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303rd BG(H) Paintings and Artwork
[Researched and compiled by Harry D. Gobrecht]

Keith Ferris sketch of Thunderbird
- click images below for a larger view -
Artist Credit and Contact Information
Schweinfurt Again
by Keith Ferris (1991)
Depicts the 76th mission of Thunderbird on 09 October 1944 to Schweinfurt, Germany. Thunderbird B-17G #42-38050 (359BS) BN-U [1Lt Philip D. Eisenwinter Crew].
Pogue Ma Hone B-17G #42-31060 (427BS) GN-N [2Lt Robert G. Van Antwerp Crew].
Fortresses Under Fire
by Keith Ferris (1975)
75' x 25' oil mural at the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum, Washington, DC. Depicts the 70th mission of Thunderbird on 15 August 1944 to Wiesbaden, Germany.
Thunderbird B-17G #42-38050 (359BS) BN-U [2Lt Jack R. Hillary Crew]
Bonnie-B B-17G #42-31483 (359BS) BN-P [2Lt Sidney L. Underdown Crew]
Special Delivery B-17G #42-102496 (359BS) BN-M [2Lt Lewis M. Walker Crew]
Marie B-17G #42-31389 (359BS) BN-N [2Lt Charles L. Mainwaring Crew]
Slow Timing Bonnie "B"
by Keith Ferris (2001)
303rd Bomb Group B-17G Bonnie "B" taxis out for engine replacement test flight during late May 1944.
Retirement Party for Old Thunderbird
by Keith Ferris (1966)
USAF Art Collection Painting. Commemorates the 112th and last mission of Thunderbird. Thunderbird B-17G #42-38050 (359BS) BN-U [1Lt Frederick A. Stewart Crew] Plus four other unidentified 303rd BG(H) B-17s
Rauhbautz, Marie, Special Delivery, Bonnie B
by Keith Ferris
Reverse view of the Mural Fortresses Under Fire on 15 August 1944 mission. FW-190 attacking the three lowest level B-17s of the 359th BS lead Squadron formation.
Rauhbautz VII FW-190 [Luftwaffe Pilot Lt Klaus Bretschneider] -
Marie B-17G #42-31389 (359BS) BN-N [2Lt Charles L. Mainwaring Crew] -
Special Delivery B-17G #42-102496 (359BS) BN-M [1Lt Lewis M. Walker Crew] -
Bonnie B B-17G #42-31483 (359BS) BN-P [2Lt Sidney L. Underdown Crew]
A Test of Courage
by Keith Ferris (1993)
Of the specialized Luftwaffe "Sturmgruppen" Unit attacking the 358th BS formation on the 15 August 1944 mission to Wiesbaden, Germany quickly Downing nine B-17s while losing three FW-190s. (303rd Gunners claimed nine FW-190s downed with five approved).
Rauhbautz VII FW-190 [Lt Klaus Bretschneider] -
Bad Penny B-17G #42-31183 (359BS) BN-J [2Lt Arthur L. Goss Crew] -
Fearless Fosdick B-17G #43-37838 (358BS) VK-A [Capt Arnold S. Litman Crew] -
Helen Heaven B-17G #42-31224 (358BS) VK-F [2Lt Samuel C. Smithy Crew] -
My Blonde Baby B-17G #44-6086 (358BS) VK-L [2Lt Oliver B. Larson Crew] -
(No name) B-17G #44-6291 (358BS) VK-E [2Lt Alfred I. Smith Crew]
Real Trouble
by Keith Ferris
FW-190 Luftwaffe Pilots: Klaus Bretschneider, Matches Erberdt and Ernst Schroeder. Flying past the 384th BG(H) formation on their way to attack the 303rd BG(H) formation on 15 August 1944.
Normandy -- June 44
by Keith Hill (2002)
During the early part June 1944 the battleship USS Nevada is shown off the Normandy beachhead. Flying overhead is a damaged B17 'Flying Fortress' of the 303rd Bomb Group out of RAF Molesworth. The B17 is being escorted by an RAF 'Spitfire'. Though severely damaged, by the Japanese at Pearl Harbour, the Nevada was rebuilt and served at Normandy before deploying to the Pacific campaign.
