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In Loving Memory
of Members of the 303rd Bomb Group (H) who have 'Gone West'

Many of the veteran's death dates and grave photographs are now available online at Find-A-Grave or Billion Graves. If you don't see what you need here, please search those resources for the information. New TAPS names will continue to be added as they are known. Grave photos will be added by request only.

Killed in Action   Korea   Vietnam   Killed in Service   Photo   Burial

A - E         F - L         M - Q         R - Z        

Fahlbusch, Joseph F
Fairfield, Wilson F
Faner, Leonard N
Fanning, David D
Farmer, Frank L
Farnham, Gordon W
Farrah, Albert L
Farrell, Lawrence C
Farrell, Peter J
Faubion, Winfred E
Faulkner, Leroy "Lee"
Faustini, John
Fawcett, Jack B
Fee, George H
Fegette, Iva Lee
Feinman, Milton
Feldman, Norbert B
Feldman, Seymour
Felton, Carl H Jr
Fennell, Thomas G
Ferguson, Irue
Ferguson, Paul D
Ferguson, William H
Ferlemann, William B
Ferrari, Walter J
Ferris, James H
Fertitta, Joseph F
Fessler, Elmer A
Ficken, Lewis P
Ficovich, Antone G
Fidares, Anthony
Fields, Harley W
Fink, Marvin P "Mike"
Fink, Paul K
Finley, Robert A
Finn, Russell C
Finnell, Calvin E
Fiore, John
Fischer, Jack D
Fischer, Norbert G
Fisher, Dale M
Fisher, George C
Fisher, James H
Fisher, Raymond E
Fisher, Stanley L
Fisher, William A
Fitko, Marion F
Fitterer, David S
Fitzgerald, Lyle W
Fitzsimmons, Kenneth P
Fitzsimmons, Kent M
Flammia, Joseph E
Flandermeyer, Omer J
Flanders, W James
Flanigan, Lloyd J
Flannery, Edward W
Fleck, Peter J
Fleming, George J
Fleming, Philip G
Flenniken, William
Flesak, Walter
Flesh, William R
Fletcher, John E
Flick, Chester Eugene
Flood, Lee V
Force, James G
Flowers, Selwyn 'Pappy'
Fluke, William C
Flynn, John L
Foe, Kenneth D
Foell, Charles R
Fogarty, Richard T "Buddy"
Fogle, Jerome W Jr "Jerry"
Fojt, Oldrich
Foley, Norment
Folkman, Morris 'Sammy'
Folmer, Fabian S
Fonorow, Milton S
Fontaine, Clifford F
Foote, Herbert A Jr
Ford, Ray D
Foreman, David B
Foreman, Dennis E
Forry, Harvey W
Forsythe, William K
Fort, William C Jr
Fortunak, Richard C
Forve, Frank F
Foster, Allen G
Foster, Delbert E
Foster, Lane
Foster, Raymond L
Foster, William D
Fountain, Clarence M
Fournier, Ernest R
Fouss, Howard E
Fouts, Malcolm M
Fowler, Athel E
Fowler, James F
Fowler, Robert Rex
Fox, Albert Curtis
