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359th Cline Crew
William J. Cline, Pilot
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(Cline assigned 359th BS: 15 Sep 1942 - Photo date: 29 May 1943)
(Upgraded from CoPilot, Jack Roller Crew, to Pilot: 22 March 1943)

(Back L-R) S/Sgt Paul C. Lemann (BT), Sgt Joseph Kerr (WG),
S/Sgt Paul P. McGee (R), T/Sgt Arnold S. Doran (E),
S/Sgt Mike C. Milliff (TG), S/Sgt Lloyd L. Jordan (WG)

(Front L-R) 2Lt Thomas E. Mulligan (CP), 1Lt Benjamin B. Street (N),
1Lt LeRoy V. Gordon (B), 1Lt William J. Cline (P), Lt Lehman H. Hahn (Gunnery Officer)

Thirty-two dispatched (25 credited) missions of 1Lt William J. Cline:
As CoPilot: 1Lt Jack Roller (P) - 17 missions (12 credited) - 2 (18 Nov 1942), 3, 5, 7(A), 8(A), 10, 12 (A), 13 (A), 15 (AS), 16 (A), 18 (A), 20, 22, 23, 24, 28 (AS), 31 (17 April 1943); 1Lt Sanford T. Smith (P) - 1 credited mission (17)
As Pilot: 2Lt Thomas E. Mulligan (CP) - 13 missions (13 credited) - 33 (4 May 1943), 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 43A, 44, 45 (26 June 1943); 2Lt Richard L. Kruse (P) - 1 non-credited mission - 38 (A).
For mission dates and targets see the missions list.
(A) Mission aborted (no credit) -- (AS) Abortive Sortie - No bombs dropped (credited)

Crew Note:
1Lt William J. Cline (P) - CoPilot on the 1Lt Jack Roller Crew. Upgraded from CoPilot to Pilot on orders dated 22 March 1943. First mission as a 1st Pilot on 4 May 1943. Twenty-five mission combat tour completed on 22 June 1943.

[photo courtesy of the Arnold S. Doran family.]
[Researched by Historian Harry D. Gobrecht]