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303rd Bomb Group (H) History

October 20th    

October 20, 1943
303rd BG (H) Combat Mission No. 79
Target: Center of City, Duren, Germany
Crews Dispatched: 19
Crews Lost: Lt. Hartigan, 11 crewmen; Lt. Hendry, 10 crewmen
Length of Mission: 5 hours, 15 minutes
Bomb Load: 10 x 500 lb G.P. bombs
Bombing Altitude: 26,700 ft
Enemy Aircraft Claims: 2 Destroyed, 3 Probable
View Mission Report

October 20, 1943
STRATEGIC OPERATIONS 8th AF: VIII Bomber Command Mission 116. The industrial area at Duren, Germany is the primary target. 97 of 170 B-17's hit the primary target at 1413-1416 bombing from 30,000-feet (48,000 m) because the cloud tops were at 29,500-feet (47,200 m); the 1st Bombardment Division uses Oboe PFF for the first time but the equipment fails and 60 aircraft return to base without bombing; 42 of the 1st Bombardment Division's aircraft hit Woensdrecht Airfield in the Netherlands as a target of opportunity; and 70 B-24's fly a diversion; the totals are 4-1-1 Luftwaffe aircraft claimed; 9 B-17's lost, 1 damaged beyond repair and 10 damaged; casualties are 4 KIA (including 3 gunners who died from oxygen system failure), 2 WIA and 85 MIA. VIII Bomber Command Mission 117: During the night of 20/21 Oct, 5 B-17's drop 876,960 leaflets over Roen and Paris at 2211-2217 hours. HQ 358th Fighter Group and its 365th, 366th and 367th Fighter Squadrons arrive at Goxhill, England from the US.

8th AF history extracted from Jack McKillop's USAAF Combat Chronology

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