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359th Crew
Robert L. Cunningham, Pilot
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(Cunningham assigned 359th BS: 21 Juanuary 1944)
(Upgraded from CoPilot, Elmer W. Young Crew, to Pilot: 1 June 1944)

Capt Robert L. Cunningham (P), 2Lt Maurice C. Daum (CP),
2Lt Milton S. Riley (N)

Pvt D.O. Huddleston (Tog), T/Sgt Robert K. Merrow (E),
S/Sgt William A. Rose (R), T/Sgt Robert E. Manchester (BTG),
T/Sgt Robert F. Jaouen (WG), S/Sgt Charles A. Quinn (TG)

(Ranks and grades at time of last combat mission)

Capt Robert L. Cunningham dispatched combat missions:
As CoPilot: Seventeen (120 (9 Mar 44), 125, 126, 128, 129, 131, 132, 134, 142, 143, 146, 147, 150, 153, 154, 155, 165 (30 May 44)
As 1st Pilot: Fifteen (167 (2 June 44),169, 170 (Spare), 172, 174, 175, 176, 177, 179, 180(A), 181, 182, 183, 185, 186 (20 June 44)
As Lead Crew Pilot: Fifteen (246 (26 Sep 44), 247, 251, 255, 260, 264, 273, 275, 278, 291, 299, 316, 333, 348, 358 (11 Apr 45)
(A) Aborted - no credit mission -- (Spare) Spare B-17 returned to Molesworth - No credit
For mission dates and targets see the missions list.

Crew Notes:

  • Capt Robert L. Cunningham (P) - Missions flown as CoPilot: Originally assigned to 359th BS on 21 Jan 44 as CoPilot on the Lt Richard K. Marsh crew, but flew no combat missions with this crew: Lt Elmer W. Young crew -12 missions as Co Pilot - (120 (9 Mar 44), 125, 126, 128, 129, 131, 132, 134, 146, 147, 155); With three other Pilots - five missions (142, 143, 153, 154, 165).
    Missions flown as 1st Pilot: Upgraded from CoPilot to Pilot on orders effective 1 June 1944. Dispatched on fifteen missions as 1st Pilot with five different CoPilots. Completed 30 mission combat tour on 23 June 1944. Volunteered for a second combat tour and flew fifteen missions as a PFF Lead Crew Pilot. Promoted to Captain. Last mission on 11 April 1945.
  • 2Lt Maurice C. Daum (CP) - Dispatched on four missions as the Lt Cunningham CoPilot (167, 169,170(Spare), 172) . Three different Substitute CoPilots used on the other Lt Cunningham 1st Pilot missions (174 through 182). Was upgraded from CoPilot to Pilot on 6 June 1944 and flew nine missions as a 1st Pilot. First mission on 11 April 1944. Combat tour completed on 20 June 1944.
  • 2Lt Milton S. Riley (N) - Dispatched on eleven missions with Lt Cunningham (167, 169, 170(Spare), 172, 174, 175, 176, 179, 180(A), 181, 186). Substitute Navigators used on the other Lt Cunningham 1st Pilot missions. Other missions: Eleven with two other 360BS Pilots before assignment to Lt Cunningham: Two with Lt Lloyd L. Holdcroft and nine with Lt George E. Underwood. Flew two additional missions after missions with Lt Cunningham (187, 194). First mission on 16 December 1943. Combat tour completed on 29 June 1944.
  • Pvt D.O. Huddleston (Tog) - Before assignment to Lt Cunningham crew was assigned to the 360th BS with the grade of S/Sgt. Flew 25 missions as Waist Gunner and four as a Togglier. 360BS Pilots: Four missions - Lt William T. Baker crew; 12 missions with the Lt John H. Parrott crew; 12 missions with ten other Pilots. Reduced in grade from S/Sgt to Private for an unknown reason and transferred to the 359th BS. Dispatched on nine missions with Lt Cunningham as Togglier (167, 169, 170(Spare), 172, 174, 175, 176, 180(A), 181). Four other Togglers used on the other eight Lt Cunningham 1st Pilot missions. First mission on 3 September 1943. Combat tour completed on 23 June 1944.
  • T/Sgt Robert K. Merrow (E) - Dispatched on all fifteen Lt Cunningham 1st Pilot missions (167 Through 186). Flew on 18 missions before being assigned to the Lt Cunningham crew and one mission (187) afterwards. First mission on 6 February 1944. Combat tour completed on 21 June 1944.
  • S/Sgt William A. Rose (R) - Dispatched on twelve Lt Cunningham 1st Pilot missions (167 through 182). Substitute crewmen used on three missions (183, 185, 186). S/Sgt Rose had flown on 13 missions before being assigned to the Lt Cunningham crew and on thirteen afterwards. First mission on 22 Dec 1943. Combat tour completed on 4 August 1944.
  • T/Sgt Robert E. Manchester (BTG) - Dispatched on eleven Lt Cunningham 1st Pilot missions (167 through 181). Substitute BTGs used on four missions (182, 183, 185, 186). Dispatched on twenty-five missions before being assigned to the Lt Cunningham crew. First mission on 27 Sept 1943. Combat tour completed on 23 June 1944.
  • T/Sgt Robert F. Jaouen (WG) - Was a member of the Lt Ambrose G. Grant crew. Dispatched on seven Lt Cunningham 1st Pilot missions (167 through 176). Substitute Waist Gunner, S/Sgt John L. Arendt, from the Lt Weldon O. Harrison crew, used on eight missions (177 through 186). T/Sgt Jaouen's first mission on 12 Oct 1943. Combat tour completed on 23 June 1944.
  • S/Sgt Charles E. Quinn (TG) - Flew on twelve missions before being assigned to the Lt Cunningham crew. Fourteen missions with Lt Cunningham (167 through 180 and 182 through 186). Substitute Tail Gunner on one mission (181). First mission on 3 Nov 1943. Last mission on 20 June 1943.

[Researched by Historian Harry D. Gobrecht]