Fox, John L Jr.
Fox, Raymond H
Fox, Richard W
Fragasso, Glenn
Franceschini, James V
Francis, Angelito
Francis, Walter G
Frankewich, Anthony
Franklin, John V
Franzen, George W
Fraser, David J
Fredericks, Jacob W
Fredrickson, Carl A
Free, Ennis B
Freedman, Joseph T
Freeman, Clyde E
Freeman, Kenneth H
Freese, Paul D
French, Chester W
Frew, Billis D
Frey, Alan E
Frey, James L
Frick, Ivan R
Friedland, Lawrence
Friedlander, Henry
Friedman, Szymon A
Fries, Lawrence L Jr
Frieze, Everett L
Froehlich, Harold C
Frolick, Edwin J
Frook, Stanley F
Frost, Carlyle A
Frost, Charles E
Frost, William N
Frymark, Arthur P
Fugazzi, Gildo
Fulghum, Harold G
Fulks, James O
Fulp, Harvey A
Furey, Lawrence E
Furman, Frank F
Fussner, William H
Fydrychowski, John J
Fyler, Carl J
Gable, Clark
Gable, Richard E
Gadbois, Norman C
Gahimer, Loyd D
Gainer, Phillip B
Gainer, Woodrow W.
Gaines, Edmund W
Galardi, John F
Galbraith, Robert E
Gale, Charles L
Gallagher, Edward L
Galley, Cyrus A
Gamble, Donald
Gano, Frederick "Fred"
Ganshert, Joseph R
Garbarino, Louis V Jr
Garber, Henry C
Gard, John M
Gardner, Edward W Jr.
Gardner, John F "Jack"
Garlick, Darrell L
Garlock, Stephen N
Garneau, Charles D
Garret, Charles E
Garrett, Frank O
Garriott, John A
Gartland, Raymond O
Gaskin, Carthel O
Gaspar, Robert V
Gasser, Walter
Gates, Edward M
Gatewood, P H
Gaumer, Billy A "Red"
Gavin, William E
Gaynor, Donald G
Gee, Wilbur V
Geiger, James E
Geisman, Gaylord W
Geist, Edwin G
Gendron, Ernest J
Geng, Donald F
Gennaro, Louis T
Gentry, Raymond L
George, Sidney L
George, William Ralph
Gergash, Bernard A
Gerhardstein, Michael E
Germaine, Joseph R
Gerstel, Charles L
Gervais. Joseph R
Geyer, Walter A
Giarmo, Thomas E
Gibbons, Francis M
Gibney, Hugh F Jr
Giddings, Leslie W
Giering, Edward J
Gilberstadt, Milton
Gilbert, Bill A
Gilbert, Henry L
Gilcrease, Roland
Gilkes, Barry B
Gill, Edward J
Gillen, George R "Bud"
Gillespie, Glenn H
Gillespie, Henry F
Gillespie, Norton A
Gilmore, Daniel F
Gilstrap, Raymond M
Giltenboth, Charles Lloyd
Gionfriddo, Frank P
Girard, Louis F Jr
Girman, Eugene E. "Gene"
Gislar, Buford C
Gladstone, Melvin
Glaser, Morris "Bob"
Glasgow, Charles G
Glass, Henry F
Glass, LeRoy Edward
Glendening, Vane N L
Gmernicki, Richard H
Gobrecht, Harry D
Godfrey, John D
Godwin, Harold E
Godzinski, Joseph J
Goering, Werner G
Goettman, Andrew T
Goetz, H W
Goetz, John W