Molesworth Lady
by Keith Hill
Mercy's Madhouse B-17G #42-97557 (358BS) VK-X with 303rd BG(H) and 303rd Tactical Missile Wing insignias. One of the 8th Air Force paintings collection. Village of Molesworth can be seen in the misty background.
You're Almost Home Yank
by Keith Hill (1993)
Unidentified B-17 (358BS) VK-H
Homeward Bound
by Keith Hill (1992)
La Rhonda B-17G #43-38259 (359BS) BN-J with a P-51 escort
Might in Flight
by Keith Hill (1994)
Flight of five 303rd BG(H) B-17Fs and B-17Gs containing the various aircraft markings used by the 303rd BG(H) from 1942-1945 (Commemorative edition. Commissioned & Copyright by JAC, RAF Molesworth). The Hunting Club B-17F #42-5432 (358BS) VK-B (White Triangle "C" tail insignia) - Scorchy II B-17G #42-97058 (359BS) BN-V (Red Triangle "C" tail insignia) -
My Yorkshire Dream B-17G #42-38051 (427BS) GN-P (White Triangle "C" tail insignia) -
Bow-Ur-Neck Stevens B-17G #42-97260 (360BS) PU-Q (Black Triangle "C" tail insignia) -
G.I. Sheets B-17G #42-39786 (427BS) GN-R (Red Triangle "C" tail insignia)
Molesworth Dawn
by Keith Hill (1994)
Hell's Angels B-17F #41-24577 (358BS) VK-D being serviced by her Crew Chief M/Sgt Fabian Folmer and his ground crew. (Commemorative Edition. Commissioned & Copyrighted by Col Glen D. Shaffer, CO, JAC, RAF Molesworth.)
Molesworth in Sight
by Keith Hill (1996)
Unidentified 303rd BG(H) B-17G preparing to land on
runway 32 (NW-SE) with two wounded aboard. In the background are: Protective
20th Fighter Group P-51s from nearby Kingscliffe; Red flare for wounded
aboard; 379th BG(H) B-17s peeling off to land at Kimbolton in the far
distance. Old Westin Church is in foreground. Presented to the JAC, RAF Molesworth by 303rd BGA President J. Ford Kelley on 15 August 1994. Many of the prints were signed by 303rd BG(H) Veterans.
Molesworth Remembers
by Keith Hill (1996)
Unidentified B-17G and her Ground Crew. Painting has 303rd BG(H) and JAC Insignia.
(Commissioned & Copyright by JAC, RAF Molesworth.) Copy Mailed to 303rd BGA members at
Christmas 1996 from JAC personnel who remembered their 303rd BG(H) heritage.
Last One Out
by Keith Hill (1997)
Beat's Me B-17F #41-24567 (360BS) BN-J, badly damaged, with a FW-190 circling on 23 January 1943 mission to Lorient/Brest, France. The badly damaged B-17 was piloted by 358th BS Pilot 1Lt Joseph E. Haas flying with members of the 360th BS 1Lt Louis M. Schulstad Crew. The B-17 had been hit by bombs from an aircraft flying above and crewmen bailed out over Germany (7 KIA & 3 POW). Radio Operator S/Sgt Charles L. Roth was the last crewmen to bail out. (Commissioned & Copyrighted by Brian McGuire, JAC, RAF Molesworth.)
Any Gum Chum
by Keith Hill (2000)
Henn's Revenge B-17G #44-8427 (358BS) VK-E with part of the Capt Lawrence Poole Crew and their dog mascot "Airman Homer" who flew five combat missions with the crew and was awarded the Air Medal. Village children are asking for gum and candy. (Painted for the 2-3 June 2000 303rd BGA Return to Molesworth Reunion.) Those who purchase a copy of the print receive a copy of the Melissa Milich book "Homer's Luck". A portion of the revenue from the sale of the prints and book was donated to the 303rd BG(H) Memorial Fund and used to help pay for the 303rd BG(H) RAF Molesworth Memorial.)
