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B-17F 42-5177 Fast Worker Mk II (359BS) BN-U
(crew assigned 359BS: 14 Sep 1943 - photo: 10 Oct 1943)
1Lt Charles E. Hanselmann (P)(far right),
2Lt Lucien B. Calwell (CP),
1Lt Elijah W. Ramsey, Jr. (N),
1Lt William D. Livermore (B)
T/Sgt George A. Zitzler (R),
S/Sgt Keith N. Armstrong (BTG),
S/Sgt Robert J. Laubert (Top Turret),
S/Sgt Mitchel J. Tybuszewski (TG),
T/Sgt Howard E. Fouss (E)(5th from left),
S/Sgt Walter S. Williams (WG)(front, far right)
(Ranks and grades at time of last combat mission)
(Photo order of crewmen is not yet known)
Combat missions flown by 1Lt Charles E. Hanselmann:
72(AS)(27 Sept 1943), 73, 74(AS), 77, 78, 79(AS), 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 87, 88, 90(A), 91(AS), 93, 95, 99,
103(A), 104, 106, 107(A), 108(A), 132, 133, 134, 138, 139, 142, 145, 146, 148, 149 (9 May 1944)
Crew Notes:
- 1Lt Charles F. Hanselmann (P) - Flew all of his missions as First Pilot.
Thirty mission combat tour completed on 9 May 1944.
- 2Lt Lucien B. Calwell (CP) - Flew on 17 missions as CoPilot with 1Lt
Hanselmann (72 thru 84, 88, 93 thru 132). Flew on 10 missions as CoPilot with
other Pilots (111, 115, 116, 121, 124, 126, 127, 128, 130, 132). Upgraded from
CoPilot to Pilot on orders dated 04 April 1944. Flew his last mission
(134) on 11 April 1944 as a First Pilot.
- 1Lt Elijah W. Ramsey (N) - Flew on 22 missions with 1Lt Hanselmann and 8
missions with other Pilots. Thirty mission combat tour completed on 16
March 1944 (mission 121).
- 1Lt William D. Livermore (B) - Flew on 18 missions with 1Lt Hanselmann and
12 missions with other Pilots. Thirty mission combat tour completed on 24 April
1944 (Mission 140)
- T/Sgt Howard E. Fouss (E) - Flew on 27 missions with 1Lt Hanselmann and 3
missions with other Pilots. Thirty mission combat tour completed on 8 May 1944
(Mission 148)
- T/Sgt George A. Zitzler (R) - Flew on 17 missions with 1Lt Hanselmann and 3
missions with other pilots. Thirty mission combat tour completed on 29 May 1944
(Mission 164)
- S/Sgt Keith N. Armstrong (BTG/WG) - Flew on 28 missions with 1Lt Hanselmann
- 11 as BTG and 17 as WG. Flew 2 missions with other Pilots. Thirty
mission combat tour completed on 11 May 1944 (Mission 161).
- S/Sgt Walter S. Williams (WG/BTG) - Flew on 28 missions with 1Lt Hanselmann
- 11 as WG and 17 as BTG. Flew 2 missions with other Pilots. Thirty mission
combat tour completed on 9 May 1944 (Mission 149).
- S/Sgt Robert J. Laubert (WG) - Flew on 1Lt Hanselmann's first 11 missions
and was removed from combat status. Substitute Waist Gunners then used on 19
missions which included 11 missions by T/Sgt Robert F. Jaouen
- T/Sgt Robert F. Jaouen (WG) - From the Lt Robert L. Cunningham crew. Flew 11 missions with 1Lt Hanselmann after S/Sgt Lambert's last mission.
Bailed out over England with the Lt Ambrose G. Grant crew returning from
mission 78, 14 October 1943, to Schweinfurt, Germany.
- S/Sgt Mitchel J. Tybuszewski (TG) - Flew on 27 missions with 1Lt Hanselmann
and 3 missions with other Pilots. Thirty mission combat tour completed on
7 May 1944 (Mission 146).
[photo from the 303rdBGA Archives]
[Researched by Historian Harry D. Gobrecht]