Goetz, William H
Goff, Homer W
Goff, James P "Pat"
Goff, Lloyd E
Goggin, Edward F
Goland, Harry S
Goldman, Myron M
Goldschmidt, Nicholas J
Goldwasser, Joseph B
Gomes, Theadore
Gonzalez, Juventino
Gonzalez, Oscar S
Gonzalez, Ramiro M
Goodberlet, Clarence J
Goolsby, Billy Mack
Gorchesky, Benny J
Gordley, Damon A
Gorecki, Victor T
Gorgon, Frank
Gorman, Quentin J
Gornto, Jacob R
Goslin, John T Jr
Goss, Arthur L
Goudy, William F
Gould, Charles L
Gould, Graham C
Goulding, Traynum D
Gow, Rodney K
Grace, Charles E Jr
Grace, Henry J
Gradle, Raymond B
Gramiak, Victor J
Grandwilliams, Louis C
Granham, William
Grant, Ambrose G
Grant, Donald L
Grant, Gilbert D
Grant, Lawrence H
Gravrock, Howard C
Gray, Alexander W. "Sandy"
Gray, Joseph Ray
Gray, Johnnie E
Gray, William W Jr
Greason, William R
Gredvig, Winfield H
Green, Chester L
Green, James F
Greenberg, Bernard "Budd"
Greene, George P Jr
Greene, Norman S
Greenwood, Ernest G
Greig, Leonard C Jr
Grenier, David A
Gribble, Robert T
Grieb, Alexander S
Griffin, Loyd D
Griffith, Ralph J
Griffith, Elwood A
Griffith, Thomas Rene
Griggs, John C. "Jack"
Grimm, Richard C
Grisham Rufus W
Grob, Emil E
Grobe, David E Jr
Grondin, Nicholas A
Gross, James J
Gross, Luther N
Groth, Gerald J
Grove, John W
Grsetic, John P
Grundon, Joseph D
Grunseth, Roald J
Gude, Richard O
Guedel, Clayton A
Guenther, Harry E
Guercia, James J
Guerrieri, Joseph C
Guhr, Delbert E
Guiciardi, Nino L
Gullage, Edmund
Gunderson, Thomas
Gunn, Harold (Hal) W
Gunsauls, Paul
Gurka, Stanley Jr
Gustafson, Orall Ray "Gus"
Guthmann, Richard F
Guthrie, Sidney E
Gutter, Daniel
Guzman, Abel G
Haack, Leonard J
Haakonsen, Raymond E
Haas, Joseph E
Habich, Arthur L
Hackler, Maurice G "Hack"
Haevers, Ferd P
Hafen, Keith L
Hagan, Lloyd D
Hagenbuch, Glenn E
Hahn, James T
Hahn, Samuel
Haines, Rolland M
Halioris, Andrew N
Hall, Charles M
Hall, Franklin C
Hall, George F Jr
Hall, Harry J
Hall, Merwin G
Hallden, Robert H
Halliburton, J B Lewis
Halligan, Robert W
Hallum, Bertrand Jr.
Halonen, Eugene L
Halpin, Michael J
Halpin, Robert H
Haman, Ray T
Hamill, Milton J
Hamilton, Claude A
Hamilton, Lois R
Hamilton, Duke L Jr
Hamilton, Jennings B
Hamm, John F "Jack"
Hammarlund, Carl O
Hammel, Norman D
Hampl, Louis E
Hancock, Arthur E
Hand, Victor G
Hand, Robert A
Haney, James E
Hanna, William E
Hanna, William M
Hannan, Robert J
Hanselmann, Charles F