Ready to Go
by Keith Hill (2000)
303rd BG(H) P-47D #42-75614 (Hdqs 303rd BG) taking off from the Molesworth Airfield with Deputy CO, LtCol Lewis E. Lyle as Pilot. He frequently used the Group's P-47, which had the 303rd Red Triangle "C" insignia on the tail surface, to look at the Group formations being assembled and accompanying the formation to the English Channel. (Painting was first displayed in the JAC, RAF Molesworth, "Might in Flight" Building, Lewis E. Lyle Conference Room, on 3 June 2000, at the 303rd BGA Return To Molesworth Reunion, with M/Gen Lewis E. Lyle Watching.)
Spirit of Molesworth
by Keith Hill (2003)
Commissioned by the Molesworth Joint Analysis Center (JAC) Capt Tony Cothron, USN.
Molesworth Memory
by Keith Hill (2004)
B-17 landing at RAF Molesworth, passing over the Old Weston Church, a landmark to the
locals and American servicemen and women alike.
Hell's Angels - A Legend is Born
by Keith Hill
Military Policeman on his Harley Davidson bike watching 303rd BG (H) B-17 taking off from the Molesworth Airfield. Three 303rd aircraft hangars in background
(20" x 14" Limited Edition of 500)
As Evening Falls
by Keith Hill
Racehorse Inn in Catworth, set in 1944. Two 303rd BG(H) B-17 in air above Catworth.
(20" x 14" Limited Edition of 500)
Winter of 44/45
by Keith Hill
303rd B.G. (H) B-17s flying by Thraptson Bridge Street Train Station.
(20" x 14" Limited Edition of 500)
Come Straight In
by Roger Brighton (1979)
Unknown 303rd BG(H) B-17G making an emergency landing at Molesworth with wounded aboard. A red wounded aboard flare can be seen in the sky with the "J" Hangar, Control Tower and runway shown below. Unknown mission date and crew.
Hell's Angels
by Roger Brighton
Oil painting raffled at the 303rd BGA June 1984 reunion social evening at RAF
Molesworth, An 8" x 10" color print was sent to requesting 303rd BGA members by UK Representative Ray Cossey. Hell's Angels B-17F #41-24577 (358BS) VK-D. Unknown mission date and crew.
Hell's Angels
by Josh Curtis (1997)
Hell's Angels B-17F #41-24577 (358BS) VK-D and portrait of her Pilot, Capt Irl Baldwin, and the 358th BS and 303rd BG(H) insignia. (Painting commissioned by Mike Ripley and presented to the Joint Analysis Center, RAF Molesworth, England on 14 May 1997 at a ceremony attended by Mike Ripley, Irl Baldwin and his son Lance.)
Duel in the Sky
by Theodore Fraser
Unknown 303rd BG(H) under attack by a German fighter on the 11 January 1944 mission to Oschersleben, Germany where the 303rd BG(H) lost ten B-17s.
The Sawicki Story
by Bob Hand (1997)
Dark Horse B-17F #42-29498 (360BS) PU-D badly damaged and on her way down on her seventh mission on 29 November 1943 mission to Bremen, Germany. Shows 360BS 1Lt Carl J. Fyler Crew waist gunners being pushed from the B-17 by tail gunner S/Sgt Joseph Sawicki. S/Sgt Sawicki had his left arm shot off and suffered abdominal injuries. He crawled to the badly injured waist gunners and with his one arm wrestled parachutes on the waist gunners and pushed them out of the B-17. He never received recognition for his heroism and his post-war recommendation for the Medal of Honor was lost in the military bureaucracy.
New Kids on the Block
by Bob Hand (1997)
Unknown 303rd BG(H) B-17 explodes as it aborts the bomb run killing the entire crew. Crewmen are shown in the next millennium standing on their B-17 in the clouds wondering what happened.
Bombs Away
by Bob Hand (1997)
Depicts bombs falling and "the unfailing memorable moment of release where our aircraft leaped for joy at the occasion." A FW-190 German fighter can be seen attacking (no name) B-17G #44-6517 (360BS) PU-F and another unidentified 303rd BG(H) B-17.
