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Stalag VII-A Liberation Day, 29 April 1945
- click photo for a larger image -
This Nazi Flag was torn down from top of city hall in Moosburg, Germany and replaced with an American Flag on 29 April 1945. It was signed by over 100 POWs and returned to the United States by the 303rd Bomb Group's Angelo P. Petix. The Petix family donated the flag to the Mighty Eighth AF Museum in Pooler, GA
If you or a family member signed this flag, please contact us.

Message written on the captured flag by Maj. Andrew S. Low, Jr. 453rd Bomb Group
The Men Who Signed the Flag
- click the name to view the signature -
Avery, Eugene E Jr (450 BG)
Baldwin, Guy
Bertanzetti, Arthur P (489 BG)
Blair, Harry W. (447 BG)
Bobel, Walter F (456 BG)
Brlansky, Joseph (461 BG)
Canup, Luther P (371 FG)
Carey, Gerald (340 BG)
Casano, Joseph J (2 BG)
Chandler, Bill
Chesterman, Harold R (168 Rifle)
Coates, Maynard F (463 BG)
Cornell, Harry L (305 BG)
Costello, George B (44 BG)
D'Amario, Paul F. (34 BG)
Davis, Joe C (94 BG)
Davis, Lee E (483 BG)
Deibel, Martin R (459 BG)
Depeder, Angelo J (91 BG)
Dickson, James
Douglas, John R (451 BG)
Dresner, Abraham Joe (92 BG)
Dunham, Kenneth A (135 Inf)
Ecker, John E (384 BG)
Egger, Robert R (384 BG)
Egger, Richard H (384 BG)
Elwell, Richard K. (454 BG)
Fisher, Daniel I (484 BG)
Fisher, George
Gannon, Vincent J (95 BG)
Gorman, Dick (J. Richard) (485 BG)
Hanselman, Elmer C (390 BG)
High, Frederick A
Hogan, Robert S (450 BG)
Holstlaw, Virgil L (10 Inf)
Horn, Edward (344 BG)
Hornak, Edward B
Householder, John (461 BG)
Janeczko, Chester W (448 BG)
Jeanis, Leonce E (459 BG)
Johnston, Vernon H (483 BG)
Kalasky, Pete M (303 BG)
Kalil, Charles (95 BG)
Kaplan, Mike (Murray) (60 Inf)
Kenyon, Adelbert W (450 BG)
Kline, William H (376 BG)
Koltuniak, Stanley M (301 BG)
Kushner, Irwin
Leonard, Edward H (388 BG)
Lloyd, Harold (449 BG)
Lovoi, Joseph W (463 BG)
Low, Andrew S Jr (453 BG)
Lutz, Lester I (10 Inf)
Lynde, Albert E "Buzz" (301 BG)
MacArthur, Alexander (98 BG)
MacDiarmid, Robert A (461 BG)
Mahler, Harold T
Mallan, Jack (180 Inf)
McCracken, Milton R (463 BG)
McDowell, John M (100 BG)
McGhee, Robert M (385 BG)
McGovern, Mickey (485 BG)
Mutton, Francis R (464 BG)
Neary, Robert P (450 BG)
Neely, Charles W (324 BG)
Nessler, Charles A
O'Brien, James E (44 BG)
O'Hara, Jack
Ollie, Evert A (93 BG)
Oswald, Fred W (454 BG)
Palmer, Pete
Parsons, Edward B (7 Photo)
Pearce, Richard G (447 BG)
Petix, Angelo P (303 BG)
Pierce, Lee C (384 BG)
Price, Milton O (487 BG)
Quebedo, Robert P (455 BG)
Sass, Paul L (96 BG)
Schonberger, John R (305 BG)
Schultz, Robert R (96 BG)
Scott, Samuel W (98 BG)
Seman, John J (100 BG)
Sims, Paul E (34 BG)
Smith, Charles A (486 BG)
Stone, Charles E (456 BG)
Swanson, Donald E (94 BG)
Sweeney, Charles R (303 BG)
Swidarski, Stephen (376 BG)
Taverna, Joseph A (450 BG)
Tears, Howard I (483 BG)
Thorp, Ernest N (452 BG)
Vanderveen, Stewart (93 BG)
Vories, Randolph "Red" (451 BG)
Walek, Michael A (409 BG)
Walker, David C (390 BG)
Waller, Robert F (99 BG)
Wiens, Gary (94 BG)
Wilensky, Abraham E (453 BG)
Willoughby, Hobert (Patton's Army)
Woodland, Fred R (390 BG)
Workman, David K (301 BG)
Wyzynski, Joseph J (460 BG)
Additional Photos
Full View of Flag
Top Edge of Flag
"First American Program"
"Saw Gen Patton"
"Goon Rations"
"P-51s Buzz Camp"
"POW's Hit Song"
"Heard of Leaving"
contact made with signee or family