by Sylvan Kamens and Jack Riemer

At the rising of the sun
and at its going down,
We remember them.

At the blowing of the wind
and in the chill of winter,
We remember them.

At the opening of the buds
and in the rebirth of spring,
We remember them.

At the shining of the sun
and in the warmth of summer,
We remember them.

At the rustling of the leaves
and in the beauty of autumn,
We remember them.

As long as we live,
they too will live;
for they are now a part of us,
As we remember them.

Hansen, Calvin K
Hansen, Harley L
Hansen, Heber Dean
Hansen, Lester C
Hansen, Robert S
Harbarger, Martin M
Hardacre, Charles F
Hardaway, Sidney 'Tom'
Harder, Dean Alton
Hardin, Thomas H Jr
Hardy, James H
Hargrove, Quentin W
Hargrove, Walter
Harker, Wayne E
Harper, Kenneth L
Harper, William B
Harris, David W
Harris, Edgar P Jr
Harris, George R
Harris, Harold J
Harrison, Donald B
Harrison, Weldon O "Don"
Hart, Dennis C
Hart, William S
Hartel, Gale
Harter, Frank C
Hartigan, William R
Hartog, Samuel S
Hartzog, Foy G
Harvey, D S
Harvey, Dean
Haskell, Whitney
Hasper, Donald T
Hassett, Maurice M "Maury"
Hassler, Kenneth C
Hassler, Paul H
Hasty, Wesley Leon
Hatch, Logan B
Hatfield, Earl G Jr
Hauer, Joseph J
Hayes, Ralph W
Hayes, Theron "Terry" M
Haynes, Charles D
Haynes, Donald L
Haynes, Harry W Jr.
Haynie, John Dalton
Hays, Henry G
Hayward, Fred H
Healy, Edward P Jr
Healy, Richard F
Heape, Rudolph H
Heathershaw, Charles L
Heckendorf, Marvin
Hedrick, Warren L
Hedison, Ara H
Heffran, James J
Heiliger, Robert B
Hainlin, Neal E Jr
Hein, Monroe C
Hein, Walter E
Heins, Erwin E
Heitman, David E
Heitman, Paul F
Heleen, Carl M
Heller, Emerson E
Heller, Harry H
Heller, W O
Heller, William C
Hellesvig, Vern
Helms, John R
Helton, Ed Jr
Helton, Fletcher
Hembree, William T
Henderson, Grover C
Henderson, Paul E
Hendon, William G. "Bill"
Hendrickson, Milton C
Hendry, John W Jr
Henn, Thomas A
Henry, Donivan D
Henry, James S
Hensel, Philip W
Hensley, James C Jr
Hensley, James H Jr
Henson, Mace
Henson, Walter C
Herbert, Joseph M
Herman, Charles L
Hermann, Kurt J II
Hernan, Howard E
Herrick, Maurice R
Herrington, Glen M
Herrmann, Robert H
Hershner, Paul William
Hesler, Vincent W
Hess, John C
Heussler, Robert
Hicks, Douglas E
Hicks, James C
Hiebeler, George E Jr
Higbee, William W
Higgins, Robert R
High, Howard A
Highfill, Thomas W
Hight, Basil D Jr
Hiibner, Okey L
Hilborn, Ervin
Hildebrand, Kenneth G
Hill, John C Jr
Hillary, Jack R
Hills, Raymond E
Hindman, Samuel M
Hinds, Durward Lee
Hinds, Francis G "Frank"
Hinnershots, Bruce H
Hinton, William E
Hichcock, Robert H "Bob"
Hitt, Kenneth S
Hladun, Harry
Hlastala, Michael S
Hlebasko, Albert
Hobgood, John F
Hodge, Dana A
Hodge, Herman L
Hodges, Alva Earl
Hodges, Grady H
Hoeft, Gordon E
Hoff, Henry
Hoffman, Charles E
Hoffman, David H
Hoffman, George Frederic II
Hoffman, Robert W
Hogue, Earl
Hokans, Carl A
Hoke, Marvin L
Hoke, Robert E
Hoklin, Leif H
Holadia, William G
Holcombe, Fred Jr
Holdcroft, Lloyd L
Holder, Alvin D
Holder, Samuel A
Holen, Theodore J "Ted"