Ole 517
by Bob Hand
B-17G #44-6517 (no name) (360BS) PU-F. 1Lt Marvin P. Fink Crew returning from a 27 Nov 1944 mission to Offenburg, Germany. Visible in the background is their P-51 escort, a V-2 rocket on its way to London, flak bursts and a B-17 that had been hit by flak and was going down. This B-17 flew 82 missions.
Molesworth Sketches
by Bob Hand (1944-45)
Series of sketches done in the barracks back at Molesworth while sitting around after a day's mission. Bob Hand has many additional sketches in his book "Last Raid."
Bombardier's Last Breath
by John Falter
Shows 1Lt Jack W. Mathis, 359th BS Bombardier dying over his bombsight on the 18 March 1944 mission to Vegesack, Germany in The Duchess B-17F #41-24561 (359BS) BN-T. Mathis was awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroism - the first 8th Air Force crewmen to receive this medal. The painting was commissioned and published by Esquire Magazine.
Sweet Rose O'Grady
by Robert Karr (1987)
Sweet Rose O'Grady B-17G #42-39885 (427BS) GN-R returning from an unknown 1944 combat mission cutting through an English cloudscape. This B- 17 flew 134 combat missions - the most of any 303rd BG(H) B-17.
Clancy's Journal
by Steven Leahy (2000)
Crash of B-17G #44-6316 (no name) (358BS) VK-C on 12 September 1944 when the right landing gear collapsed when the B-17 touched the runway. The fire was quickly extinguished by the crash crews and there were no injuries. 1Lt William P. Lay was the pilot. Eight of the nine Lt Lay crewmen were KIA when their B-17 was shot down on 28 September 1944.
Mercy's Madhouse
by Steven Leahy (2000)
Reproduction of a 7 Dec 1944 crash photo of Mercy's Madhouse B-17G #42-97557 (358BS) VK-X. (Painting received an Honorable Mention at the year 2000 EAA Aviation Art Exhibit at Oshkosh, WI.)
Alone No More
by William S. Phillips
Sweet Rose O'Grady B-17G #42-39885 (427BS) GN-R returning to Molesworth. She is joined by two Mark IX Spitfires of the RAF 241st Squadron who will escort her home. Rosie and her crew are "Alone No More." Unknown mission date and crew.
We Made it Again
by Robert Morris (2000)
The 427th BS 1Lt Ehle H. Reber Crew in a jeep departing their aircraft Jerry Jinx B-17F #41-24067 (427BS) GN-W following an unknown 1943 combat mission. The entire crew were KIA when they ditched their B-17 on 23 January 1943.
303rd BG(H) RAF Molesworth Memorial
by Geoff Pleasance (2000)
The 303rd BG(H) memorial at RAF Molesworth, England with a 359th BS B-17G shown flying above the memorial. Dedicated during the 303rd BGA Return to Molesworth Reunion 2-3 June 2000. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this print was donated to the 303rd BG(H) Memorial fund to help pay for the memorial.
B-17 Cockpit
by Geoff Pleasance
View of a B-17 cockpit while on its hardstand looking out the cockpit window at another parked B-17
S/Sgt Joseph Sawicki
by Geoff Pleasance (1997)
Dark Horse B-17F #42-29498 (360BS) PU-D, 29 November 1943 to Bremen, Germany. S/Sgt Joseph Sawicki, 360th BS Tail Gunner aided two badly wounded waist gunners S/Sgts M.G. Stachowiak & G.C. Fisher, to parachute safely after his arm had been blown off. Was recommended for the Medal of Honor by his Pilot Carl J. Fyler.
2Lt Charles W. Spencer
by Geoff Pleasance (1997)
Star Dust B-17F #42-3064 (358S) VK-I, 26 November 1943, Bremen, Germany. Shows wounded Bombardier in nose compartment dropping bombs. Spencer was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross Medal.
S/Sgt William L. Werner
by Geoff Pleasance (1997)
Luscious Lady B-17F #42-5081 (427BS) GN-V on 22 February 1944 to Aschersleben, Germany. Shows wounded S/Sgt William L. Werner at his tail gunner position. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross Medal.
