This Day in . . .
303rd Bomb Group (H) History

October 21st    

October 21, 1942
303rd BG: Morale at the 303rd BG (H) was very high as the first section of the Air Echelon arrived. Six new 359BS B-17Fs and crews arrived today: Yehudi (Saunders), Lady Fairweather (Reddig), Green Hornet (Sanderson), Knockout Droopper (Roller), The ?8' Ball (Calhoun), and Idaho Potato Peeler (Bales).

October 21, 1942
8th AF: Mission 15: 107 bombers are dispatched to hit submarine bases and an airfield in France; 3 bombers are lost: 1. 66 B-7s and 24 B-24s are dispatched to hit the U-boat pens at Lorient/Keroman; clouds prevent all but 15 B-17s from bombing from 17,500 feet (5,334 m), 5,000 to 10,000 feet (1,524 to 3,048 m) lower than usual; 36 Fw 190s intercept and shoot down 3 B-17s. 2. 8 of 17 B-17s hit Cherbourg Airfield; they claim 10-4-3 aircraft without loss.

8th AF history extracted from Jack McKillop's USAAF Combat Chronology

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