Holland, Bertis W
Holland, Raymond E
Hollifield, Robert Gettys
Hollowell, James L
Hollritt, Alfred K
Holmberg, John F
Holper, Ralph M
Holpp, Kenneth H
Holt, Dewey V
Holt, Richard R
Holtorf, Ernest H
Homan, John R
Homoleski, Hector G
Hoots, William L
Hoover, G W 'Goldie'
Hoover, William L
Hop, Harry W
Hope, Benjamin L
Hopkins, William B
Hopper, Richard R
Hornbacher, Norman E
Horning, Allen E
Horwitz, Charles
Hosso, Harry V
Hostetter, William L Jr
House, Frederick L
Houseman, Clarence W
Houser, Donald R
Hoven, Chester B
Howald, Hans
Howard, Homer M
Howard, Quentin R
Howell, Forrest W
Howell, Melvin
Howes, Jack A
Howlett, Oscar D
Hoxie, Charles R
Hoy, Jim F
Hoyt, George F
Hoyt, Otis A
Hoyt, Robert B
Hubley, Warren G
Hubenschmidt, John W
Huckins, Earl R
Huddleston, D O
Hudler, Billie E
Hudson, Glenn V
Hudson, Hendric
Hudson, James E
Hughes, Aquilla B Jr
Hughes, John R
Hughes, Roy D
Huguenin, Wesley V
Hull, John W
Hullar, Robert J
Humphrey, William B
Humphreys, Fred C
Humphries, Olwin L
Humphries, Wayne
Hundley, Walter L
Hungerford, Merle R Jr
Hunsinger, Walter W
Hunsucker, John E
Hunt, Jackson H
Hunt, John L
Hunter, Robert G
Hunter, William C
Hurlburt, Donald W
Hurlbut, Bart (MD)
Hurlbutt, Carl R
Huston, William J
Hutchins, Dalton R
Hutschenreuter, William C
Hybert, Arthur J
Imbrogno, Americo S
Ingalls, Earl Frank
Inman, James O
Intersimone, Frank J
Ippolito, Antonio
Ipsen, Allen Loren
Irish, William N
Isaac, Kenneth W
Isham, Lawrence W
Islava, Joseph O
Israelson, Elmer P
Izenberg, Jesse A
Jackman, Lon E Jr
Jackson, Miller O
Jackson, Theodore M
Jacobs, Carroll W Jr
Jacobs, Michael
Jacobs, Stanley J
Jacobsen, Norman N
Jaehne, Charles R 'Chuck'
Jahn, Charles O
James, Frank M
James, Jacob C
James, Leon T
Jameson, Chet H Jr
Janisch, Ferd J
Jannuzzo, Anthony C Jr
Jansky, Milton
Jaouen, Robert F
Jaques, Chester D
Jara, Felix M
Jarmolinski, William J
Jarvis, Gregory B
Jasinski, Joseph T
Jasut, Stanley W
Jeambey, Leo E
Jeffrey, Robert A
Jencks, Kenneth W
Jenkins, Harry F
Jenkins, John I
Jenkins, Maurice L
Jenkins, William H
Jensen, Clifford J
Jensen, Dale E
Jensen, Henry J
Jensen, Jens C
Jernigan, Jack Jr
Jess, Ray W
Jeter, James E Jr
Jillson, John S "Jack"
Jinkens, Billy B
Jobe, Milton L
Johns, Carlos H Jr
Johnson, Arthur E
Johnson, Byron W
Johnson, Charles H
Johnson, Charles Peckham
Johnson, Claes E
Johnson, Danny D
Johnson, David E
Johnson, David T
Johnson, Edwin D
Johnson, Frank B
Johnson, George N
Johnson, Harlan J
Johnson, Hugh Beverley
Johnson, Irwan A
Johnson, James C
Johnson, James P
Johnson, James W
Johnson, Kenneth V
Johnson, Lloyd S
Johnson, Paul H
Johnson, Richard O
Johnson, Richard R "Dick"
Johnson, Robert H
Johnson, Robert Hill
Johnson, Robert L
Johnson, Vernelle V
Johnson, Walter K
Johnston, Donald M
Johnston, Harold A
Johnston, Joseph B
Johnston, Walter J
Jokerst, Leonard E
Jones, Burlen
Jones, Charles E
Jones, Dick W
Jones, Donald E
Jones, Douglas L Sr
Jones, Drackart L
Jones, James L
Jones, Jesse T
Jones, John Victor "Vic"
Jones, Marlow W
Jones, Miles Benton
