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427th Denison Crew
William A. Denison, Pilot
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(crew assigned 427BS: 13 February 1945 - photo: 01 March 1945)

(Back L-R) 2Lt Charles H. Haynes (CP)(2), 1Lt William A. Denison (P)(1),
F/O John E. Zabelicky (N)(5), Sgt William H. Mack (Tog)(3),
Sgt Harold A. McComb (WG)(4)

(Front L-R) Sgt Clair E. Eckert (E)(*), Cpl Walter D. O'Hearn (TG)(*),
Sgt Roy Conyer, Jr. (BTG)(*), Cpl William P. Kiggens (R)(*)

Crew Comments: Crew assembled at Lincoln Army Air Base, NB with transfer as Crew #9196 to Sioux Falls Army Air Base, approximately 20 October 1945. Departed Sioux City on 13 January 1945 arriving in England on 23 January 1945. Assigned to 427 th BS on 13 February 1945. First mission flown on 27 February 1945 (#325). 30th and last mission on 25 April 1945 (#364)

(*) Flew all of their 30 combat missions with Lt Denison as Pilot.

  1. 2Lt William A. Denison (P) - Flew first of his thirty missions on 27 February 1945 as a CoPilot. Had an experienced Pilot on this indoctrination mission.
  2. 2Lt Charles H. Haynes (CP) - Flew 17 missions with the Denison crew. First mission (#326) 28 February 1945. Last mission (#347) 28 March 1945. Denison Crew then had substitute CoPilots on their remaining 12 missions.
  3. Sgt William Mack (Tog) - Flew 17 combat missions with Denison Crew and three missions with other Pilots. Crew had several substitute Toggliers and had Substitute Bombardiers on five missions.
  4. Sgt Harold A. McComb (WG) - Crew waist gunner position eliminated when crew size was changed from nine to eight men on 31 March 1945 Flew 22 combat missions, five with other Pilots. Flew last seven missions as a Togglier.
  5. F/O John E. Zabelicky (Nav) - Flew 28 combat missions with the Denison Crew. Crew had substitute Navigators on two missions.

[photo courtesy of William A. Denison]
[Researched by 303rdBGA Historian Harry D. Gobrecht]

(photo: 05 March 1945)

[photo courtesy of Mark Forlow]