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(crew assigned 360BS: 19 May 1943 - photo: 16 July 1943)
(Back L-R)
Maj John J. Casello (P),
1Lt Wesley V. Huguenin (CP),
Capt Lawrence E. Effinger (N),
Capt Jack B. Fawcett (B)
(Front L-R)
T/Sgt Anthony Calco (R),
S/Sgt Carlyle A. Frost (LWG-Asst Eng),
S/Sgt Truly S. Ponder (BTG-Asst RO),
S/Sgt Otis T. Stout (TG),
S/Sgt Johnnie E. Gray (RWH-Arm/Gun),
T/Sgt Hugh S. Carnathan (Eng)
[Ranks and Grades at time of last combat mission]

(Front L-R)
Capt Lawrence E. Effinger (N),
Capt Jack B. Fawcett (B),
1Lt Wesley V. Huguenin (CP),
T/Sgt Hugh S. Carnathan (Eng)
(Middle L-R)
Maj John J. Casello (P),
S/Sgt Otis T. Stout (TG),
S/Sgt Truly S. Ponder (BTG-Asst RO)
(Back L-R)
S/Sgt Johnnie E. Gray (RWH-Arm/Gun),
T/Sgt Anthony Calco (R),
S/Sgt Carlyle A. Frost (LWG-Asst Eng)
Combat missions flown by Major John J. Casello (P)
1st Combat Tour (27 dispatched - 25 credited missions - 303rd BG)
37(17 May 1943), 38, 40, 41(A), 42, 43, 45, 47(AS), 48(AS), 49, 51(AS), 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 63, 66,
67(AS), 68(LC), 69, 71(LC), 72(LC), 74(LC), 75(LC), 92(AS)(LC), 98(LC) (11 Jan 1944)
2nd Combat Tour (9 dispatched and credited missions - all as a Lead Crew Pilot - 303rd BG)
211 (24 July 1944), 215, 222, 226, 235, 239, 246, 249, 261 (22 Oct 1944).
Combat missions flown with the 379th BG(H) from Kimbolton (6 known missions)
25 Nov 44, 2 Jan 45, 23 Jan 45, 14 Feb 45, 22 Mar 45, 8 Apr 45
See Combat Missions for 303rd BG(H) mission dates and targets
Crew Notes:
- All 1Lt Casello Crewmen (Except Lt's Effinger & Fawcett) did not fly on mission #37
when 1Lt Casello flew as a Co Pilot with combat Orientation Pilot Lt Joseph E. Trojan and
his crew
Commissioned Officer Crewmen
- Major John J. Casello (P) - 06 Sept 1942 -Graduated from cadets as a 2Lt Pilot
03 May 1943 - Assigned 360th. 16 Aug 1943 - 360th BS Operations Officer.
10 July to 17 Sept 1944 - 360th BS Commanding Officer (Period when LtCol Shayler was
in the USA on leave). 17 Sept 1944 - Renamed 360th BS Operations Officer.
04 Nov 1944 - Transfer to 379th BG(H) at Kimbolton as Group Operations Officer
when Col Lewis E. Lyle became 379th BG(H) Commanding Officer. 4 May 1945 -
Commanding Officer 524th BS/379th BG(H). Promotions: Captain - 20 Aug 1943;
Major - 29 March 1944.
- 1Lt Wesley V. Huguenin (CP) - Flew on 16 credited missions with Capt Casello -
(As CoPilot -38, 40, 41(A), 42, 43, 45, 47(AS), 48(A), 50, 51(AS), 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 63. As Lead
crew Tail Gunner/Observer - 92 & 98. Nine missions with other Pilots: As Co Pilot
(50, 64 & 119); As Lead Crew Tail Gunner/Observer (79, 89, 100, 104, 115, 119).
25 mission combat tour completed on 8 March 1944.
- Capt Lawrence E, Effinger (N) - Flew on 16 credited missions with Capt Casello
(37, 38, 40, 41(A), 42, 43, 45, 47(AS), 48(A), 49, 51(AS), 57, 66, 68, 71, 75 ,92, 98). Nine missions
with other Pilots (50, 58, 59, 60, 63, 64, 67, 79, 83). Promoted to Captain as a Lead Crew
Navigator. 25 mission combat tour completed on 11 Jan 1944.
- Capt Jack B. Fawcett (B) - Flew on 16 credited missions with Capt Casello (37, 38, 40,
41(A), 42, 43, 45, 47(AS), 48(A), 49, 51(AS), 52, 53, 56, 57, 63, 75, 92). Eleven missions with
other Pilots (50, 58, 60, 64, 67, 69, 82, 94, 106, 110, 113, 120). Promoted to Captain as a
Lead Crew Bombardier. 25 mission combat tour completed on 31 Dec 1943.
Enlisted Crewmen - Flew on all of the Capt Casello 1st combat tour missions except
mission #37. 25 mission combat tours completed on 11 January 1944.
Also following missions flown with other Pilots:
- T/Sgt Hugh S. Carnathan (E) - 64, 85, 91
- T/Sgt Anthony Calco (R) - 64
- S/Sgt Truly S. Ponder (BTG) - 64
- S/Sgt Carlyle A. Frost (LWG) - 64, 85, 86 (Stood down on mission #40)
- S/Sgt Johnnie E. Gray (RWG) - 64
- S/Sgt Otis T. Stout (TG) - 64, 88 (Stood down on mission #75 & 92)
Additional Crewmen utilized by the Casello crew:
#45 - S/Sgt Henry G. Schneiderman (Nose Gunner); #48 - Lt Robert W. Cogswell
(Observer); #57 - Maj H.A. Sherer (Observer); #67 - Sgt Morton Luman (Passenger)
#71 - Lt Bernard Rice (TG/Observer); #75 - Lt Theodore M. Jackson (TG/Observer)
[photos courtesy of Jack Fawcett and Michelle Deffinger]
[Researched by Harry D. Gobrecht, Historian Emeritus, 303rd Bomb Group Association]