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359th BS Hosts Injured Combat Infantrymen - January 1945
359th BS Operations Officer Major William C. Heller (far left) flew as pilot with his brother
2Lt Emerson E. Heller as copilot for this flight

359th BS Hosts Injured Combat Infantrymen - January 1945
359th BS pilot 1Lt Cecil J. Gates flew as pilot for this flight. The small arrow indicates Rifleman John W. Fleshman,
who was shot in the chest multiple times during the Battle of Aachen, the first battle on German soil.
He was serving with C Company, 1st Battalion, 119th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division.
(photo courtesy of Fleshman's grandson, Vincent Mcalexander II - see colorized version)

- click the images for larger views -

The 359th Squadron was host to twenty-six infantrymen, recovering from wounds and sickness due to enemy action on the European Continent. The men were convalescing at the 303rd Hospital and arrangements were made to have them visit and observe a Bomber Squadron.

With the exception of three men, the group had never been in an airplane. So, the highlight of the day was centered around a flight for one and a half hours. Two Fortresses were scheduled and the group was divided between the two planes. Major William C. Heller, Operations Officer, and 1Lt Cecil J. Gates were the pilots. During the flight, each man was allowed to take over the controls for a minute and, needless to say, the day was a success.

Major Russell D. Seaton, Executive Officer, had a special meal arranged for lunch and supper. Steak headed the menu. He arranged for entertainment, in refreshment form, at the enlisted mens bar, and for a climax, had seats reserved for the theater. Then, transportation was furnished back to the hospital.

Through the early portion of the day, the men were shown a few of the workings necessary to the execution of a mission. While they were still on the base the aircraft returned from Mission # 302 to Ingolstadt, Germany.

[top three photos courtesy of the James E. Wylde family]