, William A
Tanner, Merlin A
Tapley, Thomas W
Tasker, Richard F
Taub, Francis R
Taxon, Rubin
Taylor, Claude F
Tempesta, David
Tepper, Morris
Tercek, Joseph J
Teter, Winston C
Thomas, George S
Thomas, Lawrence W
Thomas, Woodrow B
Thompson, Frank H
Thompson, Jack Jr
Thornton, Leonard E
Tielman, William A
Tippet, Paul S
Tisdale, Elmo O
Toler, William M
Toon, William D
Traver, Leslie F
Troy, Edward J
Turkington, Calvin G
Turner, Frank R Jr
Turner, Leonard A
Tyler, Clair A
Ulrich, Carl L
Underwood, George E
Union, Alfred M
Van Dyke, Alfred B
Van Etten, James R
Van Fleet, Robert W
Van George, James
Van Ornum, Charles S
Van Ravenstein, Edward A
Van Wie, John A
Vasel, Warren T
Vasquez, Manuel
Vaughan, Thomas S
Vesy, Gilbert P
Villasenor, Oscar
Volpini, Peter M
Wagner, Donald G
Wagner, Lloyd E
Waldron, Leo F
Walker, John H
Walker, Lewis M
Walling, Glenn R
Walter, George M
Walters, Joseph H
Wardowski, Stanley
Warne, Ralph N
Washburn, Robert H
Watson, James R
Way, Henry G
Weinberg, Howard G
Weise, William A Jr
Weiss, Armin
Weiss, Leonard E
Whalon, William R
White, Frank M
White, Gerald A
White, Raymond E
Whitesell, Russell O
Wilder, Leroy W
Willet, Clarence B
Williams, Gaylon C
Williams, James O
Willson, Louis H
Wilson, Clarence G
Wilson, David L
Wilson, Thomas E
Winiger, Bernard A
Winter, Raymond K Jr
Wisniewski, Alexander
Witt, Orville S
Witterstetter, Gene A
Woddrop, Edward M
Wokersien, James T
Wolf, Lawrence M
Woodley, Robert F
Woods, Arthur H
Woods, Lyle C
Woodson, William H
Worthley, Joe R
Wright, Charles E
Wysocki, Walter
Yager, Lamoine D
Yarnall, Winfield L
Zeitner, Howard H
Ziegler, Roland R
Zieminski, Edward A
Zimmer, Erwin C
Znidersich, Louis E
Zsampar, Joseph G
Zweck, William A

[John Gillespie Magee, Jr. (1922 - 1941) was an American/British fighter pilot, he flew with the Royal Canadian Air Force in World War II. He came to Britain, flew in a Spitfire squadron, and was killed at age 19 on December 11, 1941, during a training flight from the airfield near Scopwick, Lincolnshire. The poem was written on the back of a letter to his parents which stated, "I am enclosing a verse I wrote the other day. It started at 30,000 feet, and was finished soon after I landed."]