2Lt Thomas J. Dello Buono
by Geoff Pleasance (1997)
Idaliza B-17G #42-97546 (360BS) PU-E, 13 April 1944 to Schweinfurt, Germany. Shows damaged B-17 nose with wounded 360th BS Bombardier 2Lt Thomas J. Bello Buono at his bombsight. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross Medal.
Angels Over the Reich
by William C. Crawford
The proud Angels of the 1Lt William C. Crawford Crew on their way to Wiesbaden, Germany in B-17G (No name) #43-37930 (360BS) PU-F, 303rd BG(H) mission #229 to Wiesbaden, Germany on 15 August 1944
by William C. Crawford
(No name) B-17G #43-37930 (360BS) PU-F on the 15 August 1944 mission to
Wiesbaden, Germany flying in the 360th High Squadron formation. Nine 303rd BG(H)
B-17s in the 358th Low Squadron formation were lost following a heavy attack by
FW-190 German fighters.
Going home from Wiesbaden
by William C. Crawford
Lt Crawford Crew in 360th BS B-17G #42-37930 on their way home to Molesworth after
bombing Wiesbaden, Germany on 15 August 1944.
360th BS B-17s over England
by William C. Crawford
A pair of unidentified 360th BS B-17Gs flying over the English countryside during
summer 1944.
The Boys Are Back
by Mark Postlethwaite
Unknown B-17s of the Lead 360th BS element peeling off for a landing at Molesworth following the 17 August 1943 Mission #60 to Schweinfurt, Germany.
When Prayers Were Answered
by Mark Postlethwaite (1999)
Unknown 303rd BG(H) B-17s preparing to land at Molesworth upon return from a winter 1944-1945 mission. Shows St. Swithin's Church at Old Weston in the foreground with villagers watching.
Sketches of Molesworth
by Neil J. Svare
Series of twelve sketches made at Molesworth during 1944-1945 by Neil Svare.
The Big 'O'
by Arthur Whitlock
359th BS B-17s under attack by German fighters on the 11 January 1944 mission to Oschersleben, Germany where the 303rd BG(H) lost ten B-17s.
Courage of Eagles
by Ronald Wong (1996)
303rd BG(H) Medal of Honor awardees and their B-17s:
T/Sgt Forrest L. Vosler, 358th BS Radio Operator, and Jersey Bounce, Jr. B-17F #42-29664 (358BS) VK-C on 20 December 1943 to Bremen, Germany and 1Lt Jack Mathis, 359th BS Bombardier, and The Duchess B-17F #41-24561 (359BS) BN-T on 18 March 1943 to Vegesack, Germany.
Hell's Angels
by Ronald Wong (about 1970)
B-17F #41-24577 Hell's Angels flying over the English countryside. Photo of an original painting owned by Edgar C. Miller.
Hell's Angels and Vicious Virgin
by Mike Bailey
Hell's Angels B-17F #41-24577 (358BS) VK-D and Vicious Virgin B-17F #42-5341 (427BS) GN-Q. Unknown mission date and crews.
Knockout Dropper
by Mike Bailey
Knockout Dropper B-17F #41-24605 (359BS) BN-R. Unknown mission date and crew. Knockout Dropper was the first 8th AF B-17 to complete 50 and 75 combat
missions after which she was returned to the USA following her last mission
on 27 March 1944. 303rd BG's large "J" Hangar and the technical site can be
seen on the left side of the E-W Runway.
by Mike Bailey
Thunderbird B-17G #42-38050 (359BS) BN-U. Unknown mission date and crew. Thunderbird was made famous by her 112 combat missions and
the Keith Ferris mural at the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum
Miss Lace and Earthquake McGoon
artist unknown
Miss Lace B-17G #42-102569 (427BS) GN-X and Earthquake McGoon B-17G #43-37597 (427BS) GN-G departing the White Cliffs of Dover, England on unknown mission.
(Commissioned by Jim Reeves, 427th BS.)
by Gerritt Zijlstra
(no name) PFF B-17G #42-97691 (427BS) GN-Y. Crashed at a 9th AF P-47 base near Vokel, Holland following a 26 November 1944 mission to Osnabruck, Germany, Capt Richard C. Healy, pilot. Two crewmen bailed out and became POWs. Three crewmen in the nose were KIA when the nose was blown off. Five crewmen survived the crash and returned to Molesworth. The B-17 is being escorted by two Hawker Tempest Fighters, RAF Wing 122, based at the Vokel airfield.