Jones, William E Jr
Jones, William M
Jones, William P
Joneson, Leonard B
Joy, Ripley W
Joyce, Herring Jr
Joyce, Jess
Judd, Chester G
Judd, Dudley F
Juns, Frank Jr
Jurgensen, Louis C
Jurosek, Bernard
Kaber, Harvey N
Kacere, Michael J
Kacus, Alexander T
Kagey, Martin I Jr
Kahler, Thomas F
Kahnert, Olaf F Jr
Kaiser, James M 'Tailwheel'
Kaitz, Einer
Kalafut, Joseph
Kalhoefer, Herbert E
Kaliel, Wilfred L
Kaliher, John C
Kalk, Kenneth T M
Kalkbrenner, Carl B
Kallstrom, Kenneth C
Kaltenbacher, Robert F
Kamen, Roland K
Kamerance, Steven A
Kamstra, Walter W
Kane, Freddie E
Kannapel, Eugene H
Kapczynski, Paul B
Karanson, William A
Karp, William T
Karr, Leslie E
Kasik, Robert F
Kasper, Raymond H
Kastenbaum, Bernard M "Bernie"
Katz, Edwin Harold
Kauffman, Harold F
Kaufmann, Bernard S
Kayrallah, Emil
Keahey, Harold V
Kearney, James W
Kearns, Peter F
Keating, Donald W
Keating, Francis J
Keefer, Oliver L
Keely, Eugene F
Keenan, Alexander J
Keifer, Jerome G
Kellett, Dale A
Kellett, Robert F
Kelley, Francis H
Kelley, J Ford
Kelley, Lewis E
Kelley, Victor S
Kells, David R
Kelly, Charles J 'Class A'
Kelly, James H
Kelly, William T
Kemmerer, Alfred G
Kemp, Robert A
Kendall, Dallas E
Kennedy, J Dwight
Kennedy, Herbert W
Kennedy, Jack B
Kennedy, John D
Kennedy, Ronald J
Kentsbeer, William F
Kepics, George
Kerman, Sheppard
Kernodle, John T
Kerns, Pere
Kerr, Paul L
Kersch, Conrad J
Kersting, George B
Ketron, Frank M
Kerwin, Charles E
Keserich, John
Kesky, Leonard A
Ketner, Wilbert L "Will"
Keusch, Kenneth M
Kever, William I
Keyes, Stanton W
Kidd, Robert E
Kidd, Warren D
Kiesel, Frederic T
Kilgore, Raymond H
Kilroy, Robert E
Kimber, William V
Kimotek, Frank
Kindig, Paul B
Kindred, Berle E
King, Earl J
King, John E
King, John M
King, Raymond C
King, Robert G
King, Roy L
Kinsey, Harold A
Kinsman, George R
Kinyon, Brondle E
Kirk, Floyd
Kirk, Leonard W
Kirkpatrick, Ward M
Kissling, John P
Kitson, Richard E
Klanian, Charles S "Chuck"
Klein, Norman M
Kling, John E
Klingensmith, Russell S
Klimback, Kenneth K
Klint, Wilbur "Bud"
Klym, Michael "Mike"
Knauff, Theodore J. "Ted"
Knedler, Lee F
Knight, Ernest E "Gene"
Knight, RA "Boots"
Knotts, Emery L
Knox, George E
Knudsen, Elmer T "Ted"
Knutson, Wilmer A
Koch, Vernon E
Koepke, Marvin A
Koerner, David M
Kohan, Frederick
Konsmo, George E
Konsuvo, Nicholas P
Koon, Bennie
Koran, William C
Korpi, Walfred J
Koshar, Jerome J
Kosilla, John R
Kossis, Norman
Kosta, Alexander P
Kotz, Warren C
Kovaleski, Anthony J
Kowatch, Raymond J
Koziol, Stephen M (303 hosp)
Kraft, Arthur C
Kraft, Harold A
Krahl, Adolph Lenny
Krajacic, Frank G
Krank, Anton D
Krawiecki, Alexander J
Kray, Anthony R
Kreager, Jon B
Krechter, Robert G
Kremer, Mathias J
Kreutz, William
Kriss, Nick
Krogh, Kenneth R
Krohn, Francis D
Kruse, Erwin A
Kruse, Richard L
Kucab, Michael J
Kuester, Edward F
Kuffel, Mathias A
Kuhn, Harold J
Kulesa, Frank E
Kunkel, Joe T
Kurtenbach, Kenneth J
Kurylo, Joseph T
Kurzawski, John W
Kuwik, John J
Kuykendall, Roger L
Kyle, Clarence C. E.
Kyle, George A Jr
Kyne, Joseph B