Account of the Liberation of Stalag VII-A POW Camp
at Moosburg, Germany
by Lt. Harold W. Gunn
303rd BG, POW #1613
copyright © Harold W. Gunn
Sunday - April 29, 1945 10:04
The time we have been waiting so long for has finally come. I am trying to record the
events while sitting in rather cramped quarters in our barracks kitchen, the only place
with brick walls. Bullets are flying, the chatter of machine gun fire and spasmodic rifle
reports, punctuated by the heavy explosions of large guns makes a fitting background
for our long anticipated liberation. The “Goons” are making a last stand at our gates.
Rumors are flying as thick as the bullets. Two men have been victims of stray bullets.
The whole camp has been taken in by the rumors. Inadequate causes and long stored
up feelings makes the moment a dramatic one. Low flying Mustangs and Thunderbolts
have been doing their bit to make it a “good show.” Tanks have been sighted on the hill
close by and are believed to be ours. Many “Kriegies” are eating what we hope to be
our last “Kriegie” meal behind barbed wires. A heavy explosion just brought down a
spray of plaster from the ceiling and walls. Air Force officers are receiving a lasting
impression of a ground battle and feeling very much out of place.
I am now crouched in the abort where many Kriegies have taken shelter. The steady
hum of excited conversation reflects the pitch of the moment. We are all nervous, but
our morale is very high. There is no sign of panic. Smiles are worn by all, and in spite
of the apparent danger, we all agree that it is a “good show.” A direct hit in Moosburg,
the nearest town, sent up a cloud of smoke.
The heavy traffic from barracks to abort shows that nature will have her way, even
under these conditions. Even Kriegie burners are going full blast. Food is still an
important item. We are all determined to eat. A Kriegie has tasted hunger and does
not find it to his liking.
I am now standing in the sunshine at the corner of our block. Many are now outside
watching the show. Our camp guards have made us go to the slit trenches . Too many
have been injured. Those in the tents are very vulnerable to flying bullets.
The “Goons” are firing from a visible church steeple in Moosburg, a good reason for
damaged cathedrals that we read so much about in German propaganda. We Kriegies
have been under the German heel too long to be fooled by their propaganda and feel
much sympathy for them at this time.
Most of the fire has been moved south into the town, but this slit trench is still a
comfortable place to be. We jump up occasionally for a quick look, then back into the
trench when close fire increases.
Until additional excitement arises, I will close this erratic account and enjoy the show.
Capt. Daniels was hit in the stomach by a 30 caliber bullet. His injury was slight thanks
to an iron bar on the dispensary window.
The American flag went up over Moosburg at 12:15 and our camp hoisted the same at
13:05 – a truly wonderful sight !!
At 1:45 2 jeeps and a tank rolled into camp, barely recognizable because of the men
clustered upon them. They received a deafening ovation. This account was begun by
P.O.W. 1613, but is being finished by Lt. Harold W. Gunn, U.S.A.A.F
[photos courtesy of the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum, Pooler, GA]
[Liberation account coutesy of the Harold W. Gunn family]