Iza Vailable Too
by Donald J. Doheny
Iza Vailable Too B-17G #42-97254 360BS PU-K. Pencil sketch done for Donald M. Johnston. Landed at Molesworth on 07 May 1944 with the #4 engine on fire on her 10th and final mission. Piloted by Donald M. Johnston.
Iza Vailable Too
by Donald J. Doheny (Jan 2004)
Painting made for Donald M. Johnston pilot of B-17G Iza Vailable Too #42-97254, 360BS (PU-K) returning from Berlin on 7 May 1944. Landed at Molesworth with its #2 engine on fire. Flak had damaged the fuel line and the engine caught on fire when the fuel boster pump was turned on. The B-17 was salvaged after landing on its 10th mission
artist unknown
Thunderbird B-17G #42-38050 (359BS) BN-G. Flew 112 Combat Missions.
Note: Thunderbird used the letter codes "BN-U" during all of her combat missions.
The "U" was changed to "G" following her last combat mission on 22 March 1945
at which time she was declared "War Weary" and no longer used for combat operations. See the Thunderbird web page.
Guardian Angels
by Jim Laurier (1991)
Depicts a formation of North American P-51 Mustangs of the 78th Fighter Group escorting 303rd Bomb Group (H) B-17 Flying Fortresses on a daylight raid over Europe.
Death of the 8 Ball
by Pete Valente
The '8' Ball MkIIIB-17G #42-97781 (359BS) BN-O was lost over the target at Wiesbaden, Germany after being hit by flak (1 KIA, 8 POW, 1 POW/Rtd), 1Lt Jack T. Davis, pilot. Painting by brother-in-law of F/O Nick L. Guiciardi, bombardier.
Colonel Lewis E. Lyle
by C H Schula
Portrait of Colonel Lyle, Deputy Group Commander 303rd BG(H), Molesworth and Group Commander 379th BG(H), Kimbolton. (Portrait was made while Colonel Lyle was Commanding Officer of the 379th BG(H).
by John Patterson
B-17G 44-6504 (no name) (360BS) PU-M. Crashed into Cheviot Hills,
Northumberland, England during a blizzard on a 16 December 1944 mission that
was recalled (2 KIA). See 360th George A. Kyle Crew Photo and crash site photos. Painting presented to George Kyle
Rocket Hunters
by Heinz Krebs
Painting shows a pair of P-51Ds from the 1st Scouting Force (85th
FS/364th FG) detecting a German V-2 rocket launch site near the English Channel
in the Spring of 1945. The P-51 Mustang in the foreground is piloted by
1Lt Merrill J. "Dewey" DuMont of the 1st Scouting Force. Lt DuMont was
previously a CoPilot on the 427th BS/303rd BG(H) Lt John C. Griggs Crew and later a 427th BS 1st Pilot.
Bombs Away
by Domenic DeNardo
Knockout Dropper B-17F #41-24605 BN-R. Assigned 359th BS/303rd BG(H) 22 Sep 1942. Leading formation over a German target in early 1944. First Eighth Air Force B-17 to fly 50 combat missions (16 Nov 1942) and 75 combat missions (27 Mar 1944).
Familiarity Breeds Respect
by Randy Green (1998)
A Messerschmit Bf 109 G-14 of JG 11 trails, at a respectful distance, a formation of B-17Gs of the 303rd Bomb Group (Molesworth). High over Germany in the spring of 1945, daylight bombing raids by the American 8th Air Force still met the experienced opposition of determined Luftwaffe pilots. Their familiarity with the American "dicke autos" evidenced by the fuselage patches, bred the respect of approaching such formations with great care. This particular variant of the Bf-109 was produced in significant numbers and widely used until the end of the war. Although inferior with regards to performance over other late G and K variants, the G-14 was a result of an attempt to rationalize the many production options and problems of the Bf-109G models
Old Crow
by Tim O'Brien (2001)
Old Crow B-17G #42-31200 GN-V. Drawn by Tim O'Brien in honor of his great-uncle Lt. Vere A. Wood and the men of the 303rd Bomb Group and the Eighth Air Force.