Kyse, Walter R
LaBelle, Thomas A
Lacey, Julius K
Lacey, Norman R
Lacker, Howard C
Lacquement, Fay
Ladd, John M
Ladurini, Raymond R
LaFramboise, Francis B
LaFrenier, James E
Lahey, Charles R
Laible, Gilbert N
Lake, Charles W. Jr
Lalumiere, Roland E
Lamb, Karl W
Lame, Louis A
Lamme, Edwin G
Lammers, Roger G
Lance, Calvin L
Lance, Guy A
Land, Jonathan S
Lane, Elwin A
Lange, George L Jr
Langford, Allen W
Lanier, Leo Jr
Lanigan, Harold A
LaPerch, William J
Lappo, Theodore S
Larkworthy, Bernard J
Larsen, Sidney L
Larson, Albert W
Larson, Roy A
Lary, Raymond W
Lasker, Robert M
Lasker, Yale
Laskos, Frank J
Latwhaw, William E
Latta, Charles W
Latta, Thomas B
Lau, Donald I
Laubert, Robert J
Lauer, Ford J
Lauffer, Gerald L
Laulo, Edwin W
Laurinitis, Anthony
Laverty, Leo E
Lawrence, William R
Lawrenson, George C
Lawson, Lucien P
Lay, William P
Lazarowicz, Matthew
Lazzara, John M
Le Blanc, Alex
Le Fevre, William G
Le Roux, Lyle W
Leach, Harry L
Leach, Norman L
Leal, Raymond T
Ledbetter, Lamar E
Ledley, Albert J
Ledogar, Ralph E
Lee, Gareth G
Lee, Roger C
Legge, Henry R
Lehat, Harold
Lehmann, Elroy C "Al"
Leibovitz, Meyer
Leidy, Charles A
Lemanczyk, Alex L
Lemley, Jack A
Lemmon, John V
Lemon, James M Jr
Lenhard, Robert H
Lenson, Harry
Lentz, James H
Lenz, Walter H
Leonard, Joseph F
Leonhirth, Junius
Lepa, Stanislaw
Lesh, Donald O
Lester, Jack L
Lestonga, John W
Levandoski, Edward S
Leve, Franklin
Leverton, John G
Levesque, Joseph
Levett, William F
Levin, Meyer 'Mike'
Levine, Raymond
Levy, Herbert
Lewis, Charles R
Lewis, Harold G
Lewis, William E
Ley, Roman M
Libbee, Dick L
Libert, Irving
Libonati, Michael L Jr
Lifshus, Lawrence J
Lighthall, Herman J
Ligino, Steve
Liles, Ruel J
Lillig, Thomas J
Lindewall, Erick K
Linhart, Louis N
Link, Herbert D
Linn, James B
Linville, Warren N
Lisabeth, Hilaire A
Litherland, James
Litman, Arnold S
Little, Gerald
Littlefield, Robert I
Litton, Rufus C
Litzelfelner, Odus G
Livingston, Acel E
Livingston, Glenn Y Sr
Livingston, Robert F
Lizotte, Robert A
Lloyd, Stanley W
Lobenherz, Ernest
Loeffel, Vincent C
Loessin, Gerhard W Jr
Lofquist, Gordon B
Logan, Frank C
Lojewski, Telesphor
Loken, Roy C
Lombardi, Donato J
Lombardi, Mondo F
Long, John A
Long, Lloyd I
Long, Paul H
Long, Ralph L
Longo, Angelo L
Longoria, Efrain
Lonski, Charlie J
Lopes, Albert P
Lopez, Rudolph S
Lord, Truman R
Lorence, John A
Lorentz, Arthur
Losiewicz, Benjamin
Loughnan, Victor J
Lousteau, David P
Lovelock, Edward N
Lowe, Gareth W
Lowe, Joseph W
Loy, Vernon C
Lucareli, Albert J
Lucey, Jack P
Lucier, Ralph A
Ludeman, Rodney A
Ludlow, Harold K
Luke, George W Jr
Luman, Morton
Lumpkin, Edwin K Jr
Lund, Jerome O "Bud"
Lund, Richard A
Lunde, Frithjof M "Fritz"
Lusk, Don W Jr
Luthur, Robert P
Lutz, John R
Lux, Andrew L
Lyda, Robert E
Lyle, Lewis E (303CO)
Lynam, O B
Lynam, Stanley A
Lynch, Andrew P
Lysell, Harry K

[poem author unknown - US Flag watercolor courtesy of Suzy Pal Flags]
[Grave and individual photos are courtesy of hundreds of family, friends and admirers of the Greatest Generation]