First to Fall
by Steve Archer
Lady Fairweather B-17F #41-24568 (359BS) BN-U. Lost on 22 November 1942 mission to St. Naziare, France. All ten 1Lt Arthur E. Reddig crewmen were KIA. Was first 303rd BG(H) B-17 to be lost in combat
Death Over Magdeburg
by Keith Aspinall
303rd BG(H) formation on 28 September 1944 mission to Magdeburg, Germany. Eleven 303rd BG(H) B-17s were lost.
Hell's Angels Fight Back
by Alexandre Jay
On the 20th March 1945, having just dropped its bomb-load on an oil refinery in Hamburg, the 303rd Bomb Group (H) turned for home, only to came under attack by between 15 to 20 German Me-262 jets. The attacks lasted for about thirty minutes, 72 P-51s (little-friends) helping to break up the attacks that might have lasted longer. During this air-battle the 303rd lost two B-17s, had three sustain major battle-damage and
seventeen minor damage. The Group’s B-17 gunners claimed five enemy aircraft destroyed, four probable's
and three damaged. The painting is dedicated to 360th BS Bombardier Bill Runnels
by Scott Robertson
Approximately 15:15pm October 14, 1943 Watercolor 22" X 46"
After the bomb drop south of Schweinfurt the 303rd BG was attacked by twin
engine fighters. German ME-110 armed with cannon and rockets zooms by
Vicious Virgin and Luscious Lady
by Scott Robertson
Aircraft # 341"Vicious Virgin" and aircraft #081 "Luscious Lady."
October 14, 1943 Watercolor 22" X 46"
At 14:46, seconds before the bomb drop the left waist gunner of "Luscious
Lady" shot down a JU 88 that was attacking from 7;30 o'clock slightly high.
The B-17 in the background in between is #029 "Wallaroo."
Highland Utah Veteran's Memorial
by Dennis Smith (2003)
The bronze statue depicts an incident on Hitler's Death March where Lt Harold W. "Hal" Gunn and a friend, Lt Dee Butler, saved the life of Woodrow (Woody) Morgan. Woody was a Tuskegee Airman fighter pilot and fellow POW. While on the March, Hal and Dee noticed that their companion was missing. Strong men were dropping in the deep snow from exhaustion and exposure. Hal found Woody asleep in a grove of trees where he would have frozen to death if he had stayed much longer. Hal and Dee picked him up and dragged him along the trail with the other prisoners until he was fully revived and had the strength to walk on his own. The Bronze depicts Lt Hal Gunn holding up his friend Woody, with the assistance of an angel from heaven above and his grandson, Cory Cosgrave, who would be born some 45 years later.
B-17 Illustrations
by Mark Styling
Over 40 303rd BG B-17 Illustrations are available as prints by noted aviation illustrator and artist Mark Styling.
T/Sgt Forrest T. Vosler
by J.G. Keck
Medal of Honor Recipient Tech. Sergeant Forrest L. Vosler.
Wood Carvings
by Bill Adams
Master Wood Carver William F. "Bill" Adams is a remarkable and talented man
who many who served with the Eighth Air Force consider their friend. Bill,
as a young lad, became enamored with the Eighth Air Force as the result of
the kindness of an American Pilot who comforted him in an air raid shelter and gave him his Pilot
wings. After many happy years as a lorry driver he became disabled with an
inoperable vascular brain tumor. While undergoing rehabilitation therapy, he
discovered that he had unique talent for wood carving. By chance he directed
his primary efforts to making beautiful plaques that displayed aircraft nose
art and honored individuals who flew in British and American Bombers and
Fighters. Many were carved on the oak tops of school desks salvaged from
English schools. His carvings, donated to new found friends, now exceed 500
and have been made for almost 30 different Air Force Units and 10 museums.
Many have been carved for 303rd BG(H) members who now have a deep respect for
his generosity and friendship.